Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

Professions are made to the public wow want:

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Another video that thinks Millennials are twenty-somethings.

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I don’t find professions complicated, but the skill-gating is annoying for some more than others. Inscription, for example, is a chore to get to 100.


I understand it just fine. AGAIN I find extreme lack of motivation for it and no fun. I find it unnecessary complexity for what it does. Like above a “chore” not need in a game. I find it mosty totally useless in the short term for my 8 toons. In the long term worthless when it come to armor professions, my alt’s will already be past its usefulness.

It should be engaging and interesting worth my time and effort. Not something long drawn out for the sake of time gating. The WO are a POS.

Most of all zero-nota-zip FUN of any type.


100% this. but that seems to be how the game has progressed. A good portion of the game is just NOT FUN.

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OK, I guess profession is just not everybody cup of tea.
I find it completely different from you, very engaging and fun and something finally new in wow, even quit M+ and some raids to have more time for all alts to max professions.
At first seemed complex, but now it is very easy to understand.
My alt with only 132KP and 80skill is earning solid gold and it is proof it is never too late to start.

I really like how they’ve changed crafting in DF.

I would say the thing I hate most, and I think it’s changing soon, is how massive the UI is.

I like the RP of being at crafting tables and wearing crafting gear and then I can’t see anything because the UI takes up my entire screen.

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I suppose that professions are fun if you happen to have allocated your points correctly versus somebody who allocated them “incorrectly”. But that has nothing to do with effort. Effort can mean doing whatever is need to get points to spend. But where a lot of people got screwed is that they tried to think for themselves and assign the points where they thought it might work, but they made the wrong decisions and now they are severely punished for trying to learn the crafting system. The system is completely unforgiving of mistakes.

We NOW know how points SHOULD be allocated for various professions. But when this all started, people didn’t really know and it was a lot of guesswork. Some people guessed correctly and other people did not. That has absolutely nothing to do with skill.

If by skill you mean that you were supposed to find some guide to tell you exactly how to allocate your points instead of trying to figure it out for yourself?

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And that luck made all the difference. Was everybody else supposed to be able to buy that recipe at the same price so they could “copy” your sucess?

My main is my first character I put thru DF to 70 and I did put all knowledge points wrong a on alchemy. And then I put all points wrong with enchanting.
Now after so many months, I caught up on alchemy at full efficiency, happy now.
Enhanting still isnt there, but at least I did earn some gold with efficient disenchanting.
Only after a month, started 1alt from 60-70. And again put points wrong, all over the place, in two professions.
All this mistakes were done because I didnt understand inspiration, how powerfull it is early on and how getting 100 skill isnt so important.
This mistakes costed gold, a lot of it, but learned from mistakes and did it right on alts, from the begining. Now with very small amount of points, I can be very competitive on the market, but that means crafting only one or two items, nothing else.

In about a year to a year and a half they will say"sorry, we made a mistake". They will say we should have listened to players and promise to never ever ever do it again. They will promptly break that promise as soon as possible. rinse and repeat.

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I really like the crafting I just feel like there’s nothing that interesting to craft. (Inscription/herb)

I’m mostly crafting skill books for people, I get the occasional trinket and rarely a weapon.

99% of dragon customisations are handed out like candy making the 20 options we have to offer feel rather pointless.

I’m hoping some interesting recipes come out later on in the expac and that R4/5 materials become an option.

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I want to revise my opinion - I just spent 30 minutes trying to babysit someone through the work order process with no end in sight so I just gave up and put the fool on ignore because you know they weren’t going to pay more than 1k gold - I could do 4 flying world quests in that time and make double the gold

I don’t think it’s too complicated. It’s just useless and not fun. I love crafting in other games - even Guild Wars 2 where most people think it’s not worthwhile. The problem is, it’s infinitely more worthwhile in GW2 than it is here. The system for creation isn’t bad - it’s WHAT we create, and, perhaps more importantly, WHY we create it. At the moment, it’s these last two that are sorely lacking. That leaves the system feeling dry, pointless, and, most damning of all, unfun.

The great irony is that they’ve built it backwards. The current best path to level crafting requires us to grind out reputations. Instead, they could have done something like back in vanilla (where crafting was used to “fuel the war effort”) in order to build up the various faction reputations and provide a more valid reason to craft otherwise useless junk. There could then be caravan missions to ferry various supplies to the factions. Caravans might need protection (opportunity for events). If a caravan wagon breaks down, perhaps engineers are needed to repair and get the caravans back up and going. Perhaps scribes could act as cartographers that speed up the caravans or increase their success ratings. Just a couple of ideas off the top of my head that could have added to the flavor of crafting, making it more worthwhile, and also adding to the feeling of Azeroth being a living breathing world. But alas, we’re left with yet another hamster wheel system that will soon rust from neglect.


It seems it’s more than it can handle, there’s a couple of bugs that are easily recreated and occur consistently

I like that idea. Pethaps similar to what ESO does with resetting certain abilities in the game - make it expensive, and make any further purchases after the first get more expensive with each purchase. I don’t know if the second part is necessarily appropriate for WoW but then Im not sure if there is a negative for repeated resettings.

Absolutely a yes on this one. I had to google to figure them out. Maybe when you start your profession climb in the expansion you get a little book that you keep and read to explain what all the stuff means, including things like tools.

I don’t know about account wide, but I’d certainly like a server wide bottomless bag for mats. If ESO can do it, WoW should be able to. If its designed so any material gathered automatically goes into the bag and any character on that server can access it, it would save a shirtload of mailing going on between characters.

Yes. If my character doesn’t have enough of X, and the person taking the order does, an automatic assessment of how much that would add to the commission, based on current materials costs, would make it a lot easier for many people.

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I thought this was strange too… like I can hear my blacksmith hammer clinking, but cannot see it? Bizzare choice on blizzards part!

Couldn’t they have made a toggle for the UI to go transparent during crafting? Like maps do when you move in a lot of games? :upside_down_face:

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Yeah I didn’t pay attention or understand. At one point with engineer I had unlocked the 3 trees that don’t have toys and then I was sad cause I didn’t realize. Flip side of that was actually a good move because others can make the toys for me and I can be in other trees.

I think my engineering stalled in the 70s when each point was going to cost thousands of gold for no return at all. Also there being zero demand for anything engineering makes really helped me not feel any need to level a craft this time around.

Speed boost for life. Everything else is just busy work.

Thank the lord above someone finally spells out exactly what % chance means. People who think doing something repeatedly increases the chance of success with a % chance make me want to tear my hair out.

If nothing else, they should consider the people who have been religiously farming (insert the name of your favorite super rare drop mount here) for years and years with no success to understand % chance doesn’t change with number of attempts.

You do realize in this scenario the person did not complete the task at all and thus their chance is zero only by virtue of not having completed the task. Yet you are comparing this to someone actually completing the task and pretending that person has a higher chance. The person who quit has no part to play in this argument since they didn’t perform the required task. They have no effect on the chances of anyone else. The person who completed the task does not have a higher chance. The task completer has the exact same chance as every other person who completed the required task and, if they perform the required task again, they will have the exact same percent to succeed as they did the first time they completed the task. End of line.

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