OPTIONAL graphic updates

Your option idea has never worked correctly.
Which imo opinion blizzard has stopped development of the idea in bfa and removed it completely

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How is this not convincing ?


They already changed graphics , we just want more optional changes .

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I had no idea that the demo already had some improvements. That alone will make several people in this thread thrash about uncontrollably.

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So then blizzard should also add client side only transmog right? How far you want to travel down that rabbit hole?


Their reasoning behind loot trading was to reduce tickets. If you havent noticed lately with all the lay offs blizzard hates customer service.

Not once have they said they were incorporating anything cross server

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Exactly… See a perfect example of a retail-baby.


omg dont even say anything anymore


We expect them to be logical and sane about it during their consideration process. Just like the rest of us adults are capable of doing.


The demo did not have a model option. It had slightly different shadows (hardly noticeable), and more vegetation on the ground. And a new water effect option (which hopefully gets removed). Who knows how much of that will remain. The textures, animations, models, weapons, armor, landscape, structures were all authentic Vanilla.


I won’t if you won’t. :blush:


In the starting areas there will be less people so everybody can do quests

There is a part of me, even though I am 41 now, that still wants to make horrible college-esq jokes.

So, if they do not want to make any changes, I hope they still have 4x3 ratio monitors cause that is how the original WoW played, not on 16x9 ratio.

This is an example of graphical versus gameplay. If you truly want no graphics change, they would need to disable the higher ratios and display resolutions.

What we have now was not possible back then.

As you probably are thinking at me saying that is, “that is really stupid”. And it is.

Making something like using new models versus old an option is different versus making it mandatory. I prefer the old ones in many things.

NE caster form, I prefer the old. Bear form with all its drooling, I prefer the old. Cat form, I prefer the new, even if the white hair version looks like a pink cat wrapped in a condom. As I said, college humor.

Choice is different from mandatory. Gameplay should be mandatory. Graphics that do not change gameplay can be a choice.


Adults can think a situation through to it’s logical conclusion, something you are clearly not capable of doing.

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That isnt cross server it is sharding.
2 completely different things.

whatever you got my point

The different models being cut down to only one was because of new abilities not working on the old models. They decided to add the new animations to the new models only. So they removed the option because of that.

In Classic, there are only the old abilities. No conflict.


The person you quoted also neglected to mention that blizzard stated that the demo was in no way indicative of the final product and just what they slapped together for blizzcon


No. I’ve had the argument before. Basically I think players should be able to design textures for everything in game, and Blizzard should decide which ones fit with their image of what Warcraft should be. Like someone might make an awesome Orc design, but she made them blue. Blizzard could reject it from being available for use in game cause they don’t want blue orcs. Other reasons to reject is maybe the texture is too high res and will likely cause players to lag and not enjoy their own game.

It’s a complicated system, but it’s a huge access to free labor to future proof the game. The customers that said WoW looked too cartoony in 2003 and didn’t end up playing ever weren’t bad people. And if players are saying the same thing today or similar and thus not buying the product, then measures should be taken to draw them in.

So since this is a flat out lie do you have any other logical fallacies you would like to present?

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