Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

Because it was archaic and boring so they began looking at other games with better crafting systems to try something new.

There’s stuff I like about it…but it is an attention sink. Just saying.

I agree. Its way too complicated. Or forced to buy gold to get things you need that people put so high priced on the AH.

Dragonflight Professions are the best they’ve been since maybe BC, when your specialization meant something.

I’m enjoying them.

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It was definitely a shockingly large jump from the pre-DF professions. My wife started on it, saw the level of complexity and basically just went “Nope” and moved on. Initially I basically did the same thing. I just picked whatever I thought would give me the most mats and figured I’d give up on crafting stuff to use and just sell it all.

I’ve been trying to get into it a bit and I kind of understand it (and of course wish I had spent a day with a spreadsheet planning my knowledge points beforehand). But coming from “zug zug gather mats craft best thing” and “skill up by craft best thing and then learn new best thing to skill up” to this was a huge jump (and work orders are part of this system).

The other day I went and decided to count how many more knowledge points I needed to max my professions and it was over 650. I know why this is true, because it’s designed to last an expansion, and that’s cool, but dang that’s a lot. With that in mind, I’m glad we’re going to see it continue onward (and I really hope they add a way to let us keep recrafting current items with new enchanted shadowflame crests instead of just ditching this stuff we’ve leveled up with us) which wouldn’t be likely if we could max it easily in a week.

Just probably would’ve worked a lot better in a phased roll-out. Or even just making the more complicated things only apply as things increase in difficulty. Introducing me to talent trees and having me unable to make “3 star” cloth bolts and also work orders for required materials, etc all at once was a big shock to the system.

And by relevant, people meant viable for power progression, not way too complex and unforgiving. Yeah, professions are pretty complex in DF, but I was okay with that, what bugs me the most is not being able to reset KP at least once.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


No one cares if they finish leveling their profession by the END of the expansion. There is literally no point to that. The entire point of a profession is to make use of it during the current expansion.

Already I can’t make any use at all of my professions. I can not make anything relevant to any of my characters. My professions are all garbage because I can’t level them unless I want to drop huge piles of gold on them only to still be far behind the exploiters who jumped the line at the start.

This is exactly the issue. I can’t even enchant my own characters or make gems for my own characters which are relevant to the content with which they’re engaged. No one wants garbage crafts and all I can make right now is worthy only of being dumped off with a vendor. I’m forced to buy things on the AH from one of the first ten people who leveled. This is a sign of a trash system.

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No you can’t. Certain professions are hard locked to gaining the remaining 30 or so levels behind spark crafting. Your points don’t matter unless you have the 30 extra skill points from getting the profession to 100.

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What’s wrong with professions being something you work on through out the expansion?

If you can’t do these things this far into the expansion then you just haven’t put any effort into crafting at all. Which honestly is still pretty minimal effort to progress it.

I don’t get the hate for crafting. I’m actually making money with my profession for a change and the UI is great. Love the specializations and profession tools.

Base skill points are meaningless. The skill tree is where all the action is, and you get free skill tree points every week.

It’s frustrating. I put points into the wrong start at JC and now playing catchup. Plus there’s like 40 kinds of gems/mats that I have to stockpile somewhere, plus ore (Same thing) food mats, excet. And then there’s the craft a to craft b to craft c that is furstrating, since I CRAFT ALL THREE! Why make it three diffrent actions?

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Yeah the sub-components are annoying.

Feasts are a nightmare, because of them.

The RNG nature makes it more like a korean MMO than FFXIV. At least FFXIV gave you the opportunity to manipulate item quality during the crafting process. This is more like “hope you have enough Inspiration and pray to whatever deity you believe in”. It’d be different if they had added some rendition of the mini-game FFXIV’s crafting uses (we know Blizzard has the tech for it because certain quests use a similar interface).

The main gripe I have with the changes to professions is the inventory bloat. They should not have added 3 item qualities for reagents. Two (normal and high quality) would have been more than fine for base materials.

Aside from that, I agree that the drip feed of crafting knowledge is not good in the long run. The quest for crafting orders should include NPCs and other players, because it’s close to impossible to find crafting orders unless you arrange something with people or have really high-level recipes already. Maybe make it so that player crafting orders cost you no materials, but NPC crafting orders require you supply at least one of the needed reagents. Bonus is that it might give a little extra dimension to some NPCs by giving you a glimpse into their tastes/personalities.

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I’m like 80% sure you can guarantee literally every craft at max rank except for embellished BS weapons

As a LW this also bugs the hell out of me. Ive been keeping a Brackenhide lockout and just extending it each week so I have an empty instance to run through.

You can skill up from recrafts, recrafting doesnt require additional sparks.

Yeah I agree. When DF came out there was so much excitement but the daunting process of the professions was too much for me, especially as an ND person who’s very particular about how I go about things. I still think it’s a cool concept (like keeping profession equipment slots).

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The whole point of professions is to . . .

because once the expansion is over, they’re useless.

Unlike others, that is not what bugs me the most about the current profession system, although I do believe that issue needs addressing, my main complaint is not being able to reset our KP even once.

Yes, the current profession system is convoluted and over complicated, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I also have an alt army that gives me the use of every profession, and some of the professions more than once, which is kind of necessary with the current system. So, I can work with it and make things easier for myself. Most people though, just don’t want to deal with the hassle.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Well, this is the expansion that gave people access to things like the Lariat. If crafting had not been complex and requiring actual work and effort to get to a high level, then things like that trinket would probably have not been available through crafting.

So you have to balance what you want - a crafting system that provides actual useful and valuable items, or keeping the crafts the way have been for the last few expansions. People who have played a long time will likely remember the costly and difficult to acquire patterns for extremely valuable gear that existed back in Vanilla and TBC and even Wrath (I remember my near hysterical delight at getting the pattern for Merlin’s Robe in the ICC raid). Blizzard, it seems, are having another try at that design philosophy.