Opinions on Alleria Windrunner new Key Art

Why would she have that hairstyle then if she won’t look like that in the game later? All the other characters will probably look like they are currently portrayed. As far as I know, that has always been the case up to now.

She had a braid in her hair in the teaser video, but it wasn’t braided against her head, it was just long flowing. As an aside, a variation of the hairstyle in that concept art is already available in game and has been for quite a long time - night elf females have it as “Sombra.”

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Did Thrall get anything special yet?

my thoughts. its complete garbage that looks blizzard someone from fiver or some void loving deviantart to draw it. more likely ai generated piece of trash that they just fed a few keywords and it spat out the art. if they make this allerias in game look im quitting. forever. her green and gold garb has been her iconic look and it should remain that way. also her hair look like some edgy 2005 garbage hairdo. wouldve commented earlier but i was on vacation. us wc2 alleria fans deserve better than this trash.

her hair is noticably shorter than usual.


I don’t think so.

Farewell then I guess?

So alliance bias continues.

It seeme unlikely that they would diverge all that much from the way she looks in the trailer they already made from their next release. But if you do quit, can I have your teeth? I have dredger friends in Revendreth that are always asking

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NGL, just saw this and this is feeling a lot less about combating “exaggerated female designs” and more like the Art Team just straight up hates women.

That Alleria design looks almost exactly like someone took a screenshot of a male blood/void elf, ran it through an AI filter a couple of times, then photoshopped a feminine head onto it.

Like seriously, log into Wrath Classic and go to the character creation for a male blood elf. It’s the same exact stance and proportions.


I think she looks like she escaped from FF14.