Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

Just do what I do - login and open the crafting window and then figure it’s just less of a hassle to buy off the auction house and then go afk while getting food or coffee and then come back and load up bf2042 since they finally fixed everything and get your BLAM-BLAM on


This is a good idea that will work until Brackenhide is in the M+ rotation. I should suggest this to friends.

I still think crafting tables are beyond obnoxious and having one at the very end of a dungeon is inexcusably obnoxious.

Yeah 30 skill points don’t matter. When you need 430 to get a 5 star and with inspiration you can only proc 400. You’re right. /sarcasm

It’s complete RNG. I can 5 star 418s in one to two taps but making a 402 dagger took 5 recrafts to 5 star. Max level, max gear, max skill points in all weapons trees and the general skill up and inspiration tree.

  1. I specifically excluded embellished BS weapons
  2. Sounds like you’re not using an insight if you can’t guarantee a 405 embellished dagger because it’s 24 skill points off at max dagger skill, or they sent it with bad mats

I recrafted a friend’s stupid 418 embellished belt in one tap at 41% inspiration.

It took me 17 recrafts to make my own at 418 at 41% inspiration. No embellishment.

I was cartoon levels of mad. Like, head explode into volcano/steam big angy.


When you factor in the spoke bonuses, you get 30 points easily by putting 10 points into the appropriate skills in the skill tree.

I was cranking out 418 5-star items long before I reached base skill cap. It’s just not that important. And even after you max everything out, the good stuff still comes down to whether you proc an inspiration or not. Which is dumb IMHO, but not something that’s affected by the base skill.

A. It was unembelished.
B. Why would I use an insight on a lower level craft when I don’t need one for the higher tier?
C. Why would I use my own limited currency to complete a low level craft for a guild mate?

If you can’t see how dumb a system is where you can craft the highest tier possible with no effort yet RNG and not any skill or points can make a lower tier craft more effort, it’s no wonder this game continues to implement bad systems that get dropped after every expansion.

Then you aren’t max skill or they didn’t send it with t3 mats

You said you couldn’t guarantee the 418 either, you need the insight to guarantee the 418. You obviously got lucky on the 418, RNG is RNG

It’s an option that you or they have available. Normally, people will charge for use of an insight. If you don’t like that person enough to use an insight, then negotiate a price

Max skill, max tools, max inspiration, max skill points in every tree including general bonus and inspiration. Even with T3 mats you still need an inspiration proc so they are not worth using when you are maxed in everything else. It’s a bad system. Period.

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Correct. You can be juiced to the moon, but if you’re making anything over 405 with a missive you’re counting on inspiration… which means that the difference in t2 mats and t3 mats is irrelevant because inspiration will put you well beyond the required skill with t2 mats.


Keep It Simple Stupid.

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You do not need an inspiration proc to get a 405 unembellished dagger guaranteed if it’s full t3 mats. It is an objective indisputable fact, it’s just math. Maybe the dude sent it with t2 mats and you didn’t notice, or maybe he crafted it originally with t2 mats so it was only 40% t3 on the recraft, who knows. But if it’s a fresh first craft, full t3 mats, a rank 3 missive, no embellishment, max knowledge, you will get a 405 dagger literally every single time. Look at the image below. I am 5 knowledge points away from max daggers, which will grant me +5 skill and put me at 347 skill. A 405 infusion and a rank 3 missive are +45, which will put it at 347/345 skill requirement, which is a guaranteed 100% every single time 405


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I abandoned the professions there not worth it.period.and since there changing the whole system in 10.1…its doesnt even matter anymore.

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I understand why they made the choice to not let you respec your profession tree.

I quit classic a few weeks ago but i was max alch and herb.

I log on, i have mail from guildies wanting elixers. No problem, go fly and swap specialties…then if i wanted to make potions i have to go fly and swap back.

It creates a feeling of missing out/handicapping yourself if you know you can change something to get extra items or stats…so it just feels bad if you for example make 100 potions but forgot to swap to potion mastery so you missed out on procs

The questionable (or monkey paw) potential outcome here would be people posting orders where the commission DOESN’T cover the missing materials… but some crafter takes it anyway at a loss, either for a chance of skillup, First Craft bonus, or to complete one of the quests that requires completing a certain number of orders. (Incentivize people to be the supply, in an economy that already has too much supply! Brilliant!)

So instead of never seeing any public orders, now there will be public orders available, but only ones that cost more in mats than they pay you. Technically that’s an improvement because it gives you a choice of contributing your own mats to get the side benefits or just ignoring it if you can’t afford it. But it’s not the solution a lot of players want to see.

It’s fundamentally a supply and demand issue – there are lots more people who want to craft for fun than are actually needed to create the volume of crafted stuff people want to use for its actual effects, in the majority of professions. That was actually true all along, but in a simple system you can speedrun to maximum making DE bait for moderate cost with no timegating and then just forget about it until next expansion.

I’m not sure the purpose of crafting either, I mean, as my own profession. I have only crafted a few pieces for myself, and gave up trying to level a specific profession because I didn’t see the end value.

I’m also not going to spam trade to get orders. If I craft for myself instead of the already established crafters I’m just wasting mats. Actually having to wait for folks to spam their services is terrible too.

The whole crafting system is a big swing and miss. The best value I’ve got is from my alchemy is in CoS, but that dungeon is easy anyway.

I was never a fan of making professions worthless unless you could get endgame raid recipes. That was bad. However, this new iteration is also bad. Just in a completely different way. Maybe not entirely different though as using gated mats on everything relevant goes back at least as far as BfA.

I do not do not like how I cannot “respec” my profession. It’s bad enough I need to write a page of notes copying icy veins for the new talent trees, and those you can at least redo if you mess it up once. When I was much younger and a total noob I thought I could just put points in and screw theorycrafters. Then I wondered why my characters sucked so bad that I kept rolling new alts. Every tree has a solution that’s been determined by more man-hours and brainpower than one person could ever hope to spend.

Just because Classic was popular they thought it was because of trees? We needed more trees in retail? That’s still a huge wtf from me. I can play through it by looking stuff up and taking notes, it’s just, why even make me do that? Suddenly I’m back in EQ with an entire 3 ring binder of printed notations.

The regular talents have an import feature. You can literally just copy and paste the import code. You can save up to 10 talent loadouts by default, and many more with use of an addon.

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Yeah I was psyched for profs at launch when we were all even Steven, but then gradually lost interest, especially after mis clicking my jc crafting tree and not being able to reverse it :frowning: