What’s disturbing is them going after contraception and making abortion punishable by going across state lines. We wanted it to be up to the states right? Well it shouldn’t matter if I hopped on over to California from Arizona to get it done, right? Literally shooting themselves in the foot by going after contraception
Agreed. If they take away contraception as well as the option to go out of state then it’ll be back to coat hangers and sepsis and I always thought we could agree no one wants that. Women will be throwing themselves down stairs again, they don’t seem to calculate that not everyone is cut out to be a parent and some will do anything to avoid it happening. And I mean we aren’t in the middle ages so becoming a nun or a spinster isn’t really seen as an option by such people either.
What really scuzzes me out though are the guys who say “no exceptions” which means not even two specific situations that I could catch a time out just by naming them. That’s gross. No woman should be forced to have a man’s child she wasn’t a willing partner to, that just feels utterly wrong. Then you figure in that it could and will happen even to minors, and it only feels worse.
Complex topic at any rate.
I think you have a say as a man. I’m sure some woman would be offended by that. Oh well, don’t care.
My heart breaks for men that want the child but do not have a word.
My mom carried four babies to term and said we are all our own person despite her being the host to lovingly carry us for several months.
What in the world are you talking about. The MeToo thing was about the long term ongoing abuse that happens in most workplaces - esp high power ones - where an abuser, usually male, gets away with sexual abuse for years. Usually against women. Almost every single woman has a a sexual abuse story. That is what it is all about.
It has nothing to do with financial issues men have.
The depths of the internet who think they are “good men” are usually the opposite. You thinking women get upset at “hello” for example is someone who does not even understand women at all, and is not a “good guy” based on your comments. You expect the worst and seem to hate women.
Yeah, because it is full of exaggeration and lies by people existing in an echo chamber. Worse, some come to truly believe the worst and commit violence as a result.
NOBODY does that. Nobody. Unless you are talking about “abortion” in that ending a pregnancy for any reason is medically called an abortion. Including if the baby has died, or has gross medical defects that are are incompatible with life.
Any time after the child is viable - they would just deliver early if the mother can’t carry anymore.
Nobody ever gets to 6 or 7 months and decides “hey, I will just get rid of the baby”. No doctor would allow it unless the baby was dead of the mother’s life was in danger. Those are absolute lies…
But they don’t know early on. Much of the development comes later during gestation. I don’t think you realize how little there is “early on”. The decisions on birth defects that are not compatible with life (missing most of the brain for example) are things they don’t know about until later. As soon as they DO know though, the docs will discuss options.
Ending a pregnancy for ANY reason is called “abortion” as a medical term. To abort the pregnancy is to end it - even in the horrible case that the baby has passed.
That would force a parent who has lost a child to carry it until the body expels it - or they get sepsis.
Late term abortion (ending the pregnancy) is only done when the baby is dead, not viable, or the mother is in danger of death - in which case late term is just an early delivery. They don’t kill the viable baby.
Define later. Ultrasounds happen early. You can see this in an early ultrasound. Isn’t there tests as well?
My mom is well versed on this.
Anyway, I’m out. Not gonna argue opinions if it’s okay to kill a person that is viable in late term pregnancy.
Have a great Saturday folks
As a female citizen of the USA, I now have fewer protected rights than a corpse, so what’s considered “polite” or “bad” in my reality is very, very likely different than yours, assuming you’re one of the cis-het male mayosapiens that GD is awash with.
No, you can’t see many birth defects in early ultrasounds. That is why they do repeated ultrasounds over and over during gestation. To track development and health of the fetus.
No, you can’t just test for anencephaly, or most defects. Only ones caused by known genetic disorders, and only if the parent knows the risk and is tested. You might be thinking of trisomy 21 and a few other things they can test for genetically.
I am going to repeat this. NOBODY is killing viable babies late term in pregnancy. That is a lie told by people who don’t have any understanding of the medical terms.
Abortion - a term meaning ending a pregnancy for any reason - is only done late term if the baby is dead or the mother’s life is at risk. If the child is viable then it would be a premature delivery.
My wife had her first daughter against the wishes of the father. She’s a great kid, and her dad still barely has anything to do with her, maybe calls her or texts a couple times a year. I’ve seen that situation a few times but I’ve never actually seen a man who wanted it but she got rid of it anyway. That would suck were it to happen, it just usually goes the other direction in my own experience.
So I get what you’re saying. Where I come from I’ve just never seen the man have much of a say, but it’s usually the other way where it’s a hookup or some other situation where he doesn’t want to keep it, or like my wife’s case the relationship wasn’t that great and when he said he didn’t want it she just decided she would raise the baby herself if she had to. And she did.
I guess I come from an oddly Matriarchal place in society. One of my friends got a girl pregnant from nothing more than a fling right out of high school and her mom was just, yeah, you’re having it, end of story. He ended up being a very responsible and happy father though, so there’s that.
My mom thinks you’re annoying. I do not understand why lol.
Have a great Saturday
Moloch starved:
Time for women to become more accountable with who they sleep and get pregnant by.
I don’t know whats been said, but somehow we went from bad behaviors to ultrasounds.
Go back to 4chan.
Get ready for more men whining that no one will sleep with them, because that is the only 100% effective way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
If that’s what you wanted… congrats, you got it.
I could care less.
It’s not like it’s impossible to get a woman to sleep with you if you’ve got decent social skills/charm and are in decent to good shape.
Mirasol, you’re on fire. Thank you for providing even more eloquent arguments than I.
With women it’s not about your physical appearance. So what if you have a six pack.
Take the dear leader of the right for example. Not a bad looking guy but he brags about going into a work place, where women are trying to be taken seriously and his response?
“I just kiss, I don’t even ask … grab them by the [private parts] you can do anything”.
Every single person that voted for him sees no problem with that so yeah, if those millions of guys get a negative reaction trying to imitate their hero try not to be surprised.
Takes 2 to tango.
Provide them with child support then. Regardless if you want it or not.
Eh it ain’t even about that tbh. I’d probably say half the time its about money. Women belittle themselves more than men do towards each other. We live in a society where arrogance is the epitome of success. Both sexes have it in excess, at least from my experience in the USA. Western Europe has that issue as well but its not quite as bad, and its unheard of in eastern europe/asia. A lot of the issues at a societal/cultural level don’t exist in other parts of the world, at least regarding relationships.
In places like Japan a divorce is very hard to attain. You have to gain the blessing of both families, prior to marriage and for divorce. IF they don’t agree, gg.
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And they hated her for she told the truth.
The only reason to get mad is if the things in the post apply to you (“you” being whoever read it). Guess i struck a nerve or 10.
It may be when she runs the risk of having to birth a child.