Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

This discussion is making you so mad that you’re making up new people to be mad at. Yikes!

The Professions are too easy for players to screw up at. Not to mention the exploit near launch that let early birds max certain professions very very quickly thus letting them take over the market.

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You’re reading anger where there is none. I take it you aren’t a fan of the crafting system.

Professions are NOT alt-friendly in the slightest. I have 5 characters I’m focusing on. It was going to be more but the constant re-logging to totally shift my mindset per character got really old, really fast.

Knowledge point drops: I am just not getting maximum amount per week per character. I have fallen behind even on my MAIN because leaving it to total RNG drops kills my enthusiasm to even bother. If I don’t get all of them by the time I’m done doing my weekly tasks and a little bit of extra farming for other reasons, then I just move on lest I simply not get ANYTHING done on one or two of the alts.

Miss 3 or 4 points each week on 5 characters constantly and it builds up really quickly. It’s just frustrating being permanently behind and knowing I’m never going to make any meaningful use of my professions.

Combined with ZERO EFFING WORK ORDERS unless I use my alts for strictly just the weeklies, it’s just yet more tedium. I really hate having to constantly mail junk between characters just because heaven forbid I have to circumvent a ridiculously poorly thought out system that only benefitted a fraction of people.

Seriously, put some fictional work orders for supposed NPCs or SOMETHING. If we are going to be held hostage to this, at least make a workaround.


100%. It’s a solid foundation for a system, but:

A.) They gotta allow some form of respeccing. If you’ve misallocated your points or made a theory that something would be profitable but it isn’t… your profession is basically bricked on that character. You stop participating in it because it’s not doing anything for you.

B.) There is just not enough buyers to support most markets, unless you’ve rando-ed an amazing recipe.


I have to agree with this.
It isnt just the complexity of it its the idea that you have to focus on one aspect of them and end up not being able to other parts of it. For example focus on potions and skip phials, why?
I get it they are trying to make the game more interactive with other people but this isnt the way to do it.


Thats good though. It creates demand for crafts

Agreed 100%. Perhaps professions were generally too basic before, but now it’s excessively complicated. Although I’ve always enjoyed professions in the past, I’m not really interested in burning the amount of time it takes to get an understanding of how the heck they work. How about something in the middle?

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Ever tried reading. I know it can be complicated, but 2nd graders are able to do it.

I hate professions post dragonflight. I been playing since vanilla and ALWAYS picked professions when starting a new toon. It’s part of the characters identity. Then in prepatch they made everything old world become completely irrelevant, and now it’s just a convoluted mess. Shame

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I don’t hate the crafting system, I just think it shouldn’t have been as complex as it is in the first iteration of being retooled, and that the subsystems of branching into specializations should have been saved for a later patch. Let everyone get their feet under them, then expand it.
And I LOVE dragon riding, but IMO, they should have called it dragon flying. I’m a flyer. I just wished I could convince them to allow those same mechanics for Dracthyr characters as a racial and set them free like druids.

If for nothing else professions should be so you can make stuff for yourself.

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True, lot of people think skilling to 100/100 will make them suddenly best crafters. In many professions, not much changes at skill 100.

You still can, nothing changed about it.

Actually, you focus on potions and in time in phials, you dont end up with potions. Game goes on for two years, we will learn all in 6-7 months.

I love your name :rofl:

Not too complicated, just some vague tooltips, and traps… I hate how the constant chase each week. It’s like constantly leveling for several months before the casual person even gets stuff at a good point or max. It’s not fun. Plain and simple. And people like me who used professions for gold making, chasing each week or being behind sucks,

Two exploits now has put many people WAY ahead and even maxed profs.

Shame but what has a nice foundation, failed in implementation.

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It also limits your use of an alt army for professions. Which I guess I am okay with, but then I sort of wish we weren’t limited to 2 professions per character.

I got an alt up and I honestly just don’t know WHAT to do to actually not suck. How fun is that? Tailoring/Blacksmithing have a million options…who thought that was a good idea? And each sub option can go to 40/40…like that’s a profession that will take years to max everything - THAT ISN’T FUN.

I hope they do something to fix it as right now the only profs I go all in on are gathering because they are simple, level my chars 60-70, and have immediate financial payoffs.


Yup. I used to have at least a ‘nice’ time when I had alts that I fleshed out professions, worked on getting recipes etc and just was able to play the game after. Now it’s this carrot chasing each week. And it’s not fun, feels bad, so I’m pretty sadly deciding to abandon my alts today since I see that the way it is now, is simply not enjoyable at all.

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The old system worked…. Why did they have to ‘fix’ it?