Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

Notice how your thread had some fairly decent and civil discussion until a specific demographic of like minded posters came in and derailed it for the sake of nothing more then pushing the conversation into the 2 sides dynamic.

What a waste.

Frozen, I am in full agreement with the concept of “Freedom”. Though, as you go on to explain further down, what happens when things aren’t ideal? I previously issued the argument that we all have freedom until our sphere of influence collides with another’s’? Who’s freedom is more important or more valid?

Completely agree. I have often wondered if there is some supreme secret organization (international bankers, Bilderberg, NWO, WGS) behind the scenes keeping us distracted by way of projecting an “enemy”, yet working both sides toward the middle. They squeeze all of the cumulative resource and rewards to subsidize the privileged few who are in control. They do not have to conform to the standards of living as the rest of us. (there is that “us and them” thing again).

Yes, but it wasn’t big enough of a waste to keep you (or me…) away, right?

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Funny side-note on this topic of “mean words” and such: so I recently started watching Metrohaha stream again after a 2 year break or so (twitch been dead lately/some of my streamers afk taking breaks), and my goodness he still swears like a drunken sailor :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Seems like he sprinkles in at least one F-word into most sentences, and he liberally sprinkles in the :poop: word as well. He looks all disheveled now and apparently grew his hair out into a shaggy/hippy style, whereas before (2019-2020) he was clean-cut/shaved, but anyways…

I just find it funny that he used to officially “represent” Blizzard as an MVP, yet his frequent adult language clearly contradicts the PG13/kiddie policy of the company :thinking:

From what I remember, he got “fired” from his MVP position due to some random anti-SJW comments he made in one of his videos (or something along those lines) /shrug

See what happens when you go over to the dark side!!!

Man, its amazing how this thread keeps getting worse

We got people out here demonizing all women, and pro-birthers out here making obscene claims about when an abortion actual happens

Stay classy wow forums


I think behavior should be identified as bad, not people. Behavior can be changed. If somebody never decides to change then that’s where the problem lies.

Here’s what I consider bad behavior in a video game:

-Lying about somebody or something to hurt somebody.
-Telling somebody that you understand core aspects about themselves better than they do, prohibiting their ability to feel basic dignity.
-Starting arguments with somebody about something they don’t want to talk about.
-Shutting down somebody when they want to talk about something with somebody else in a space designated for communication.
-Treating somebody worse than your friends because there’s something you don’t like about them.
-Yelling at somebody who does not have power over your life.

Ive always thought that people that hurt others with their words, only to respond with “Im just kidding” or “stop being so sensitive,”…

I tell them “thats just an -hole’s excuse for being an -hole.”

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Pretty much all humour.

Interesting thought this is. The behavior is enacted by the person, yes? If you need to correct behavior, you definitely need to deal with the person. Yes, a person can change his behavior, but he or she may choose not to.

That aside, you make some very deep observations which are very specific. I am particularly piqued by the last bullet.

That’s just me saying that I don’t think it’s bad behavior to yell at somebody who is abusing their power. But if it’s somebody who isn’t doing that and you’re just taking it out on the nearest convenient person then it’s time to self-reflect.

I think I am understanding you. So in the case of this video game, abuse of power would equate to abuse of their access to a potentially larger audience in order to foist their bully trip?

I think it could be several things:

  1. Revoking guild privileges as punishment or controlling guild mates with weird social rules (typical cult behavior)
  2. False reporting
  3. Using a large audience to direct hate towards smaller content creators

There’s probably more but I can’t think of more at the moment.

The ruling shouldn’t affect most people to be honest. With all the birth control options available today, an abortion should pretty much be a last resort. And it should be decided at a state level, or congress should pass a law. That is how things are supposed to work anyway.

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This may sound a bit like conspiracy theory, but I really believe that most Democrats worked hard behind the scenes to prevent violence. They are already up against it in the midterm elections, and violence was just going to put them in a bigger hole. This ruling may be a voting issue to some, but a far larger issue right now is the fact that you may not have a buck in your pocket, gas in your car, food in the fridge, and are probably wondering how you are going to pay your rent. That situation is going to get politicians tossed out every time, and violence over this would have certainly sealed the deal.


Walking around in public and getting hammered is always a good thing.

I’d add grand larceny and homicide to your list.

Yeah, I’m not really aware of any person from real-life that cares much about this issue. Even most liberals I know don’t seem to care, a few are upset but most are more concerned with the $5+/gallon gas prices and the out-of-control inflation

One of my neighbors is a liberal and even he’s been complaining about gas going from $4.29/gallon to like $5.10/gallon in the span of a month. When even liberals are complaining about the inflation/jacked up prices you just know the economy is not in a healthy state at all :joy:

The only people “happy” or “satisfied” with the economy are those groups on “the receiving end” of the inflation… rich folks, upper class, Wall Street types, big oil company CEOs (especially), etc. The average person is definitely feeling it in the pocketbook

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I will not say it happens REGULARLY, but it DOES happen.

I could post a Youtube video of a viral rant about someone sreaming “IT’S MA’AM” to show it has indeed happened, but since it would be considered rude to actually show RL evidence on these forums and I dont want another silence simply for showing citations, Ill just skip it.

I am sure you either know the video I am talking about or can easily look it up by titleif you care to

How old are you? If you haven’t figured this stuff out by now, there’s nothing anyone here can say that’s going to help you figure it out.

That’s usually my experience, too.

For me it’s bad behaviour when someone is intentionally being disrespectful to another person and try everything to paint someone in a bad light.
This can be achieved through different things.
It can be very offensive insults. It can be passive-aggressive questions or taunting towards another person. It can also be blaming another person repeatedly for some mistake they made or making fun of them.
It’s even worse when those people get really defensive when someone’s pointing out that their behaviour might be a bit unnecessary.