Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

Again, I have said it enough today but Blizz UX is terrible. They have became to reliant on 3rd party information, addons, etc. to explain their game.


as a engy this whole new profession thing is just a cluster-f. i got no idea what im doing most of the time. hell, i only went for the “can pick where the wormhole goes”. now im just throwin my extra into random bits and hopping its the correct one.

and dont get me started with craft orders. so far i have done one, ONE!!! and that was from a guild member. only just learnt today that that “craft 2 work orders” is a weekly quest


When I log’d in to play DF on Day 1, I went straight to the guides. There was NOTHING.
Guides from Beta is not accurate. After weeks, Guides started to appear. It means when DF started, the player who made the guide KNOWS nothing about the game at start becoz he hasnt played yet. He then started to play this game… played a lot then he made the Guide. How was he able to make the Guide, he played it first?

Stop crying. The game is playable with basic stuffs you have. YOu are just very far behind. The Game is Massive. You are just overwhelmed. And it is normal.

Oh they over did it for sure. I am not interested.

I used to keep my professions up, now i am not even able to figure out what i need or how to get it. I have given up on professions, some things are just not intuitive on how to get. Like the engine of innovation. I am stuck how to get them


Stop defending a bad UI/UX design. I see no reason to white knight for them. SWG is the most complicated crafting system ever designed and it was more intuitive in game than the current crafting system in WoW.


It’s bad to you. It’s okay to me. I understand you want to max out on profession in 30 min and you whine when you cant do it anymore in DF. My advise… Adjust. Just keep playing. Dont rush it. You have the whole expansion to fill it up. And you can make stuffs while filling it up.

It’s not complicated. You are just impatient.


Anytime you have to go outside of the box to learn a system it is bad. They have built modules in the past for the very reason people are complaining to alleviate some of these growing pains. They have added check boxes to no longer show these tutorials as well. I find it to be a lazy design reliant on third party information.


The Game is Massive. It would take time for you to discover it. The guides were there becoz someone faster than you discovered it first. If you dont want to rely to their guides, you are welcome to discover it yourself. Just ignore them if you like.

Actually guides are cheats. But it’s good for everybody so everyone doesnt need to wander around in a wrong direction.

they’re actually really straight forward. Level the skill, spend the points, ask in trade, make the gear. Are the people not understanding this suffering from a concussion?


That is a bug, because it is taking 2 infusions into account and showing a higher recipe skill rather than the correct one.


Their is no actual discovery of the current crafting system. I do not get how you keep going back to this game is massive. The system is bad from a lack of QA testing, not being designed to improve the UX, and full of bugs from lack of testing.


They said the insult in their post which you only quoted part of. The insult is OP said the system was too complicated for most players.

The system infact is very easy to understand and a quick Google search will clarify any questions you may have. It simply isn’t rocket science ( unless you are crafting some very safe rockets )

Really? Let’s have an example. Grand Banquet of Ka’luak… the feast food we use for Raids or M+.

This was not initially on the guide. How would you make that?

Did you know that the recipe was discovered by doing Community Feast in Azure Span? Let’s call it Discovery#1.

Then when you get the recipe, it’s ingredients are compose of another set of food. Where do you get them? Somewhere, when you are cooking Salt Cake Fish Cakes, you discovered a new recipe. Let’s call it Discovery#2.

So it means, you have to cook all the food you find in the game to discover new sets of recipes. This leads to Discovery#3, 4, 5, 6.

Then all the foods you discovered could be mixed into Grand Banquet of Kaluak.

These are discoveries. And they are put into guide so you can sleep well. You dont need to discover them yourself. Eat those guides. And we are just talking about a Food.

AND THERE’S TONS OUT THERE IN THE GAME TO DISCOVER. Thanks to the guides. I dont have to discover all them by myself.

And one thing I would shared, the guide would not tell you their main secret. I know the secret becoz I played them. Play the game. You might discover it too. Instead of whining here on GD. GG.

That is not discovery in my opinion. Very few games had true crafting discovery that I know of, SWG was the only one that I know had true discovery.

People can multitask but I do understand your white knighting for a bad design will never end.

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I am not white knighting. I am trying to explain some stuffs to noobs. Why are they whining on Professions? Becoz they dont know anything. They refuse to submerge themselves and discover it themselves. And they whine where there’s too much guide. It’s not the game’s issue that noobs are overwhelmed. Maybe play a simple game… like Pacman or Space Invaders.

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True, Konami code user here Contra’s my game.

That’s a lot of RNG just to find a recipe that people can make on top of a lot of other RNG to find the other recipes. And let’s say you’re pretty casual; so, you maybe do some of that once a week, and then…you have to get all the materials to MAKE all that food. And you know what? If you’re lucky, it’s YAY! If you’re unlucky, it’s … “This sucks. Screw this.”

Maybe all you care about is crafting, but there are a lot of people who just want to enjoy the game, do a few different things when we have time, and not have to spend another couple of hours outside of the game figuring out where the hell to find certain recipes you don’t have–much less finding out it’s an RNG-fest just to get them. That is NOT fun. Now, a long quest-line that rewards those items after learning more about the profession in question, as well as them letting you know you’ll need to make certain things in order to learn other things (which if you do the quest, you’re going to learn through the process of doing them)—THAT is fun, engaging, and requires effort. It also shows an interest in the profession in question and explains more about the world and its people.

The current system does NONE of that. And THAT is disappointing.


So I reworded the thread title to be more defined as to what I was trying to convey.

“Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With”

It never was the intention to make it appear players didn’t or couldn’t understand the new setup, just that it’s an overkill of a good idea.


So now you are saying players are lazy and stupid?