Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

He answered my question exactly. I fail to understand why people can’t just speak with language without using a catch-all phrase to create a barrier. I didn’t post about politics.

It’s the ultimate test of humanity

No reward for returning it, no punishment for not putting it back

Just sees if you’re a good person or not

People crave fitting in somewhere. Especially if they feel they fit in nowhere.

It is awfully funny. It seems to be a subsect of the conservatives like that. I know a few I get along well with, relatively speaking. We argue a lot about policies and everything (I am not even liberal, i’m progressive so way different than them) and we can still be kosher after because we realize things are individual, well that and neither of us are idiots parroting facebook memes as facts.

I’ve seen people argue that they shouldn’t have to because parking lot attendants are supposed to be doing that, it’s their job after all.

Well, you took the time to read it, which most wouldn’t bother, so I can thank you for that.

As to the quote, the nature of the environment is sort of the issue at hand. The environment is now plagued with a group of people who will always want more and more things to be considered negative communication. It has been that way for years. To what end do we, or Blizzard, say enough is enough, the rules exist now follow them.

It has come to the point where any behavior can be construed as “bad”. This being the case, the social aspect of chat in World of Warcraft barely exists anymore. People are unwilling to risk their account for things they say, right or wrong. The power to distribute punishment has been placed in the incorrect people’s hands. Its apparent and it won’t be changing any time soon.

Which is why I said I could be wrong. I made my stance after reading what you wrote. The only thing that may change my mind is reading more of what you write. In this we can clearly see what the issue you bring up can affect. If I pose a question to you that many people, who have ideas that should be shunned by the community, disagree with having here on the forums, my words disappear and you cannot have the discussion any longer.

These people who have these ideas should be cast out as pariahs of the community. Blizzard has decided to lean into this disgusting attitude. Eventually no one will be able to discuss anything unless it fits neatly into the box of the immature cretins Blizzard holds in high regard. What a pity.

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A local store here tried to make you ‘rent’ a cart. You had to give them like a quarter then you would get the quarter back when you returned it. Those that would do it normally still did it, those who didn’t weren’t going to be swayed by a quarter.

People should return the carts, but I have to say when my daughter worked at a grocery store for the summer, she liked when people didn’t because it gave her an excuse to go walk around outside… granted she likely would have felt differently during winter lol.

It’s 103 outside right now, I ain’t makin anyone walk anywhere in that if they don’t have to lol

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Fair enough… I live in NH so it’s only winter we worry about :slight_smile:

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Nuts to that, I used to run carts, at least if they’re all in the corral I can just gather them up easily

When they’re all over the lot or just thrown in the grass, just making the work annoying

For me personally, I have a fairly thick skin and can handle myself if a chat room gets heated/argumentative. My “feelings” don’t hurt easily, I can roll with the punches in an in-game argument (…or online forums-based argument)

Where it crosses a line imo is when someone you ignored/stopped talking to cycles thru various alts to “sidestep” the ignore and whisper you maliciously, looks you up and “stalks” you on 3rd party social media sites (Facebook, twitter, etc), or tries to doxx you or harrass people from your real-life (examples: family members, friends, employer, etc)

But as far as a random argument involving a controversial topic or politics and such? As long as it stays within the confines of trade chat it’s whatever, but if the “line” is crossed (as described above) then that’s not cool

Not at all. It is not uncommon now to hear of death threats issued in real life. And the “words will never hurt you” is just an excuse used by schoolkids for bullying the kids they see as weaklings who will get no help.

Murder is the solution?

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Exactly. Do you think I am bad? I am a registered Republican, but my voting decisions come from researching the candidates and issues at hand, not along party lines.

You have raised a whole different thought, which was kind of what I hoped to see here. Being part of a “thing” to some people means they are no longer obliged to think. They go along with the “thing” and feel comfortable and safe in their opinions. It also means they don’t have to feel accountable because everything bad is because of the “thing”.

I see players in the game, and on this forum who choose a side and go along with it even if they are not in complete agreement with the behavior. Much like gangs, politicos, whatever. Is it peer pressure that might drive a person to be bad?

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Remember the Folgers drama they had going in the ad? There was a 30 something man and a 30 something woman, romance building, he met her late teen or early adult child, then what?

Did it go any further than that?


Who do you think it is that is making everyone pick sides?

I never mentioned political affiliation in my statements to you, but I am pretty sure you can see I am no liberal, at least not any more. That shipped sailed at the turn of the century when I was in my early 20’s and they no longer stood for diversity of thought.

I noticed that too lol.

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um…look up at your name?

(sorry I couldn’t resist)

Well this is truly one of the points to be answered here. Why are there sides, and who defines them. I have spent literally days reading about who did what, and who was reported/flagged/booted/squelched. I contend that more of the deserter’s curve in this game is based on toxic behavior than game mechanics, gear, rewards or anything else.

I believe that if we want to continue to enjoy this little universe of WoW, we are obligated to help keep it viable. If one player gets booted for dropping an F-bomb in trade chat it is a result with diminishing returns. If 5 players leave because they don’t like the pressure of prevailing bad behavior, it is definitely a bad thing. So what determines the break point, and who makes that determination? I feel we are to a strong degree responsible, as we definitely feel the outcome.

Never step on a bearskin rug before verifying that it’s not a sleeping bear.


Me reading this thread:
Sir this is wendys

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Idk and idc anymore.

I think most ppl lack common sense and empathy.

The world is so full of noise.

I try to be myself and that brings people who want to be in my life and me in there’s from being who I am.

I like ppl with thicc skin. You need to have it. that is the world we live in, unfortunately.

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Square burgers never worked for me.

Not caring is unfortunate.

The need to have thick skin is in part what is in discussion here.

If I leave my front door unlocked, is it my fault that someone robbed my house? No, it is still breaking the law to steal. Period. The most common response is “why was your door unlocked?” My point is at what level should we react to people being obnoxious? Liken it to “when is it ok to shoot that person robbing my house?”

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