Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

I continue to find Engineering the only worthwhile profession due to things like Jeeves and the wormhole toys.


To me, it’s a very odd mix of ESO and XIV crafting systems - both implemented poorly. That said, crafting in XIV was even more needlessly complicated than they’ve made professions, now, and I certainly don’t ever want to touch any kind of crafting that takes inspiration from that hot garbage.

Crafting, and leveling your crafting, should be the easy part. Gathering materials, recipes, patterns, w/e and upgrade items to further boost the stats of a crafted item or piece of gear? That should be the ‘difficulty’ in crafting. Not whatever this mess in DF is.

I’ll stick to old expansion crafting for now and poke at new crafting when I can, but I certainly preferred it how it was before. Nothing was wrong with it outside of only two or three professions actually remaining relevant and being worthwhile to level; fix that, and they were fine.

We didn’t need this overcomplicated slapdash mess as a ‘fix’. Especially when it’s just made other aspects of crafting even worse than before.


Yup the new profession thing is way way over engineered.
I havent leveled 1 to max level. I just do gathering to sell mats.

Blizz messed up bad.


I don’t even bother with Raz anymore.

…And we thought Jailer was funny.

Asking a lot from players with no affinity for focus.

In my opinion, the current professions are just hamster wheel content to keep us busy for longer. Anything to extend subscriptions.

I do not find them more fun.


It’s just a failed system like every other one added since legion. The real question is are they actually going to fix it before the last patch lol


Professions certainly needed an overhaul. There are some good ideas in this system but the implementation is a real problem.

There are also a few good and useful items hidden away in a number of professions (beyond spark gear) that very few people know about because the population bothering to complete professions is so reduced.


Holy Smokes!!

I was going to make this exact same post!! Almost word for word, LOL.

U R so right. All the engineering crap that would advance the profession is stuff that costs a FORTUNE to make, and no one wants any of it. And of course all the upper stuff is BoP. They thought people would order stuff, but for engineering, it just ain’t happening. I have yet to see a SINGLE public engineering order since I came back to the game. (A few weeks after initial release…)

And the leveling is brutal. I have 2 recipes that are green, that aren’t a complete investment where you have to include your firstborn child as one of the reagents, and in 8 attempts at one, and 6 of the other, not a single skill up. That’s 14 attempts on a green arrow skill-up product that didn’t advance me once. DMF for me as well seems the only option, if you don’t have deep pockets.


They should have just stayed in their lane. Almost 24 hours now enchanting vellums have been disabled. Alchemy experiments a few weeks ago. Continued failure just to show accurate numbers, still evident by the fact that they can’t get crafting order and Catalyst charges right. And the level of urgency to fix their economic systems is the same as New World.


The current profession system is a solid foundation to start, but it needs a lot of fine tuning.


I mean it needs some more fine tuning and A LOT of the problems you see on the forums could be solved by just doing some reading and planning ahead before you allocate points.


IMO opinion the overhaul would have somehow combined all the various x pacs into one coherent system with standardized mats and recipes while grandfathering in the 9 older systems…


At least they broke each expansion’s crafting into it’s own self-contained thingy (was that in BFA that they did that?), so people won’t have to complete Dragonflight professions to be able to level up Return of the Black Empire (or whatever) ones.


The only thing I’d criticize is it is not always immediately clear exactly which products are going to receive a boost from what tree. Also late stage leveling is pretty painful with the current order system.

Amen. I love crafting, but the few KPs I’m limited to a week are getting on my nerves. Couple that with the fact that the renown grind ISN’T account-wide, and you’re looking at rapid burnout.


So… I like being the guy who handles bringing feasts to my guild’s progression raids. I took a look at what was needed to actually make the Kaluak feasts and mentally did the Homer simpson backing up and hiding in the bushes meme.

It’d be cheaper, simpler, and easier for me to simply buy stacks of them off the Auction Hall from the bots than to waste time trying to mass produce them on my own.


What’s funny is all off the guides were wrong and if you followed them you wasted a ton of points. Every profession has max your general skill up and inspiration wheel first. Other than that you have to go deep into a very specific tree if you want to actually level your job beyond Spark crafting. Most professions have that one recipe in a worthless tree. Luckily BS got a repair hammer that cost 5k per craft you can level off of, but you just vendor it because it can only repair one piece of gear at a time, and you have to have a Repair Hammer unlocked for that specific gear slot which is a minimum of 50 points in.


The Dragonflight profession system is over-complicated and convoluted…


it’s not that hard to understand

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I like the new system in general, but I think it has some problems. The inspiration system paired with the crafting order system doesn’t work well together. It needs a tutorial. Talents need to more clearly spell out which recipes they affect. I often am guessing at which recipes will be improved by certain talents. In general the direction is good for a first iteration on a new thing. The last problem I have is the lack of a good catch-up system for talent points. In general for a first go at a revamp it gets a b+.