Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

You do you, personally I don’t find it any -ism. If someone said all old white women are bad because of xyz, I wouldn’t feel the need to be offended unless I knew I did xyz.

I didn’t even know that Madeline Roux had an actual character in the game. People got mad when she said mean things about orange man.

I’d believe it simply because that phrase “Old White Men” has an internet meaning

A politician or other wealthy person with influence. Called such because the vast majority of politicians and powerful people in the USA are old, white men.

When I hear/read that I don’t think “race” I think “this is another person complaining about people in power”. Though it’s not a phrase I would use because it’s an “internet phrase” and people may take the word differently. Just like people think the word “ignorant” is a “bad” word when it simply means you aren’t knowledgeable in a topic.

I don’t know why you would want to even label this? What difference does it make if I consider swearing at someone to be bad behavior or not? I know what blizzard considers bad behavior for the most and that is all that matters really since I just report on that basis and then forget about it.

Yeah, it’s in the Necro class hall. I have seen a few people on her claim that “everyone” spits on it when they see it, but I’ve never seen it personally (the spitting, not the npc).

The “title” in game is Conflict Essayist which tbh, amuses me.

I am considering that you opened this argument by openly claiming that I had a divisive agenda. I will also state again, there is no win or lose as to point by point dissection of comments made.

We are carrying a reasonable conversation without toxicity. That to me is the first step to understanding.

I legit never heard of her, and would have never even know who she was

Luckily insecure people had to rage on the forums and I learned

I can’t outright disagree with this statement. But are we seriously going to ignore what is going on culturally right now?

I am a man, I have little interest in the argument laid out, or the conclusion of today. I know it may seem callous, but I have more to worry about then laws that do not affect me in 2022.

The GOPs war on women and lgtbq+ people?

Yea its pretty concerning, we shouldnt ignore it

You seem to contradict yourself there. First you seem to be saying we should not ignore what’s going on culturally then you say you couldn’t care less about anything that doesn’t impact you personally.

Which is it?

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Nat, are you a libertarian by any chance?

I only know of her because of this forum.

After the tweets were posted I went and dug a bit and can’t say that I really blame her for popping off.

I just look at it as, if I know I am not any of the bad things someone say then either a) There is probably some context that shows why they hit their limit or b) They are an idiot. The only way I could ever see myself getting defensive is if I knew deep down I was those things. People telling on themselves, imho.

Like I’m not gunna say what she said was a great choice of words or anything

But she was getting targeted harassment by 1 specific group of people, and pretty clearly meant them

Right, I am not defending what she said, it was wrong, but at the time I get someone losing their poop after months and months of being attacked.

Exactly what I meant. If you know you aren’t that, why are you mad? They are super mad though so all I can guess is that it hit home.

These days it is whatever the person who is accusing you of bad behavior feels is bad behavior, because hurt feelings are the worst wounds imaginable apparently.

That’s a fair assessment as it would cover anyone with any beliefs.

I disagree. My take on this comment is that you wish to start a debate that will only devolve. Pass.


That explains everything. Stay away from kids please.


Its like I’m a psychic or something

I have 4 of my own, 1 who is now an adult. I was lucky enough to not have to put up with the degradation of my family through the liberal hate machine.

I want nothing to do with kids you may or may not have. Lord knows how they will turn out. Spoiler alert, not good.