Opinion: What is Considered Bad Behavior in Today's Society?

As the timeline has gone on, this would be my experience as a Libertarian.

2003-2006 Still enlisted in the military, first time claiming L on my voter registration.
“What are you, one of those Sovereign Citizen types?”

2006-2010 Just out of the Army, working for an Oil Company
“You don’t think any big corporations should have any regulation at all?”

2010-2012 Moved to Texas for a stint, then back to Alaska for GI Bill usage
“You are basically a liberal, with no care about the foreign policy and the plight of people who are not American.”

“You are just Republican light, with a Gadsden Flag.”

“You are just alt right, with Gadsden Flag.”

“used as a cover for degenerate behavior.”

It never ends.

Because you said so, roger that.


You know, its kinda like being “America First”

  • I followed that sentiment when it was a liberal talking point because it supported unions “Buy American”.
  • I followed that when Perot warned about NAFTA and the impact it ended up having on our children but both the D’s and the R’s wanted that cash for allowing it to happen.
  • I followed that later when it became a Trump (not conservative) talking point. Didnt like the man, but I liked some of the things I saw, like the guy who spoke up about how it saved his job that had announced they were moving and it saved his family.

Its just funny how things massively shift from one side to the other


If we need a third party of somebodies to save us from ourselves its bad behavior.

When there was that “leak” suggesting sub classes and listed necromancy as one of the options i was actually really excited. I wish they had gone with the sub class idea and will take the idea to run with it as their own.

Yet, as a Libertarian its pretty much always been the same.

  1. The Bill of Rights is the most important document crafted by humanity to date.
  2. States were set up to govern themselves (within reason).
  3. Personal responsibility is paramount to a free society.

If we graded everyone in every category based on the worst detractors of said group, no group would look very good. Issue is, there aren’t many of us to stop people from the degrading remarks. /shrug


Have to admit, I cant disagree with anything you listed, though I am sure there are finer points I could find if I wanted to be disagreeable.

Isn’t this kind of one of the problems we face today across the board.

I welcome people to disagree. This way discussion can take place, mutual understanding is the product, and compromise the solution.

To disagree with someone today is now sacrilege, and disagreement is met with virulent outcry of how dare you not agree with me. On a large scale, it separates everyone into 2 camps, and each camp wants to place everyone else either on their side or against it.


I like the discussion as well.

I seem to remember an old adage about how do you know what you believe if your beliefs have not been tested? I know thats butchered but I hop you get the point.

I remember when learning the basics of debate that you SHOULD be able and ready to argue either side of any debate. If you cant, you are not ready


Anything that was considered good behavior 10 years ago. Like manors. Yes sir or ma’am for example.

But its ok. Tide is turning.

So you think saying yes sir is considered bad behavior?

Ok then.

What a terrible thread

How dare you assume my/their/your gender ring a bell.

It isn’t something I say, but other people have, and do, and will continue to do so.

You cannot just read. You also need to comprehend what you read. comprehension is golden.

I tease, have a cookie. :cookie:

I dunno, I see a lot of complaints about it happening, but have literally never seen it happen. I am not saying it doesn’t, but I do think people are grossly exaggerating the frequency.


That may be the case, and it isn’t unreasonable to think so. I do know the mention of assuming ones gender and the “how dare you” didn’t come from no where.

In my own experience, I have only witnessed an interaction like this a single time. Of course it wasn’t the obligatory “how dare you…”, it was someone who was complaining to another person about the fact that yet another person assumed the gender of…yet another person. So they were actually like 3 people away from the actual conversation. Though 10 years ago it would not have even been a talking point.

It came from hyperbole. This isn’t a real thing that happens.

Oh of course it didn’t come from nowhere, but as I said to Verminaard earlier, some people are just going to be offended because they want to be offended. There is nothing we can do to change that, BUT we also can’t assume if they think it then everyone that shares the same “classification” thinks it as well. Don’t dump one person’s drama into everyone else’s lap.

Not you in particular, I mean in general. I told a little story earlier about a gay acquaintance I had years ago that would “They just hate me because I am gay” anytime someone disagreed with him, He was a jerk, but I didn’t then assume that disagreeing with any other gay person would result in them saying I hated them because they were gay.

Make sense?


i feel like we should have legal duels once more.
pistols at dawn.


However bad is required of the current political paradigm to be thus considered.

I can’t speak for others, but I certainly do.
Unfortunately so far as I’m concerned, that opinion would be to some a step too far, and qualify as itself “bad” behavior.

As much as any punitive measure is intended to be doled out.

Inasmuch as something can be said to have come to a point it’s lived at since the dawn of standards.

Give it time, we’ll probably have a full on purge every year in the US before millennials actually get control of the government.