Option to pay for flying

You have a choice: play the game to earn the thing, or don’t earn the thing. That’s how real games work. They give you an objective, tell you how to achieve it, then you do it. This mindset of wanting an “option” to pay your way to success is a plague on the modern games industry.

BfA isn’t any more expensive than previous expansions.

It’s called… Sylvanas and her plot armor.

Drop her and factions. Subs go up. Crazy I know.

So yesterday it was not paying 49 for bfa and today it is a flight complaint? Aren’t we a little ray of sunshine this week.

If you do not have BFA, there is pretty much NO reason not to be able. To flynin the Broken Shores. None.

Like a 110 boost which sells for $60 on the shop? Or all the new content you otherwise have no access to? Or do you want MORE?

who said flying in bfa?
I want in dreanor our legion
asking for something in old xpacs is not unreseaonble

I can fly in legion.

Still can’t fly in draenor tho, that one kinda does suck lol

You mean like 110 boost and access to the new expansion which includes:

6 new zones
4 new races
3 new raids (so far)
New story
New features
New dungeons
New achievements
New mounts

But since flying wasn’t day one, the expansion is pointless with no content right? Typical sunday troll…

Yeah trolling typically gets you the ban hammer, even if it is Sunday.


yes, might have seen this once or twice before :rofl:

a troll cause I ask for old old xpac option?
lol glad iam nice our say what can do with troll remark

Man, I do sort of love just how many threads there are complaining about not having flying in relatively small zones … and having many people making those same comments stating they cannot wait for Vanilla (where they will get to walk everywhere; and get to spam tradechat for 40 minutes looking for Dungeon groups, only to have someone drop halfway through the run and for that process to start all over again; etc…).


Just save up your Timewalking currency and wait for Draenor Timewalking to buy the rep tokens. That will make it a lot easier for people to get the rep for WoD flying.

I don’t mind the pathfinder requirements myself. It’s pretty trivial to do when it’s current content and can be achieved from just playing the game. Going back and doing older content can be a drag, though. But like I said, Timewalking will be a godsend.

We don’t. What do you mean by this sentence?

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How about playing the game to get the rewards that the game offers? My main character has most of the pathfinder just from doing the quests, so you do get it from just playing the game, and it’s for every single character that’s on the account. This is a lot better than paying gold on each character that wants to fly.

If a gold option does return, it wan’t be the paltry 5,000 gold simply because of the rampant inflation in gold. Blizzard has put multiple million gold mounts out to clear some of this gold, so it stands to reason that a gold option would most likely be in the multiple millions of gold too.

The OP fails to understand that the ToS guarantees access to the servers, and that’s it. They also don’t realize that they’re playing the very game that Blizzard made, so something was given.

They alluding that flight should be included, or the expansion shouldn’t be purchased, since its $49, I think.

Level 37’s can’t fly , so why would you want this?

Well that’s just silly.

And you are free to unlock it just like everyone else. If you choose not to then you stay grounded. See you have choices.


Well, at least you posted on the right day.

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I would not mind a gold option being added for flight in non-current zones where the only option is Pathfinder (so right now, that would be WoD and Legion zones) if it was per character. They are not current content so it would affect little, and it would still make Pathfinder valuable (as it would remove the gold sink for your future alts).