Again, could you possibly be more vague ? If you have something to say, spit it out
is it unfortunately, or fortunately a fact that I actually pay them to use their service? Acknowledging that they have created something I like, and want to participate in, the responsibility falls on me to maintain that participation, yes?
I just do that thing where I’m super judgy of everyone else (not me of course, I’m perfect) and then whatever I think is wrong is the universal wrong.
I agree 100%.
Do we not care about the rest of the community, and their ability to communicate?
The rules have been the same since 2004*. Who exactly do you think made the rules?
At least in regards to the Social Contract which I am going to assume you are salty about.
I have not had structured communication in the game for about 5 years. I avoid speaking to anyone as a fail-safe. It doesn’t bother me at all. In fact, as I read chat, there is rarely a time where speaking with anyone would do any good.
Preordering a game before we learn anything about it. Other than what they showed us months ago. Good job Bobbies puppets. You make shareholders happy.
I see what you did there, and I will step around the Poodoo. I care about the rest of the community to the point where (any of) their actions hinder me from enjoying what I pay for. Should it be me that is in opposition to everyone else, then it must be time for me to go. That however, is not the case. It has become a matter of tolerance with a dose of patience in dealing with people who seem to be perpetually angry.
My personal take on comments like this is that it is easy to stereotype people who have different ideas so you don’t have to articulate WHY you feel the way you do about them.
Can you please explain why pre-ordering a video game is relevant to being a bad person (or not)?
Does it have lawns or lemonade stands?
I know it has zones.
I know it has quests.
I know it has dungeons.
I know it has raids.
Ergo, I know plenty enough for it to be worth $50 to me.
I was born in 1983 and from then to mid 2001 was the best time to be alive. Back then, people had the peace of mind to enjoy life without any fears of terrorist attacks or supposedly deadly viruses. Even better though, people didn’t make war with each other over their political differences, and friends who did have different political beliefs were willing and able to look past said beliefs and still be friends; which my high school marching band class is living proof of. But best of all, is that racism was pretty much dead in the water. Why? Because people back then had the common sense not to make every little thing about race.
If I fits. I sits
The chair just broke…
Hmm… IDK, guess I better go cancel my pre-order!
How dare you… /waddles away with cracked chair attached to bum
We seem to have a disagreement with who the perpetually angry are, and to what extent.
That doesn’t mean “the poodoo” isn’t real.
I also doesn’t mean we have to make an argument just because we can. I have nothing to win here, and I am actually being enriched in understanding that we have such varied opinions.
I was speaking specifically about people who are compelled to disrupt or destroy the enjoyment of others. Are you trying to say you fit into this category, and you are questioning if I am the angry one?
And by “some” you mean “one”, one course at one university and it’s just one aspect, not the whole course. Way to grossly misrepresent
Yeah. This is not quite true.
I was born in 1974 and nah. This is some serious rose-tinted glasses sheltered suburban kid nonsense.
I alleviated myself from the participation in general and trade chat years ago. There is no longer anything for me to be angry about.
Not at all. I think you are questioning why there is such a rift between the two sides.
I think the rift exists because there is a group of folks Blizzard caters to, and shouldn’t. This affects everyone, not just you or I. Though because I have removed myself from chat for quite some time, it does affect me less I suppose.
And now for the next episode of revisionist history. Presented to you by the least reliable people on the planet.
vvv hur dur, does this make me siakick now?