OPTIONAL graphic updates


own advice, take.

I would rather them ask for a character model toggle over some of the other stuff they want like

Linked rewards
Permanent sharding
balance changes
Among others

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“I’m going to disregard the ENTIRE conversation so I can put this guy in his place.”


Isn’t that what you tried to do by announcing that you reported him? Lol.

I was specifically replying to this when I called him a troll.

The fact that you think I was trying to put him in his place means you weren’t reading my post.

What does that have to do with anything? Why can’t you just report him without announcing it? I read a blue post somewhat recently that pretty much stated they really don’t like it when people try to toss the “Reported.” jab at players.

I called him out on trolling.

There’s an option to report for trolling, so If the forum mods wants to punish me for stating my intentions, then that’s on them.

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I’d be extremely surprised if updated graphics were not apart of classic. Either in the game as a toggle option or as an addon.

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No, because I don’t want to play with people that think the character models are cool, because these are the same people that destroyed the Warcaft universe to begin with. Vanilla WoW (and I would even say BC), let alone the RTS Warcraft games were never about ‘anime’ crap or had a ‘Disney-style’ overtone about it, retail is and I think the majority of us Classic players want that crap out of the game. One of the main reasons to why I LEFT retail in the first place was due to the fact of it becoming a kid’s game. That’s what the new style and animations are all about, to attract the YOUNGER players and more sensitive people (which are usually the most toxic). Keep them out of Classic please. Not to mention, I don’t want my character to be viewed as some cheesy-looking toon that looks like he enjoys getting pitched, instead of pitching… If you know what I mean. For example, compare the old Orc toons with the new models… The new model Orcs look ‘cute and cuddly’ where as the old Orc toons look a bit scary, beastly, and warrior-like. I don’t want to look ‘cute and cuddly’ I’m a grown man in real life, not some kid or weird adult (that is maybe a pedo on top of that). Don’t get me wrong though, I’m all for new graphics, but just not the character models…

arguments against new model toggle (so far):

  1. wasn’t in vanilla.
  1. low res environment/gear with high res model, looks weird
  1. only one animation set available for any given model, so either we all have to use the updated model animations or the vanilla model animations. we cant toggle between animations, in other words.
  1. shared common environment

I’m not denying the fact that the new models look a lot crispier and smoother, but they also look a lot more ‘disney’ too. Like more cheesier… Something a kid would find more appealing. I don’t like it, and I know there’s many of us original Vanilla players that feel the same way. Keep it out Blizzard. We left retail WoW for the looks as well, not just for the gameplay…

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i watched a video of a vanilla player playing legion for the first time. his biggest praises were the melee animations were more satisfying and he loved demon hunter quest line. i will admit, many of the casting animations are better. for example, priest animations

but then some of the run animations are weird.

Two is subjective, three is false.

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3 is not false. this is exactly what they told retail players, when the toggle was available on retail. when asked why the vanilla skins in the toggle didnt retain vanilla animations, they said only one set of animations per skeleton, so vanilla skins were stretched over updated model skeletons.

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The new Night Elf models look HORRIBLE and the female Night Elf looks like she has a mild form of DOWN SYNDROME, and the male Night Elf doesn’t even really look like he belongs in the original Warcraft universe, but some alternate one? Have you ever played the RTS Warcraft games (Pre-WoW)? I grew up on Warcraft 3, I started on Warcraft 2, and I was there playing Vanilla when it first came out. I grew up on Warcraft, and back then, even though it was a ‘cartoony’ game, it was still more appealing to the adult crowd than retail WoW is… It was more dark, had more soul to the game, more creativity… Retail WoW lacks a lot of the qualities that Warcraft once had. Passion is no longer a factor for Blizzard it seems, but MONEY. To attract the toxic people, like anime fans, SJW turds, and children… There’s no magic to the game, like there use to be. Compare the old Orc models to the new ones, the new character models for Orcs look like they belong in a damn Disney movie. Like I said, I’m not denying the fact that the new character models are smoother and more detailed, but that’s not what I’m complaining about… I’m complaining about the STYLE of the new models… It’s more aimed at the kid crowd… Not the adult crowd. Then again, Warcraft was never really about the adult crowd to begin with (maybe), but I do know one thing for certain… It was a hell of a lot cheesier back then, than it is now. Arthas in Warcraft 3 reforge looking like a damn femboi, I rest my case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICMpPrg77g0&t=1s <-------- WTF??? Lol.

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was playing classic on private servers with new models and it felt ok actually

Idk i love ne models

yeah that isn’t my argument. i was just building a list of reasons people have given, i put mine in last place (shared common experience)

arthas is gorgeous. :heart_eyes: the idea being that he was a beautiful mess.

if you love the new character models, that’s fine… Then Classic is more than likely not for you (stick with retail or perhaps Final Fantasy Online?). Vanilla WoW never had that fruity / disney style to the game. And now retail players are wanting to bring it in and mess up for those of us that want to keep it as pure as possible… Like I mentioned before and the last time I’ll say this, Warcraft (RTS games) and Vanilla are almost entirely different games and some would say entirely. Each one attracts different mindsets… Classic people don’t see eye to eye with retail players. I would say the majority of us anyways… We can’t get along. :slight_smile: Some people are into Lord of the Rings, some Harry Potter… I think Harry Potter is fruity and cheesy as hell, but I like Lord of the Rings… Someone that likes Harry Potter is more than likely not going to share the same likes and dislikes as I do. Retail (is Harry Potter) and Vanilla (Is Lord of the Rings). Or I guess one can say Vanilla is George Lucas Star Wars, retail is Disney and Disney effed up Star Wars beyond repair. Probably like Activision doing the same to Blizzard.

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Give a source for your claim, because I can prove this statement wrong, quite easily.

This item was put into the game for the WoTLK pre-launch event. The NPC it summons now uses the new character model:

Here’s that NPC casting Hearthstone with Divine Shield:

New animation for reference:

Glyphs also change spell animations.