Option to pay for flying

why should we pay 49$?
when blizzard gives us nothing in retrun
ni flying dreanor option
no flying in legion
how about a gold option?
ore a cash option like 25$ dreanr 30$ legion
our people that want can do pathifinder
its called given us a choice and maby subs will stop falling .with all respects due we pay for the game we derseve some choices


As paying customers, we do deserve choices.

However, with flying, Blizzard says do pathfinder or stay grounded.

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Paying real money for Draenor pathfinder is literally the most cancerous idea I’ve ever heard. What kind of solution is this? Would you get a flamethrower to put out a house fire? A better solution would be to just get rid of the pathfinder requirement for old expansions or give a gold option. Leave in Pathfinder as an achievement for the mount.


inb4 the overuse of word “entitlement” “entitled” “whining” “game already too easy” etc etc…

it’s obvious it’s to retain YOU and get more money from YOU by making you grind for it

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aand that is 100% wrong on their part
if they us to pay high end prices like for bfa then us something in retrun

But we ARE entitled players. Blizzard obviously knows what’s better for us, the consumers.

that’s why subs are droping like mad left and right

:man_shrugging: it’s what it’s… I used to play until some months ago and stop having fun, when a game is no longer fun for me I just drop it… flying wasnt a big deal for me but I can understand others that dislike not having flying as option.

well I don’t want say to much cause blizzard drop the chat ban on me

You get game in return.

Flying is cool but I’m still not convinced it has anything to do with falling subs. Maybe my opinion will change once I no longer have to spam steady shot for focus anymore, so I’ll keep you posted.


I just gotta wonder what’s the deal with the players that find flying a deal breaker, might I interest you flight simulator or any of the 1-90 zones where you can still fly? The game is so much more than flying. Flying is just a PvE overworld reward for people who (and this is important) play in the PvE overworld


Whose house? These details matter. :rofl:


its called a choice
you want my money? give me something in retrun

Read what the expansion actually includes for the price.

I bought it for Allied Races, personally.

If it’s not worth it to you (Warlords wasn’t, for me) wait til it’s included in your subscription and save your money.

There’s your choice.

What’s hard about that? It’s how deciding what to buy works.

Ye but it’s dumb concept, we flew through every zone in world, we come to Kul’tiras, they make us wait 9 months and ask us to get good reputation with every single faction, even Tortollans and Magni, who has nothing to do with Kul’tiras, but hey, you gotta be good with Magni if you wanna fly in Kul’tiras, if you want that flying license.

I miss the days when blizzard kept people subbed by making the game engaging and enjoyable :frowning:


Know the saying fight fire with fire.

I’m having deja vu with this topic…


if buying ur product then you should give some choices… after a iam one paying you… iam paying your pay check my options should be creditable

You don’t get how this works.

Our options as customers is to buy what they are offering or to take our business elsewhere.

Their obligation is not to us, the consumers, but to the shareholders. That is who can call them on the carpet for not producing an adequate product.

Now, it’s a good idea to make a good product, to convince consumers to buy that rather than whatever the competitor is selling. But that’s as far as that goes.

They don’t work for us. They work for their shareholders/investors.