Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

I’ve never gotten into professions in any expansion except vanilla. And I think the reason is why is that they aren’t convenient to pick up and level as you’re questing normally.

Now a days doing professions just seems as detached from the rest of the game as pet battles.

The entire new profession system just feels a bit like a corrupt a wish sort of scenario. When people asked for professions to be given more love, they didn’t mean for them to be turned into timegated and RNG-gated systems within systems within systems. :woman_facepalming:


The game gives you free points, every week, through quests and world drops. You can always progress.

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Off of the second point…Financially, i was un-able to support the choice of specialization. so i had to wait until i got more points to then continue into other specializations.

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some of us play the game for fun and relaxation, not as a make believe job…


Becoz he came late. He came when AH is already full of stuffs.

But when you look at AH for DF goodies on DF’s first week, it was almost empty. That was the time to make money when Supply was Zero but Demand would skyrocket in a few.

I even had dayoff for 8 days when DF started becoz I want to be among the first to discover stuffs. I know how AH work with Zero Supplies. I know prices would skyrocket again after a week. You didnt notice this on previous expansions? I did.

I went to the internet for guides but there was none. There were Beta guides but they are not accurate on Live. So I stopped looking at the website and delve deep to the game and find the game secrets myself.

Then I started analyzing Professions. It would all start with the gathering. Ok, I started but on foot. Realized right away that this is very inefficient when I started to see herbs on the cliffs inaccesible on foot.

Later, I got my dragons and started to fly. But it was clunky. I cant control the flying dragon. i even came to the internet and look for a tip. All I see were whinings.

I have to really solve the dragon flying issues. The game showed me the glyphs. I got the 3 glyphs right away and my flying improved. Oh I realized that the more glyphs I put, the better i coud control my flying dragon. I stopped everything I was doing and focus on glyphs. My flying improved further.

Then i proceeded and started gathering… Herbing and Fishing while leveling. Im not really a farmer but I just became self sufficient.

First bottleneck… on cooking. Where to get recipe? AH has few but with skyrocketed price already. I just keep on fishing and herbing exploring Dragon Isles. And one time, I came accross with Frog NPC selling stuffs but its currency is a Coin? I looked at my bag, I have few coins. Where did I get those coins? I didnt notice it. So I went back fishing anf herbing and there… Coins were from Fishing. Went back to Frog NPC to buy its stuffs. And on into my discovery. The container it sold me has recipe. Random recipes. Ok… let’s do more fishing. Abuse it as much as I can. And I got some recipes… all unusable to me. But I could sell it to AH. And I saw AH has none. Okay, let’s start putting these stuffs on a skyrocket price.

I saw the Cooking recipes I need on AH but it’s very expensive. But it’s okay becoz I sold my recipes too at ridiculous price. I leveled up my skill from there. Rinse/repeat.

On Alchemy, first bottleneck… exploding tables. ROFL. I just laughed. It was hilarious to see my toon almost dead. But it stopped me from using Tables again. Looked at the internet, they said Bottle of Courage negates it. When I looked at my bag, I had 20x Bottle of Courage already… ahhh… that’s what it’s used for… another discovery.

Now where are these Bottles of Courage? I realized it’s from picking herbs. Well, it’s time to abuse it. Let get gazillion herbs and it got me another 20x of bottles of courage. I leveled up my Alchemy. Rinse/Repeat.

Now, let’s analyze AH. I found the money is on recipes… so I have to continue fishing. I found money on Witherbark… 500g per piece? Well, it’s time to abuse the market.

What did I learn? I have to play the game to improve my Professions.

Then my first 8 days leave from work lapsed. I went back to Casual less play time routine. But I was already self-sufficient to DF’s stuffs.

Me, exploiter? I just played the game and I did discover it myself. Not like the whiners, just sitting there. Hey whiner, play the game and discover the game secrets by yourself. You are lazy? There… look at the guide… gazillion guides out there. The Frog NPC was my secret. Not anymore. My most important tip is simple. Just play the game.

I agree, and i have been playing since tbc i totally hate the new professions


i feel like this about more than just professions in this game. mainly bosses in raids

Those who PVP, raids, and do arenas always got the best gear. Has the new crafting interfered with that system?

Why not have only a few recipes that meet the aforementioned levels for those who want to work on that profession and sell on demand.

Then return professions to good quality items that meet most players needs that can be sold on AH without a bunch of material and skill BS.

It’s been 3 months and I still havn’t maxed out my enchanting. I was stuck at 85 forever. Now I’m stuck at 90. Nothing I have will give skill, and there’s barely any way of getting profession points. 10 a week if I’m lucky. 3 from quest, some from m+… idk where else. Darkmoon faire once a month if I remember to do it. Obviously other people have maxed theirs, but I just can’t be bothered. I hate this.


I VERY CLEARLY stated that the trinket was the exception. So, that’s a non-point on your part…

A) I’ve very purposely NOT run so much as even ONE mythic this Xpac. So… way to assume and be TOTALLY and COMPLETELY wrong.
B) I never, not once said crafting is useless. I said it USED to be a problem that Mythic+ and Raid gear outstripped crafted gear very quickly. I also very clearly stated “I’m HOPING that higher infusions will become available in the new content so that the crafted gear can continue to be relevant.” I said that ,'cause I’m a CRAFTER.

So, in the future… please practice some basic reading comprehension and also avoid baseless assumptions before you attack others on the forums.

Professions right now are the very definition of “Rather than risk a mistake in an unforgiving system the average player will just ignore it.”


As a crafter who’s got it mostly figured out… I’m ok with this!!! :slight_smile:

But also, I kinda feel like that about mythics… You make one mistake in a mythic and you’re ostracized into oblivion. So, the average crafter and/or casual will just ignore them. :slight_smile:

Yeah the point system to level up crafting is just messy. They didn’t give us any hints and so I think many just dumped points into random places. Also for like LW, there is the general tree and then a specific tree for every single individual part. Like really I gotta level 30 points into the mail specialist and then do 20 per helm, 20 per chest, etc. Then deep dive it even harder with the elemental mastery and I have been working hard on prof every week and I still.dont know what rank items will come out until someone submits me the order with their particular ranked mats.

Also I jacked up engineering lol. My points are all over and when a choice of profession knowledge came I always did LW so I kinda gimped my engineering.

I’ve made so many mistakes this xpac with professions like once I made a few profession blues and wasted my mettle to realize they were soulbound.

It’s been a bumpy road. I also paid a lot for various recipes and now those same recipes are like 1000 gold lol

Also wow the altar of decay, traveling there for a work order is a joke, someone puts like 200 or 500 gold like don’t you know I gotta run a dungeon to make this.

Also cooking, the recipes are so easy to get no value in selling food and people spam create recipes to level so actually crafts are worth nothing while reagents are expensive. This xpac is a gathering xpac.


I have only even SEEN a whopping three public orders. Ever. All three were for Lariats. Not sure what world you’re living in, but it seems to be different from mine.


Not only are you screwed if you don’t follow a specific path that someone else outlines on a third party site, the game itself nags you to spend your points with the flashing icon every time you log in, so it kinda encouraged me to throw my points anywhere as i earned them, i wish that could be turned off.



Well I do have to say that who every ‘calculated/configured’ the DF professions is kind of a genius ‘chess’ type player? It is fascinating and all encompassing… toned down about 35% could be nice… more general on specialization and quicker ability to learn them… I know you can’t make everyone happy all the time … for sure, … and I have to say blizz really went all out on this to say you wanted us to change professions and ‘we’ did! I am sure some would be thriving on this but majority I wouldn’t think would. But, thanks for the changes and challenge.

Oh come on. Reading the tooltips is NOT difficult.

That’s a cough “shame”, then, considering after Dragonflight launched, all I saw was the token dropping estimated value by 60%. I’ve never bought a token but I’m not spending that kind of money for 140k gold.