Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

I didn’t even bother. It looks like a huge waste of time now.


They tried to build a complete system instead of growing it out and developing it. I cant be bothered to figure it out. And i dont care.


That… Sounds like typical Blizzard, honestly.

Then they’ll abandon it next expansion like so many things…


that is one of them that is bad - people are going to get ripped off because people won’t notice not all is provided. Plus people making those orders are cheap as all heck and won’t give enough commission. They originally had it set up this way but changed it because of beta feedback and now they are going to ignore it and cause the problems they were trying to avoid.

blizzard sure is messing with the crafters this expansion.

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So OP just insulted the entire wow playerbase by saying they were too stupid to understand a very simple system .

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I agree. Not touching professions at all. Bunch of random stats I’ve never seen nor heard of appear and there’s no explanation on what they do


projection - most people have caught on to the system. he might have been correct 1-2 weeks after the start of the expansion but not now.


True, it requires planning and knowledge what item you want to specialize in. Until now we could be good at crafting everything from start, now main problem to people is focus on 1 item from the start.

It just takes time to fix it. I totally messed up alchemy on my first character, but this reset I did catch up and can craft phials efficiently like top crafters.

As always, coming late to the party is not very fun.
Alt crafter need 30 minutes per week to do weekly quests for knowledge, that is not really time consuming.

Wasnt it always like that?

People do use private orders mostly, why do you think it is for tryhards.
Find crafters name in trade chat and send him a private order with desired quality. Use public orders for non-quality items only. Win.

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The systems are convoluted… I have to do “phial experiments” and pray to rngeezus that my recipe I need comes out of it, if it messes up you have a 3 hour wait time… I still haven’t learned a single recipe. Just let me level and buy them like I used to.

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One of the more difficult things to avoid even as a non-crafter is this. I had a lariat made on my warrior that I just placed a public order for because I didn’t know any better. Nice that the re-craft isn’t a huge deal mats-wise, but I was less than pleased when I got back a crappier quality item after seeing what was being advertised in trade chat. What people getting it figured out need to understand is that crafting orders aren’t meant to remove the need to communicate with others (at least not if you want a decent quality item), it’s a mechanism to prevent either party from getting ripped off. At least that’s how I see it.

Show me the insult. You must be a retired journalist to spin it as such.

And are avoiding it.

Only thing I wish Blizz would add is a way to respec your profession, even if that incurred some kind of cooldown.

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well as soon as i get to 75/100 ill be sure to do that. That still leaves me 9 points to actually get to 75.
I appreciate the suggestion, but it doesnt really change much. im still stuck at 66 with insanely expensive crafts to move forward.

if only there was a way to reset those points.

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I’m sorry if it was unclear. You said that we will have to wait until the end of the expansion to feel the benefits of professions, and since an expansion typically lasts a few years, I said I don’t think it should take a few years for professions (or any type of content really) to feel useful. That’s what I’m talking about. :upside_down_face:


You cant max out current professions in a day or in few weeks. You may need the whole expansion to max it out. You are getting benefits while youre in it especially when you max’d it out.


If you weren’t in on the ground floor then you are basically locked out forever.


Yet people did it in the first 10 days of DF. Then Blizz “fixed” it once everyone who “needed” to get it out of the way was done.

Note the real lack of any walk-backs save for a token number of “examples being made”.

Ditto, btw, with a bunch of suspiciously similar groups getting max renown in the same time period.


I don’t recall ever saying that most of us really carrying on about the ability to brick your profession, lack of any catch up mechanics for KP (regardless of late starters, etc.)…asking to max out in a few seconds/minutes/hours/whatever.

Relevance is what we’re on about. It’s utterly irrelevant to personally craft that shiny Lariat some time near the end of S2. Or finally getting to be able to craft my very own alchemist stone.

Without some yahoo demanding 50k for, what amounts to, pressing 3 buttons.

Do people who put in honest hard work deserve returns? Absolutely.
Can you give anyone any kind of way to tell who did that and who cheated? Nope.

Bottom line on all of this is that, yes, Blizz:

  1. Made it too complicated to understand “at a glance”.
  2. Left a known issue “open” on launch and let a bunch of people opt out entirely.
  3. Designed it such that you either started day 0 and no-life’d KP acquisition, cheated, or fell out of anything you’re doing being relevant.

Now…there are quests in the game that sort of talk about some of the concepts introduced with the new system. That Blizz, based on where these quests live and the rewards for them, expected people to get to around level 63-64.

One chain. 2 quests. Neither of which go any further into things that giving quest text about a high-level explanation of recrafting and quality levels.

As has been said of a lot of other things, having a system that requires someone to:

  • Visit 3rd party websites, plural, to get enough points of view to be pretty sure something subtle wasn’t left out
  • Compare and contrast various guides.
  • Sign up for or visit various forums, Discords, etc. to either find answers to specific questions or ask them.
  • Spreadsheet and simulate.
  • Research, in the same vein, how to acquire the points to do so.
  • Potentially sinking same process into add-on(s) to bypass UI issues.

Means the system to way too complicated for the average player logging into the game and using what the native UI throws at them.

I’d add: If you didn’t (or don’t) have hundreds of thousands of gold (or more) or are willing to pop tokens like Pez, good luck.


They need to quit sitting on their hands and staying within the theme park lines. They have one of the most beloved rts build games to draw from… how come no one can out do SWG crafting? It has been 20 years now and it being sandbox is not a good enough excuse for me.