Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

I feel like “Someone is going to be offended.” is sometimes just an excuse for poor behavior.

To sum it up, liberals in a nutshell.

I agree with this. I would rather honesty over niceness… THAT SAID, you can be honest without actively acting like a prick.

edit: Really surprised that word was not censored…

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You’re right Is unfortunately not enough people realize that.

Because then you’ll see just how systemicly rigged the system is


I’m confused, are we waking up or not?

IMHO, a lot of people are kept intentionally un/undereducated specifically so we won’t realize it.

To Folgers in our cup?

Oh boy here I go singing that in my head for another three weeks, thanks

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As you get older, you realize there are POS’s everywhere. Unfortunately, we just have to live around them until they get thrown in jail (irl) or banned from a game.

In the general populace yeah, the older I get though makes me view my “circle” with better eyes and decide what energy I wish to surround myself with.

He knows. The left pretend they didn’t make up the term “woke” because of so much that’s happened under the banner that is laughable. They’ve shedded that stain and moved on to other hot buzzwords.


Typing things meant to make others feel badly for reasons they can’t help or meant to put groups of people down. That’s behavior worth reporting imo. It is usually harsh and out of place. Also players that would do things to obstruct things others are trying to click or just plain disrupting the normal flow of the game for others (outside of pvp actions).

That was a pretty long, detailed response to which I am not going to point-by-point make a defense. Like I said, there is no win here, it is about understanding the nature of our environment and how it has changed.

I believe you have made a judgement and you are entitled to that. My questions were asked in the spirit (no pun) of knowing whether or not I WANTED to change how I feel about people being “bad”. I specifically want to understand why bad is considered bad, and why people have to behave in such a way. There may be a valid reason for the behavior…or maybe another motive.

I am not sure of the goal you have in calling me out as being biased, but that is your opinion. In my position, I like to understand something before I condemn or condone it. I will certainly not go after you for offering a more personal opinion around my motives.

After all, it is just an opinion.

Nah, the right just co-opted to stand for everything they don’t like so there’s not much point using it anymore. Kinda like everything bad was because of communists before that. The right isn’t great at complex concepts so they need simple things to focus their fear on.

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Only those that talk like one.


I always though woke just meant anyone who didn’t have a problem with minorities/lgtbq+ stuff

I mean at its base level sure. Which is why it’s kinda telling that Faux News turned it into such a negative.

Ol Tucky, the rascal

Not taking your shopping cart back. :hocho:


They think because they can’t make a distinction between individuals, then no one can.

They think all liberals are bad, so they have to think that we must feel all conservatives are bad.