Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

That’s not what he’s saying - but to some extent it is true for a huge chunk of the playerbase.

I enjoy professions. Unfortunately, there is no Icy Veins to tell you how to spec for them yet, so I can see where most people might have problems.

I generally like the new professions however they have some pretty serious flaws.

  1. Specialisations are a really bad idea IMHO. As an alchemist I am used to making decent flasks, potions and cauldrons, particularly for my guild raids. But now it’s either be a master of one or a jack of all trades (master of none). At the appallingly slow rate that specialisation points are earned, it will take the entire expansion before I get to be master of all.

  2. Why you cannot post a recrafting order as “public” (as opposed to guild or personal) eludes me entirely. It just results in whole lot of spam in trade and it can take weeks of spamming before a suitably skilled player sees and replies to your request for a recraft. Furthermore, when you post a crafting order (as opposed to recrafting order) you cannot specify a minimum quality so even if you provide all of the best quality mats you can receive back a minimum quality item.

  3. In the case of alchemy, filling crafting orders is almost non existent because very few if any players request crafting of potions or flasks when they can easily buy them on the AH. The only likely crafting request would be for an alchemy trinket and I have not seen a single one since the expac dropped. So any points that might be earned from recrafting simply do not eventuate.


That’s because everyone would put 5 stars minimum and then wonder why nobody ever filled their orders.

(The reason nobody could fill their orders is that you can’t accept a work order unless you can guarantee the result, and many 5-star items rely on insp procs.)

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i won’t say it’s too complicated to deal with, i’d say… it’s too complicated to understand. i still do profession stuff on my characters (not this one) and even though i don’t understand finesse or resourcefulness or… whatever else there is, i still do’em for the stuff i can make.

i can’t tell you what all those new professions stats are actually for but i enjoy the new profession equipment! find those pretty neat.

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It’s not happening for anything. The exact thing I said was going to happen is what happened. The first ten people able to make ThingEveryoneWants are the only people who are getting any orders. They were able to level their professions for free with other people’s mats because of the people who have to have whatever it is first and no one else can do anything now.

The most annoying part is, at least for Jewelcrafting, it was down to pure luck and nothing else. You either immediately got the Lariat pattern, which has a lower drop rate than rare drop mounts like Invincible, or you did not get the Lariat pattern. If you didn’t, sucks to be you and you won’t be using your profession this expansion.

This is all I’ve ever wanted to use my professions to do. I don’t want piles of gold and I sure as hell don’t want a second job being a small business seller on the AH or drooling in boredom at my computer hitting my crafting spam message repeatedly into chat in town.

I spent far too much time NOT PLAYING THE GAME while I was tabbed out on various websites just to try to figure out what the hell all the super-hyper-vague crafting non-explanations in the game actually meant. If Blizzard wants to make something this over the top complicated, damn well spell it out in game and don’t give me some fluffy RPGesque three lines of dialogue from some NPC shoved off into the middle of South Nowhere. WoWhead should be a resource, not required reading before you can play effectively.


I just had an Engineer friend make me some Engineer bracers this week, so I could get the battle rez tinker. Plenty of non-engineers want Engineering gear.

Well, yeah. Why would anyone have their 418 bracers made through a public order?

As a JC I disagree. I still haven’t got the lariat, but investing in gemcutting is still pretty good.

Since the diamonds are pretty much what you want to use on all your alts. Saving gold on commissions and making them yourself is pretty good. They can go for 10k gold commissions on my server if you can guarantee a 3 star.

The professions don’t have to used to make, gold, but saving it from not having to do commissions, selling raw mats, joining a guild and doing commissions for them, etc.

The auction house has drastically reduced prices so it becomes a buyers market. Meaning doing the professions yoursekf is better for crafting your own stuff.

People also take cheap commissions through public orders. Just for skill ups so you have a low budget way to get some stuff crafted.

You can also level your profession for stuff coming in the next patch and rank up/catch up. You wont be as efficient as the first crafters but you can still make profits. I seen the lariat go for a lot of gold, so making that back through commissions is a bunch of work.

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Yes that makes sense which highlights another point that the whole proc thing is also a really bad idea at least in relation to crafting. Procing for quantity has always been a part of professions and that makes sense - procing for quality when crafting a single item is a really bad idea IMHO.

As an example, I had a 399 crafted cloth waist that I wanted get recrafted to 405. So rather than go through the lengthy hassle of trying to find a person that could do it, I just created a public order with all the relevant mats and included a message saying “405 only please”. And what did I get back? A 392 item. All those mats, including a Primal Infusion and Spark of Ingenuity, completely wasted because of a really dumb system.


He has the whole expansion to sink money into it and never craft anything that is in demand.

Why should anyone consider that an inspirational goal? You sounds like one of those day 1 exploiters.

You seem to be the one saying that.

Average players are average. If you don’t like that, it’s still a mathematical universal.


Well, between you and the system, its certainly not the system being dumb in this case. There is literally a little quest line that shoves your nose into the fact that you can set minimum quality for personal orders, but not public orders.
Yet, you make it public, with a note to have it crafted at an itemlevel, that people generally can only craft with additional costs for themselfes and get butthurt when the system does exactly what it told you it would do…

I was going to make a point that the threat title is way overblown, the system isnt really difficult to understand and people would be smart enough to work with it, but you kinda make me doubt that now.

I dont have the lariat pattern and JC is among the most profitable professions this expansion with just casually filling public orders.

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Well Mr Einstein, and how exactly would you propose that I find this person to make the order personal when I said I didn’t want to go the the lengthy hassle of finding someone who could do it, meaning spamming trade? Huh? And you think I am stupid, take look in the mirror, pal.

I mean, there are people spamming in trade chat, try one of those. If you ask for that in trade yourself, there will generally be 2-3 people whispering you. Check in with your guild, maybe someone there can do it.
If you really consider this bit of effort too much to do, then you will have to stick with the random chance of public orders. The way is open and its certainly not a “lengthy hassle”, but you do have to make a minimum amount of effort.

Maybe you live in some alternate universe where people just flock to your requests for a recraft, maybe because you are special. Or maybe you are just one of those habitual repetitive spammers who drive everyone else up the wall. You think I didn’t try posting in trade? And a damn site more than once?
My point is not that I was foolish enough to trust that someone would read my message and refrain from trying to craft an item at a quality they knew they couldn’t craft, it is that the system currently allows for this nonsense to happen in the first place.

Most complainers here are just too bothered to watch a 15 min vid on how professions work. They really arent that complicated. At the start of the expansion the information wasnt as fleshed out but the ones who engaged with it and read the trees etc did well.

The ingame information (tooltips) on what nodes exactly boost is terrible. The process of inspiration / recraft / explaining it to the customer etc is awful as a crafter. Crafting is 99% talking 1% crafting. Id rather have some minigame to do when crafting a higher level item and less talking to people its extremely annoying.
Most people catched up after 4-6 weeks since points are to get by quickly. Profits crashed and I can’t be bothered with all the hassle anymore with inspiration recrafts to do something for 1-5k. Not worth so I stopped engaging entirely. Made ~20 mill in the first 4-5 weeks tho.

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Can’t making any gold on professions so I just don’t level them anymore.

Any artificial roadblocks to create a pain point in video games for the sake of having a pain point are worthless systems. They don’t increase player retention. They do the exact opposite and discourage engagement.

The no reset wouldn’t have been a problem if a couple things were not true. The gain of more knowledge was not limited to 10 per week off of reliable methods. As in no RNG drop chance. The importance of inspiration being more clear or the tooltips being more detailed. Professions could be leveled without sparks. Some can and others can’t. Blizzard themselves had bothered to put out a decent guide on how the new professions actually worked. As almost all of the available guides were wrong at the start and still are wrong to this day. If all of the trees in each profession actually did something. So many of them are worthless. Disenchantment for one. Scrapper on engineering etc.

Scrapper is pretty egregious as it says in the tooltip it is used for improving crafts but it does not say that you can only get scrap from bombs you use. Oh and scrap does nothing for gear worth mentioning. It’s a dead tree which never got idealized.


There is no depth though. Clicking a button to place a point before clicking a single button to craft is literally just one extra step to how crafting used to work. Lol. Just now you can make a wrong choice and your profession is not only worthless for making gold but also worthless for your own use.

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one of my downfalls with this new system is i didnt really take a long look at the specializations before i had commit to that tree. I found myself un-able to progress because my specialization choice was…quite expensive and not an efficient way. was more of an end game type of tree :confused:

I’m still waiting for the magic of scrapping to happen.

All sifting through scraps gets me is more garbage.