Opinions about war within alpha so far

Your early thoughts about the war within from watching videos or reading articles from WoWhead or other more reliable sources of video game news sources?

Playable Harronir please. Anything in baby form can look cute except Neurbians.

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Frostfire mage and Sunfury mage look FRIGGIN AMAAAAAAAZIIIIIIINNNNNG.

Nathan Explosion intensifies


Transmogs: Fire.
Flameshaper Devastation: Engulf is going to make people rage hard when they get exploded in two GCDs if its scaling is the same as what I think it will be.

The little that ive seen so far looks great. That first zone is beautiful. The earthen and their culture looks absolutely charming and lovely. Their customisations are spectacular. Best version of dwarves we’ve ever had. And some spectacular armor sets so far.

Feeling good!


What I’ve seen so far looks promising. The fact that people are losing their minds over smaller dumb things is actually an excellent sign.

Echoing the same sentiment.

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Join me pls.

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Too much hype.

Need to see more substance but it is only alpha.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I want all the info on the earthen.
All of it

Too soon to tell.

they need to add this to them:


Main city hub looks cool, and is nice and open, I think I’ll enjoy hanging out there when I’m bored.
Some mounts and pets are already on my list of must haves as soon as possible. Some transmogs look cool to me and I hope I can get them.
Can’t wait to fly some older mounts with dynamic flying.
As per usual, the scenery looks cool to me, of what I’ve seen so far.
Really looking forward to the warband transmog changes, ready to go dungeon/raid running for things I never got when running alts that I kept getting on the wrong armor wearer.

That’s about it thus far…not super excited, but always a little excited for a new expansion.

Like i wrote in another thread w/additional thoughts (extra deep :O):

I think from what I’m seeing the story is nowhere near some revolutionary improvement. It’s the same questing as always. The dungeons are the same dungeons as always nothings really changed they still tell the same stories they always tell or close out the zone stories they’re in. And hero talents are mostly just passive proc stuff like we got from Azerite Gear. The zones are also more of the same with slight tech and visual upgrades in the least, but I was hoping for the world feeling more massive and appealing and less linear in design for exploration and questing types like myself (take advantage of the vericality and all the space in that 3d environment imo).

I think there’s room to make WoW feel less linear and appeal to open world exploration focused gamers to give it a kind of fresh new feeling. Not everyone cares about level>raid/M+>get gear>open loot box>repeat. Imo take more risks in design!

Nothing about TWW is mind blowing, next gen, a step up, or anything out of the usual expansion content.

Also the fact they’re keeping the terrible crafting system says a lot to me.

Metzen knows how to sell something but nothing I’m seeing here lives up to all the marketing hype at all. I’ll still play it of course cause it has chill casual content. I can see where they ‘might’ be going with the private instance tech and if right that’ll be cool to see story wise for side stories, class stories, and stuff independent of the main story.

You can do a LOT more design wise in a single player environment or small group one then you can in an mmo world. I think SWTOR KoTET did a lot of cool things for instance, but the downside is it pulls you out of the world sometimes too much. Regardless I was hoping for more of this type of campaign with higher quality, perhaps this is a thing for TWW but we haven’t seen it yet.

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My opinion, like the expansion’s content, is subject to change.

Disappointment that some classes/specs still don’t have their Hero talents. Yet again they wasted time previewing a few over and over instead of working on every class so they could present them to players when testing begins.
Yea, everything looks pretty – art team never fails. Too bad can’t say the same for any other team.

Nothing shocking in the first impressions so far. It looks like a WoW expansion to me, with all the ongoing evolution I would expect.

I hear a lot of reassuring things being said in the interviews that feel quite targeted, so it looks like I may encounter a smoother experience than perhaps I’ve been used to while figuring out how I fit into a new expansion :slight_smile:


I don’t think that M+ pool is a smaller dumb thing.

Nobody thinks the little dumb things they are upset about are little dumb things, or they wouldn’t be upset.