Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

“On the off chance my new friend takes offense by it”

Then are they really your friend? I say get it all out at the start. Why build on something that eventually may crumble because of something so trivial like that?! I refuse to walk on egg shells and am gonna be myself.

I used those two words you wrote at the beginning all the time. They are replacement words from previous ones that were offensive and now those words are offensive, right? Good grief.

No, it was never ok to call your doctor a retard, stupid, or dumb. You got away with it because you were 16 - although the dermatologist did push back. Your general doctor probably understood you disagreed with the dermatologist, and understood your lack of judgement in your world choice.

That is the correct way to handle it, and always has been. Standing up for yourself is a good thing - and can be done respectfully. You get much much farther with doctors (or anyone really), when you address the issue politely.

This is how the world has always worked.

50 years ago talking like that got your mouth washed out with soap. I don’t think you realize just how rude what you did was and how little that sort of thing was accepted.

New friend. But you’re right, get it out there at the start, find out if they are right for you.
Sometimes my personality has this weird effect on people and makes them okay with some of the weirder things I say and do, but they have to get to know me better and become used to me.
Yes those words are also now offensive lol

Doesn’t really look like it to be honest, I kept an eye on multiple livestreams last night patiently waiting for this “night of violence” promised by the left and… nothing

Pretty much all the protests looked pretty tame in comparison to the 2020 riots, got bored waiting for something to happen after a while and I tuned out/went back to twitch

…then again, it’s still auper early and people will be rested/refreshed for the weekend, maybe they’ll make good on their promise tonight? :popcorn:

If the weak turnout is anything to go off, most Americans either don’t care/are neutral or support the decision

“A swift termination”

If I was the doctor I would ask them why they think that and break down something that was possibly lost in translation.

vs ya know a sWifT tErMiNaTiOn bc of a word…

Ppl lash out sometimes that normally wouldn’t bc they might be going through something personal. Not saying it’s correct behavior tho.

TLDR: ppl need to majorly lighten up from a word.

don’t need riots in this case i think the CIA will take care of it :wink:

just give it time.

either that or we keep going down this slippery slope until condoms and vasectomies are illegal lol

next thing you know wetdreams will get you jailtime :wink:

It wasn’t because I was 16. The hospital I go to would have reacted the same way if I was 16 or 26, they don’t really care. It was the situation and what she was doing to me and how I was treated and my response to her that made it okay and amusing to my doctor. My doctor had my back for things I did that would have got me put in Juvie, even when I was 18 and 19 I still had him as my doctor, saying very bad things to my therapist was something he heard me out on and made sure It wouldn’t be something that would stick to me. I frequented the hospital as a medical mystery, and sometimes I snapped and did things I would never say were ever okay.

I agree

Actually, doctors used to be able to get away with taking advantage of you being polite and respectful and still doing things that affect you on your record to spite you for having the audacity to dare stand up to them in the first place. I had an ER doctor I was respectful to, but I demanded a specific scan he didn’t want to give me, he wanted to discharge me because he thought everything was in my head because I had a psychiatrist, making me a psych patient. He did the scan and told me how pointless it was and what a waste of hospital resources it is because it will show that nothing is wrong, turns out that scan said I had 2 months left to live if I wasn’t treated asap. He didn’t want to be outsmarted by a 16-year-old and told me the scan reported something minor and if I take something, it would solve the problem. I knew something wasn’t right about what he was saying, so my dad being a healthcare professional, I got service and called him, he told me to ask if it was this certain thing I don’t feel like publicly admitting, and I did and that doctor told me no. He came down to the ER himself and dealt with it, still not wanting to be outsmarted by a 16-year-old and her dad now, kept trying to play it off like it was nothing. Had he gotten away with that, me not getting my dad, If I had gone in to the ER again for something that was already deemed treated, they would likely not look into it the way they would have if it was a problem not reported as taken care of, and I would have died. This doctor was on his last few days of residency, my doctor was held in high respect in the hospital, my doctor saw the scans, did something he refused to tell me and told me to not ask him about it, and that doctor never saw his medical license. Even though I never said anything mean to him or called him names but still stood up for myself, it was out of spite that this doctor still tried to send me down the path that was leading to my death.
Doctors can still get away with being spiteful for you daring to stand up to them no matter how you do it, but have less of a chance to get away with it or cause lasting damage.

My mom was born in 49, dad was born in 47. My mom is super old-fashioned. Never washed my mouth out with soap. She didn’t believe in it. She’s the kind of person who would never agree with what I said, she still doesn’t, but she doesn’t think it would have been bad if I called her stupid instead. Her parents also never washed her mouth with soap or hit her or her brother, same with my dads’ family. Their grandparents weren’t American, and my grandma wasn’t American, so that’s probably why my parents or me and my brother ever had the soap treatment or the belt treatment. My mom always lets me know how rude I am when I’m out of line, even if she thinks I wasn’t in the wrong but what I did was wrong. So I know how rude it is, but I know what types of things could have happened to me if that doctor had control over my skin diagnosis. I’d likely have to fight and see multiple dermatologists to get the actual diagnosis of my skin treated. Because I denounced that dermatologist, and she reported me to my doctor who heard me out, he removed her diagnosis from my chart, and I was able to obtain proper treatment from a different one. Because of her role in the level of damage she could have caused, I had the audacity to call her a retard, and the immaturity. No one but her thought what I did was wrong, it was not respectful but no one thought it was wrong.

Well I’m from New England. My cousin and his son call each other “Dude”.

Dude was common when I was growing up, I think I call my son that from time to time.

It’s written in the 10 Blizzard Commandments…

  1. Though Shall Not Express Thy Opinion
  2. Though Shall Not Offend Anyone Ever
  3. Though Shall Not Take The Last Roll Of Toilet Paper And Not Buy More
  4. Though Shall Not Complain About Expansions Or PreOrders
  5. Though Shall Not Use The Forums For Off Subject Topics
  6. Though Shall Not Moonkin AOE Around Players Of The Opposite Faction
  7. Though Shall Not Eat Someone’s Food In The Company Fridge
  8. Though Shall Not Be Picky About PreOrder Mounts
  9. Though Shall Not Waste Subscription Wasting Time In The Forums
  10. Though Shall Not Tell Developers Where They Went Wrong Or Next Allied Race Should Be

Follow these Ten Commandments and you will be OK! :ok_hand:

Did you know that women these days consider most if not all things harassment, even a simple hello while out at the bar?

Women also like to complain about how there aren’t any good guys but refuse to bother looking for them much yet alone give them a chance so they become bitter and abuse men (which is why metoo exists).

well you see, it very much depends on how you look and what vibe comes out of you :wink:

saying things like that could get ppl to think youre part of the incel gang. careful heh

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You can be the most attractive guy at the bar with a 6 pack being emphasized through a tight shirt, they’d still consider anything you say as harassment simply because that’s how women are these days.
Which is why you see the extremely over the top women try to physically attack men in a bar to which ironically the guy who didn’t retaliate but tried to restrain her ends up being arrested despite having clear as day evidence.

Oh also, it’s in the same concept of women marrying men for his monetary assets then double down after the quick divorce with a hardline court case where the guy can’t defend himself in an abuse case.

You need to spend less time on incel forums.

Thinking like this sets you up for failure before you even leave your house.


No, that is not how the world works at all. No, women don’t consider a polite hello harassment.

Things they do consider harassment:

  • Blocking them in physically and menacing them while trying to talk to them.
  • Physically grabbing and touching them, esp in a sexual way.
  • Bothering them after they have said they are not interested, or made it clear they are spending time with others. No means no.
  • Crossing the street or public space to approach a woman - esp at night if she is alone. That scares them badly.

Your made up assumptions seem to come from some very very unrealistic and false information. I don’t know where you got it, but it is not true.

This is inexplicably nuts.

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I would bet that if they wouldn’t go away you would yes? This is in a nutshell what I am talking about from the top. How bad does a person need to be (behave) for them to be considered bad…and the natural conclusion is “what do you do about it?”

Getting away, or having a rude person get away is contradictory to participating in a social environment, so what is left?

Let’s just say that a bar is not necessarily a good place to draw a social analysis from.

You seem very biter to woman as a whole.

I think both woman and men can be equally terrible…

I’m very cynical so I understand what you’re saying.

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I don’t think you like to go deep into reddit and other forms of media about things like this.

Gen Z is especially overly sensitive about things and I do mean overly.

Again, women complain about not having a good man while with a neglectful partner or they’re single while themselves ironically being abusive.

Movements like metoo exist for the express purpose of protecting specifically men from women who are out to use them, aka marrying for monetary gain, divorcing and turning right back around with suing them for non existent abuse which under the right circumstances, men can’t defend themselves from.

Edit: I personally have no issues with marriage but I am careful about who I date and would consider wife material.

Well, you dodged a bullet if someone gets weird over a simple hello.

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Some women do get weird about the simple things in public places, not everyone in a bar is out to pick up a one night stand or a potential life partner. Bars are generally social gathering spaces.

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