Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

That’s usually my experience, too.

For me it’s bad behaviour when someone is intentionally being disrespectful to another person and try everything to paint someone in a bad light.
This can be achieved through different things.
It can be very offensive insults. It can be passive-aggressive questions or taunting towards another person. It can also be blaming another person repeatedly for some mistake they made or making fun of them.
It’s even worse when those people get really defensive when someone’s pointing out that their behaviour might be a bit unnecessary.

Yeah its just the tribal people screaming go red, go blue that argue so much for this stuff. On this specific topic that might be casing the violence, most people I know, left or right are vastly similar with only a disagreement about 3 months vs 6 months. only the extremists go 1 minute before birth or never.

Despite the TV blasting Roe v Wade “outrage” stuff 24/7 since Friday, you can tell interest is low just watching livestreams of the actual protests themselves over on Youtube… very very tame, low turnout, and not much happening at them

People were saying “just wait for Saturday night, that’s when the fireworks start”, but Saturday came and went with nothing happening :man_shrugging: Overall these protests seem like a flop, compared to the BLM protests/riots anyway

For all the huffing and puffing and promises of “a night of violence” from extremist lefties, either they chickened out at the last minute or they weren’t able to recruit enough normal/non-extremist people to show up

No one could afford to drive there :slight_smile:


Point, set, match!

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Disagreement = Hate Speech

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So much irony in world events. It is reminiscent of the old wrestling matches on T.V. One summer it would be “The HAMMER!” a notorious good guy, versus “POISON” who was the “evil bad guy”. When some habituated grudge match would culminate the summer rivalry, they would shuffle around to the next rivalry for the offseason. The ensuing summer, it was “Poison” who became, for some trivial reason, the good guy. “The HAMMER” was now the evil bad guy. Rinse, repeat. I mean, look at Terry (Hulk) Hogan.

At the terminus of most fringe sabre-rattling, both heads of the hydra look strikingly similar. I guess it becomes a matter of who we choose to believe on any given day.

I said in video games in my original post. Since this is a forum about a video game.

I was thinking outside the box.

There’s a whole lot to add if we’re not talking about video games and it would be too long to cover. Not really interested in talking about that on the wow forums tho.

Um not being homophobic, not being racist, not saying racial slurs…

Oh and how could I forget, not hating on women, that one is very important and is definitely not socially acceptable today, it’s not the 1950s when where a woman’s job is to barefoot and pregnant anymore.

You know, basic stuff.

Oh and not slapping Chris Rock in the face because he insulted your wife, not saying what was said was particularly funny, but that kind of behavior is not acceptable either.

Times haven’t changed, the environment has changed. When WoW was not cross-realm, being a jerk could have consequences because people might not invite you to groups once you became known as the jerk. I raided with a high level raiding guild and the guild leader kept a list of people who wouldn’t be invited to do stuff with the guild because they had been jerks to people.

But today, it is a lot easier for people to be jerks to each other. After all, what are the chances of ever seeing that person ever again. :woman_shrugging:

Agreed. I believe you will notice my theme throughout this and a few other threads. We are now seeing such a lack of consequence for appalling behavior that people just assume that to behave that way is normal. Even more surprising is when someone gets caught-out acting bad and they get offended and need to come here to vent their frustration :flushed: :crazy_face:

I had a similar experience with a few of the guilds I had the pleasure of running with. There was a code of conduct, and it you wanted to continue to be included you had to treat your guildmates and your rivals with respect. In my case respect means you give each other player the benefit of treating them how you wanted to be treated. By and large the system was very successful.

Well, gudday to ya’

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The night is still young. I guarantee there’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes right now.

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