Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

Bad system.


I understand why they don’t want people resetting knowledge points, on the fly, the same way you can reset talent points, but even so, I feel like there should be at least something to help out players that took some bad advice.

Maybe if you reset you only get 80% of your points back, and you can only do the reset quest at most, once every 2 weeks? I don’t know… just something, anything. The system is brutal at the moment.


Reading is hard

Complicated to Tourists who wants to get things all done in span of few weeks. Crafting is not like that anymore. You thought, you buy a WoW token, get gold and buy all the mats on AH and you would get max skill on profession in minutes? It’s not like that anymore.

YOU HAVE TO PLAY THE PROFESSION THE WHOLE EXPANSION. Only then you would see its benefits.

I don’t mind it so much, though for sure it could use some tweaking and changes. For a first iteration it’s not awful. I use it a lot for my alt army which has made it easy to level up to 70ish but I’m pretty much stuck there for all the crafting profs.

My biggest gripe is the sheer amount of recipes, the abysmal drop rate of some of them(looking at you lariat), and being locked behind renown.

The renown one hurts me the most because on most of these alts I will probably never get to the levels needed. If I could buy them on my main which is fairly high with the four factions and mail them to alts that would be nice.

And if I never go into another elemental storm that would be fine since I loath that type of grind, but I sure would like to get that recipe. And not to sell it for 1.0M on the AH, but to use it for alts with training matrices.

And before y’all get all up in my business with “play the game”, I have 2 toons I play the most and the rest of them I just want decently geared and to have the option to play if I get bored with my pally or priest. For me, decently geared is 385ish so I can comfortably do anything else be it low M+ or normal raid, or just blast WQs.


Touch grass

They are not complicated, they are pointless given what is required.
Complexity and Complication are two distinct things.
They were one of the reasons I decided to leave and uninstall the game.
It was bad already before, I know, but I guess there is no turning back now.
It is like talents, they framed the talents like before, but in essence, they are the same crap from last xpac.


Its really complicated for us mouth breathers ok!

I wouldn’t say complicated, just has some ridiculous steps involved. For one, every profession should be able to be capped at 100 with what you get from your trainer. There is just no need for the extra grind to 100 with the already long grind with all the sub specializations.

Two, I just don’t see crafting orders ever working right. Buy orders on the AH would work far better and be far easier as we move from one expansion to another.


There is nothing complicated about this game, even Nick Cage in his worse roles make it pretty clear:

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My problem with it is that it’s turned professions into yet another system where there is a “right” answer, and a pretty harsh penalty for not following that answer. I’ve decided to just ignore professions since I don’t want yet another thing I need to look up online before I can spend a point. Why we can’t respec I’ll never know. Blizzard can’t go an expansion without adding some grindy system that you have no way of correcting if you make a poor choice.


You think we will?? I hope so… I HOPE that all this time investment, coupled with recrafting will keep it relevant… I hope. Though, I also wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if we were forgotten about/relegated to irrelevance by the end of the expansion either… again.

I dont know about you. But me I am flasked 24/7, food buffed 24/7, have elemental potions of power on Bosses, unlimited life potions. Also have Invisible potions when I need to skip stuffs or speed run potions to quicly run.

When I make a flask of 2… when it procs, sometimes it procs 14x… ROFL. I also sell half of my infinite healing potions… sometimes make mana potions for AH.

I am self sufficient. ANd I am just Casual.

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Are they really so grossly incompetent that they don’t see they’ve ruined it, or do they do it on purpose to artificially inflate the amount of time people are logged on? At this point, I’m going for possibly both…


WoW has the opposite problem from something becoming stale. It’s that the entire flavor profile changes to the point that the game people fell in love with is no longer recognizable.

I want to play WoW, but the current game isn’t WoW. It’s something entirely different. Some people will like that, and I think it’s “okay” but it just doesn’t “do it” for me anymore. I don’t like CRZ. I don’t like, phasing. I don’t like, scaling. You can say those things were done to keep the game feeling, “alive” and that may be true, but to me, it feels like a schizophrenic treadmill.

Professions are just an outgrowth of the, “If a little change is good, a lot is better” philosophy. Change is good, but helter-skelter, game design feels chaotic, confusing, and doesn’t solve the original problem of professions feeling pointless. All people wanted was for professions to be relevant. Instead, they gave people a thinly cloaked grind.


Hamster wheel content to keep casuals busy, to get them to min max on non 3 pillar content, to get them to spend massive amounts of money to level up and min max their professions (just like with Shadowlands crafting), to get them to craft top gear at a loss to better players, and of course, feel blessed by the opportunity to provide that service.

When Blizzard said “no power progression systems”, they didn’t say “no progression systems”, because crafting is definitely a progression system with an infinite grind.

I see what they were trying to do with professions, but it just isn’t self contained enough. It’s like BFA where they wanted to you to do a tiny bit of every single little piece of content they created before you can progress forward.

It should be so self contained that I can just progress it in the open world. I don’t understand why every single thing in this game needs to suck you into an instance. Gd game is so out dated.


Alchemy is like apples and oranges to the other professions though… You can’t get higher level flasks/pots from running Mythics and Raids. With the notable exception of the alchemy stone trinket, Alchemy will never not be relevant. As for the rest of us, in the past, our max craftable ilvl gear is outstripped by Mythics+ and Raid gear before the first patch drops. It’s a major pain point for non-alchemy crafters. I’m HOPING that higher infusions will become available in the new content so that the crafted gear can continue to be relevant. Otherwise, all the time invested (every… week… for every profession you do…) to get renown, KPs, etc. will be a complete waste.

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I’m not sure any type of content should take several years to feel fun and useful…

Yes! Exactly this!

I wish things were more self contained… sometimes I just want to work on crafting. Why do I have to work on reps to work on crafting? I understand the occasional very special recipe being locked behind rep, or dropping in a dungeon or what have you, but this is much too much. I also reeeeeally don’t want to have to depend upon other players (work orders) to level my craft. It’s almost like they tried to find a way to turn professions into group content!


There’s some legitimately good changes (being able to craft BOP items for other people, crafting scaling up to mythic level) but as a whole it the system is bloated and unintuitive, to say nothing of the fact that if you didn’t spend your initial points right you’re permanently screwed.

It’s really baffling to me they went in this direction. Professions have always been underutilized by players, and that’s mostly because the rewards aren’t worth the effort. Professions needed to be streamlined, not complicated even further.