Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

I will start with an example.

Months ago, we were all witness to Blizzard removing real world references, and things people find offensive from their game. To keep your thread from being 404’ed or my post to disappear, I will have to vague now. There is a singular character who was placed in the game for Shadowlands, that to my knowledge still exists in the game. This character, and the person whom the character represents is a disgusting and reprehensible human being. Literally on a level of evil which rarely infiltrates video games, but is becoming more and more common.

The designation of who has to stand for what is the onus being placed on people from the side to which claims to have the moral authority to label. They label themselves, and they label others without their consent. This is not the way people behave who are classic liberals, centrist, or right leaning. This only leaves one other group. That group is the most vile group of people that has existed in this country ever, and in the world for the last 50 years.

Yet, because they claimed the moral high ground without anyone disagreeing when it mattered, they have now infected society, and in turn World of Warcraft, with such an unrelenting fervor that it will be very difficult to beat back their evil indoctrination.

Not everyone is allowed to be part of the “we” anymore.

Who gets to determine whether or not the 5 players that left were worthy of being there in the first place? How dare I ask that question, right?

Not as much as we feel the outcome from the destruction of civil discourse between human beings. It is the bedrock and foundation of civil society. These people I speak of do not care, and wish to erode this by any means possible.


Can someone explain this in plain English, I’m curious what all that means ???

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Not at all, I wouldn’t have accepted the friend request if I thought you were bad. :wink:

I am actually an independent. I love, and hate, everyone equally. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously though, I don’t think I have ever voted straight for either party… I pick and choose based on what I have seen, or heard from/about that individual.

Truthfully, I think all politicians are “bad” in one way or another… I don’t think anyone “good” could ever win (assuming they would run). Goodness just doesn’t sell tickets, so to speak.

An author working for Warcraft basically said old white men suck after months of targeted harassment against her and people got bigmad.

Legit 0 clue

I guess ISIS or something infiltrated wow?

Maybe theres a Putin NPC somewhere?

You are making the very point I am trying to understand. We are having CIVIL DISCOURSE here, now. We have disagreements, yes. The prevailing conversation continues without rancor.

I made that very observation and shared with one of the posters here in this thread. It was said that he had a thick skin and could dish it as well as he took it. The fact that he made his comments without being discordant or contrary (and no expletives) made me laugh and compelled me to point it out.

Exactly. And being a responsible person who chooses based on their own understanding and beliefs is testament to your need for responsibility and/or accountability. You chose, now live with the outcome. On that note, who can decrypt the descriptions of everything we vote on, as delivered in our “voter’s guide”? :crazy_face: :boom: :melting_face:

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I behave in a respectful manner (0) because I don’t want to give people a reason to behave in a disrespectful manner.

because I don’t want to give people a reason

However if they behave in an uncivilized manner anyways (5) I will see myself as in the right for addressing their (5) with an (11) response :smiling_imp:

20 years ago the internet was the wild west of foul behavior :laughing: There are things you could say back in the day and get away with it that you really can’t now so in my eyes the internet is a nicer place now. Easy example: Retarded, call someone retarded and expect to be mobbed :laughing: Autistic too, telling people to kill themselves doesn’t fly either. So it’s easy for someone to cross into “BAD”.

You can’t though, there’s just other stuff people CAN say and get away with but you can’t say “whatever you want” with impunity.

I am the same way… I always say I won’t start a fight, but I will damn well finish it.

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Wait thats what they meant?

Not anything connected to NPCs named after people involved in the lawsuits or anything else?

The author said the white people line, and that makes them the evilest person to exist in 50 years?

True… some of it is an incomprehensible crap shoot. Lol.

I could be wrong, but the terminology used in the post is generally what I have seen in other posts about her.

Both parties right now are dominated by people who have no love for diversity of thought. On the Democrat’s side the old FDR New Deal Keynesians are still alive and kicking but they are restricted by the left wing progressives.

As for the GOP, the moderates are all but dead. It’s now the party of the hard core right wing. Notice how women were just reduced to second class citizens.

They gotta mean something else

Cuz you would have to live one hell of a sheltered life with 0 struggles to have her be the evilest thing to ever exist in your mind

Like would be pathetic lol

Agreed. Unfortunately a 3rd party (or even a reasonable R/D ) has about a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

Shock sells.

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You must not be ready all the comments.

Racism, but Blizzard approved. And it was worse then “they suck”.

Not what I said. The comment about the racist that Blizzard approves of had nothing to do with this quote.

The original comment was about the entire group of them.

It is part and parcel here, to have quotes taken out of context. Its the only way they can argue their point.


Pathetic it is. :slight_smile:

Also, I was right.

For centuries people have been taught to do this, but rarely taught why. So…

because they don’t understand cooperation, they understand control. So they exercise control in order for you to…

Which leaves you to…

So you will comply next time.

Go back to the golden rule: Understand why it is the correct idea. “Evil” is when someone treats you differently than they would choose to be treated. From small evils like they will go to the kitchen and not get something for you, when they ask this task of you, to large ones like theft and murder. Apply that golden rule, if they do not follow it, do not feel guilt. If they are upset at you mirroring their behavior and unwilling to adjust their own, you are not at fault.

There have actually been computer models on this. The best results came when you allow people an “evil” with the golden rule, but only one. And conversely, if they make an “evil” and recognize it, it is up to them to fix it before making another. This turns the “evil” into a “mistake.” Further “evils” without a correction is no longer a “mistake” and is exploitation. How many times this happens is how severe that exploitation is.

Obviously keeping track of such things in the real world is difficult if not impossible, but this should give you an idea when to not accept another’s hostility or recognize when it may be legitimate.

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Being a straight white male tends to be considered bad behavior, in my experience.


Lmao cringe

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Basically what ever we grew up with in the 80s 90s and early 2000s is now bad to some one wheter it’s people over analyzing every word people say or a phrase being twisted into something it was never meant to be.