Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

i will finish leveling up engineering through the Darkmoon Faire. and it will take ages.

The cost of crafting something that might actually give me a point is insane. It will also be something no one wants. and end up as vendor trash, so why bother.


I think what professions really need is a more clear way to hit 100 that either isnt a) expensive as heck, or b) costs mats like mettle / sparks. Once i sat down and actually started researching what i could do with tailoring, it actually became much clearer what i was capable of doing. The work order system could sure use some work. Hopefully someone at blizz puts a work order in for that.


They had to know that requiring other people to spend very rare limited weekly resources like SoI and Mettle would lead to most people not being able to progress their craft past 65-70 in many professions. Then there is the rare drop requirements for things like Jewelcrafting and enchanting.


They’re very obscured from players who aren’t very time committed. I believe that by design what they want average players to do in order to level them is buy Tokens. I think this was an intentional design goalpost.



Exactly this.
If they at least gave us a new Blingtron I would care a little more.


professions are not complicated. just not done very well.

it was complicated the first few weeks where you didn’t know where to put points into. now its easy but again points were wasted learning with no way to redo them.

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Nothing should be so difficult that one must research and research…

WOW is mmo game that should be easy enough for the majority.


Stop assuming people are stupid as avg Americans.
Elementary schools kids can read and figure out profession.
Same in other games

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Old professions were useful to people who wanted to craft casually for themselves and their friends. We were told this was going to be the fourth pillar of content for casuals, ie, something to keep them busy running around in circles with the worst aspects of shadowlands crafting combined with system on system bloat to “share the pain” that those who did power progression in previous expansions felt.

Videogame players are average people. If fewer people are now participating in professions, that’s because of changes to the game. You can’t change human nature, but if you try hard enough you can get people to give up parts of the game they used to like but no longer find fun.

If a lot fewer players are doing professions, that’s a game design problem for Blizzard.


I thought it was pretty clear from the get-go it was going to be more trouble than it was worth for most players. Complexity for the sake of complexity isn’t necessarily entertaining enough to hold interest.


I don’t think anyone here is assuming players intelligence other than yourself.

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English is a very difficult language for many foreigners to learn and master. I do empathize with your frustrations in that regard.


This type of crafting is still waaaay simpler than some crazier games like Satisfactory

I agree with the over complication of something that becomes relatively irrelevant in the late game, at least when it comes to end game content; other than gems, enchants and potions specifically.

Crafted gear, even with the iLVL upgrades you can make to the crafted gear, it generally becomes outdated after you get into normal/heroic stuff.


Oh you again with your toxic pov.


I have found that collecting the level 3 and 4 matrixes from world quests has so far been a good source of crafted upgrades for my alt army.

I offer a 200g tip for a public craft and it usually gets filled within an hour at most.

Of course, others mileage may vary.

When was a casual player EVER able to make millions of gold a month with a profession?

Making that kind of money has ALWAYS come from you either getting lucky getting an exclusive recipe, OR you were able to get through difficult content way faster than the rest of the population.


i agree with a lot of the general sentiment here but this isn’t remotely true, unless there are WQs handing out 418+ gear that i’m just not being offered


My apologies - for my needs/wants, WQ gives me the gear I’m looking for.

I have no desire to set foot into a normal raid, unless it’s 1 to 2 expansion packs behind.

I’m a LFR causal.


Agreed. It’s not intuitive at all and also very clunky. The new stats also just bake in boatloads more RNG and quality levels just bloat everything up unnessarily. This much RNG, complexity and timegating is not fun at all.

When picking class talents I always found it easy to choose a path with a clear understanding of how it would affect my gameplay but when picking places to stick profession points, it’s not easy to understand at all. Its also very punishing.

I can of course google a leatherworking (or whatever) build and just copy it but that’s pretty boring and I still don’t really understand the suggestions because at this point I’m too bored and apathetic to research further.

Specializations should also just unlock 1 or 2 rare items, and that is your meaningful choice. Do you want to be the blacksmith that makes the cool haunted sword set that sucks souls out of your enemies or the badass flaming shoulders that everyone wants for transmog? The bulk of your recipe catalogue shouldn’t be locked behind specializations of it feels like drip fed nonsense.