Option to pay for flying

So you whine that “we pay 49$” but at the same time you want blizzard to give you flying for 25 to 30 extra dollars? Boy I’ve read dumb things in my life but this just won all the prices for the dumbest thing I’ve read.

Pathfinder is a fine concept, it’s just badly implemented by having us grind reps and having us wait months to unlock it, it should be all about discovering the zones, not grinding rep with unrelated folk (like magni or tortollas in bfa’s case).

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Do you like ice cream? What flavor ice cream? Any toppings?

Chances are if you ask anyone on this planet you will get billions of different answers.

Do people need ice cream? No… Do you need warcraft? No

Guess what if you tell a person that absolutely LOVES caramel that you refuse to let them have any until they do a backflip at the cash register THEY WILL STOP COMING TO YOUR STORE.

Simple as that.

Yeah, lets start that march down P2W service and end total end of the game. Hey way raid, let us buy the best gear in the game from the cash shop as well!

Dont give these clowns more micro transaction ideas, please.
But we SHOULD have options for a stinking mode of travel…especially once its old content.

I hated the idea a year ago.
Now Im counting the seconds until this game goes F2P
Not for any good reason, however.
I know where it will lead and I think this company deserves what happens to it after putting investors before loyal players

Yup! It’s Sunday! :slight_smile:

Yes it was. By about $10.

Man, those days are long gone :sob:

some people don like pathfinder… and that’s fine
and being able to bu flyimg don’t make it p2w

No it wouldn’t make it P2W it’s just a horrible idea.

What they give you in return is access to the servers and a chance to play the game.

WoW is an MMORPG. That means the main purpose of playing is to immerse yourself in the world and interact with the other players while progressing your character through quests, dungeons, etc. It’s not about just handing you stuff.

I’d still like to see the pathfinder for those that don’t want to pay gold and want the achievement and the ability to pay gold for those that don’t want that stuff. Pathfinder = account wide flying and gold = character only flying.

Only area I need the option to pay gold is stupid WoD. Only area I don’t have flying and I don’t expect I ever will because I don’t want to grind the rep required.

I believe they should drop the requirements to just completing the story for anything 2 xpacs old and beyond. having to spend 5k to get to garrison lvl 3 to unlock tanaan and then get the reps is a little overkill now. I am lucky I went back and got draenor pathfinding during legion and I already had that stuff unlocked.

A buddy of mine came back to wow hadent played since MoP and not being able to utilize flying to try to get caught up has been his biggest frustration, then when I start going through what he would have to do it is just ridiculous.

let people do the story quests for each zone once and then let them have flying.

I have done all the pathfinders the hard way and I see no reason not to significantly lower the reqs for previous expansions

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I can fly everywhere, because I played the game. Perhaps you only PvP, so have done no quests, but then why would you even need flight since organized PvP is instance.

There are repercussions for every decision, including not playing for a while. What you’re stating is to give catch up’s to players that quit.

Or you could just get Pathfinder


ultimately blizzard wants people to come back. I am just not one of those idiots who screams I did it when it was hard so everyone should. if you did something when the content was current relevant then it wasn’t hard it was the game (since most of the objectives get done on their own by leveling and in WoDs case tanaan was easy when we had nothing else to do for 8 months).

If they stuck to their guns and had us stay grounded they would’ve lost even more subs then how many did cancel at the time they tried to ground us.

It is still the players base fault that we have pathfinder rather then flight all the time for giving in to Blizzards compromise. Which shows they still won the flight battle by forcing us to stay grounded till they allow us to fly.

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I farmed for 2 months in vanilla for my 5k gold epic mount but I dont have a problem with it costing like 500g now

I did all the raid keys quest chains for vanilla and BC but I dont care if people can now just zone into them

I paid how ever many thousands of gold to build my garrison to max on mutiple characters but I dont believe it should cost anything now. also as far as garrisons are concerned I was able to make millions of gold from them that new players cant do so that was my reward for doing it when it was current, same could be said for legion.

I have all the pathfinder achievements and they allowed me to have flying when the content was current which was way more of an advantage then just being able to quest through an irrelevant zone quicker.

if new players had to do all the story quests the first time, that should be enough “work” to allow their next time through the zone to go quicker, the reps and unlockable filler zones should not be necessary

Or just don’t pay for the game, at all, no money spent in the online store, no race changes, no money at all. That was my choice.

^That is the fairest option, but ActiBlizz won’t implement it because it would mess up their time-played metric.

Semper Fi! :us:

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