Opinion - Professions Are Now Too Overcomplicated For Most Players To Want To Deal With

All they really did with professions is take the same old system, spread out the rewards and gated them behind the knowledge system, providing the exact same quality of previous professions but with the Blizzard spin of stretching the process of learning everything out across the entire (or at least most of the) expansion’s life cycle.

Things that should be baseline are now locked behind a points system. It’s a lot like what they did with talent trees, just stripping classes of their basics and then regifting them through talents.

Blizz being on brand by stripping things from a system, offering the opportunity to gain them back if you put in the work, and calling it a “fresh” design.

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Is it Blizzard who sets the price of the mats, or the players who farmed the mats? Also this is only a problem for people who want the best stuff on day one and aren’t willing to compromise.

Expensive stuff that lots of people want existed before the WoW token. In fact the WoW token was introduced in an expansion where you couldn’t really make a lot of gold from crafting because mats were so cheap (everyone could get them from the garrison), pieces of gear only rarely had slots for gems so jewelcrafting was pretty much dead, the number of things you could enchant was significantly reduced, etc. Anyone willing to do garrison mission tables on enough alts probably could have made enough gold to be set for life though.

There is always the random human factor involved but Blizz is responsible for designing the rate of supply as well as creating the circumstances that dictate demand as well. They very much have a role that heavily influences the price of things in their game.

Professions give 392 gear?

Does it take less time to farm the stuff people feel they need to be ready for dungeons/raids in WotLK Classic?

The only way the conspiracy theories about the profession system being designed to boost token sales would make sense is if things take longer to make the gold to get now than they were before the WoW token. I never did herbalism or mining until Cataclysm but I remember healing was pretty brutal, every healer felt they needed a Darkmoon Card: Tsunami, and it took a long time to farm all the herbs you needed for it.

I was specifically addressing the idea that Blizz plays no role in setting the prices of materials in the game. They clearly do.

To answer the rest though, I don’t see how it’s a conspiracy theory to recognize that a business would have an interest in increasing sales of a product.

When Walmart puts a product on rollback and places a feature of them in the walkway is it a conspiracy theory to say they are marketing and placing that product to boost sales?

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My only issues with the crafting revamp is:

  • you can earn x amount of knowledge per week. If for some reason you miss some, you fall behind as there is no way catch up to everyone else. This becomes even more likely as you start trying to level/keep up multiple professions on multiple characters.
  • Public work orders, while a good idea/thought, are a mess and so badly implemented that people just spam trade until they find someone to craft what they want.
  • While not exactly needing to research where to put your points first or in what order, if you pick a route you end up not liking or learning isn’t entirely ideal, lack of ability to reallocate points kind of sucks

I really like how gathering professions currently work.

Crafting not so much.

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I guess. I just feel like I’m hard stuck though :frowning:

Yep! It has become a gold sellers dream!

Just proves, Blizz supports gold sellers by manipulating the game in there favor.

Absolutely, a handful of people who did well will post how it was so easy, how they are sitting on 10 million gold or whatever. It never occurs to them that they made their millions of gold because they got lucky and most everybody else did not.

The number of people who have quit professions is the metric to look at. And going by that, DF professions have been a failure. If you were one of the lucky ones to make 10 million gold in two weeks, good for you, but try to take a minute and figure out that if you had not been so lucky, you would have had more competition and you would made thousands of gold at best, not millions.


Nothing about luck, only about effort to learn profession and market.
It is different than before and takes time and effort to learn. Same with dungeons, raid, everything in game really.
Some people just dont want to learn new things, but that only rewards those who do, in terms of less competition.

Only luck involved for me was someone putting lariat recipe on AH for 2500g. If professions are too complicated, don’t bother with them or just stick to gathering. Plenty of us crafters out there at this point.

It just goes back to… WoW is an MMO. And MMO is a game of the more effort or time you put in, the better your toon would become.

Those who are doing fine in Professions has done effort/time. With their patience and perseverance, it lead them to discovery and progress.

Those who failed in Professions in the other hand are somewhat lost. They seemed overwhelmed. They dont want to dive in to discover them. They dont want to make an effort. They make excuses as they dont have time. It is a typical MMO woes. MMO requires TIME/EFFORT. And impatient or lazy players in general wont have time/effort. Why would you play an MMO, a game of time/effort if you dont have time/effort? It would just make your toon weak. Just like learning the dungeons and raid. It requires time and effort. They are the core components of an MMO.

Those whiners, please think of what you’re playing. If you dont want to make an effort, either you quit the MMO activity you want (quit Professions) and be happy with your weak toon or PLAY SOMETHING ELSE where you would have powerful toons without rendering effort. I call such games… TRIVIAL. And that is not WoW. GG.

Want to buy some Giggle Goggles? Anyone Giggle Goggles? Nobody?
(Looks at the crafting orders) Hmm… no orders.
Guess I should just send myself orders from an Alt…

Using the excuse for poor design, that it’s the player’s fault and calling them lazy and that they should go play something else is a terrible argument. When the game is in a failed state people DO leave to do better things.

If a system is bad, be grateful the players change enough to point that out. But for everyone giving feedback there’s one of you insulting them and defending the rotten core of a failing status quo.

People will quit because it’s a bad system. Or just choose to not interact with it. The purpose of the crafting system is to be interacted with, to provide enjoyment. If it does not do this then it is not living up to it’s purpose. Some people just have the wrong profession (engineering lol) and some people just weren’t there for the exploit train.

The fact remains that a lot of players just aren’t interested in it after it’s botched launch, and as the honeymoon period comes to an end it’s easy to draw comparisons to other games such as FF that just do crafting extremely well, and WoW’s crafting comes up lacking.

I think it speaks volumes that there seem to be 2 camps here.
-the people who point out how and why crafting is not successful and possible ways to improve it.
-the people who attack them for doing so.

Even the people who are fine with retail crafting and enjoying it have some legitimate concerns such as setting the minimum guaranteed crafting level or just letting them sell things on the AH instead of locking them behind the failed crafting orders system. But when you don’t bring anything useful to the table and just call people providing that feedback whiners or entitled or whatever negative nancy buzz word you feel the day calls for you’re actually the one whining.


It’s just the rare drops that burn me up. I sunk all my points into making necklaces before I learned that the only necklace people wanted was a rare drop recipe from rare mobs during certain timed events that sells for 900k on the AH. I guess I should have figured that out by reading other sites and looking at drop rates first. But at the time, “I want to make necklaces” didn’t seem like an idea that needed a deep dive into wowhead, etc. Now all of those points are just wasted for me.


You just described a game that is not WoW.

WoW does not respect your time or effort. All your time and effort earns you is another tug on the slot machine. The new profession system only respects gold - the gold that you will have to spend to buy someone else’s random goodie that you need.


The profession rework is god aweful, like i understand wanting people to specialize so 1 person can’t do all but its going to end there anyways by the end of the expansion. honestly the only reason crafting if valid is because of the food buff embellishment and lariat… literally thats it (at this point in time)… you can’t turn them into tier, they require the end game content to level… so i will slowly be rotating the equipment out except for those 2 pieces…

I am a fan of the new crafting system, its fun and really not complicated to use at all, plus you get to make 418 gear for slots that just wont drop from raid or plus. The leveling system and knowledge points are fun and actually makes it interesting. The work order system took about 3 minutes to really figure out which i know how toxic but its also a great addition.

Thank you blizzard for redoing professions and making them useful and interesting

Becoz many thought you could get max in Profession in 30 min like in previous Expansions. And DF changed it, so it’s bad? Adapt and adjust.

Many also had gazillion Gold and still have no success on the current Profession system? Becoz the new DF Profession System also requires you to play not just have Gold to have success on it. And they refuse to play… they dont want to make an effort. And the game is bad becoz of it.

Crafting Order System is what we used when you are done with the Starter Professions and you are into Advance Professions.

Most of my statement above is referring to the Start up of Professions. Many players dont want to dive in.

I think many are still noobs on Crafting Order System… like me. But many on the forums know they could get 5 high ilevel Crafted Gear thru this System. I didnt pay attention much on it becoz I could now get gear outside of Crafting. But I made my own ilevel 392 trinket. And I am happy self sustaining myself with unlimited potions and being flasked/phialed 24/7 and with unlimited food buff. If I want to sell stuffs… Either I farm for herbs or play around the procs from my high specializations.

But I was into having ilevel 402 Gun made before thru this system. I failed to have it made but I understand why. Only few can do it. I think ilevel 402 is 4-stars and most Crafters can only do 3-stars 2 weeks ago. And I have no patience to look for those few Crafters who could do it. I already have ilevel 408 Valor Bow and recently got Raz Bow. And I am Casual. I put aside Gun/Bow Craftings for awhile although I am comfortably maintaining my potions/phials/food buff/feast. BTW, my Main is an MM Hunter on Herba/Alchemy and she’s a Panda, that’s why Fishing and Cooking is mandatory for her too becoz of Epicurean.

But my stance for Crafting is the same. You have to play it to discover and understand it.