Operation Shieldwall rep bugged in Remix

The issue is not fixed. What happened is that you hit the required Rep for the next part of the quest line to start up. I just did my dailies and didn’t get enough rep to hit the next quest, and cannot continue my Landfall story.

Oh you are correct, I did not look at the exact rep requirements!

It’s alright, they’re extremely vague and slow-going unfortunately, you can’t know what’s coming next without looking it up first which is unfortunate.

So it looks like it is working again. The problem is that if you have already started the campaign and are at the higher ranks you won’t be able to progress unless you hit the exact rep requirements by doing the dailies and turning in lesser charms.

If you are really far from hitting one of the rep requirements its probably better just to start the campaign on a character that hasn’t started it yet.

Thestatman’s comment here has the break down of rep requirements.

so are people still getting the reputation deductions?

yes just finished a campaign quest and got the 3000 reputation gained followed by 2750 reputation subtracted message, still not working right

I just did a quest and got all the rep! It was 9050 and got me to exalted. The rep is FIXED!!! This must have just happened because 2 hours ago when I did quest it wasn’t working. I was half way through revered and it didn’t show them taking any rep away on any of these last couple of quest I just did.


Thank you so much Blizzard, confirmed fixed. I started a brand new character and did the whole landfall questline without running into an rep issues.


Still only getting 250 rep for Buried secrets/Stirred, not shaken.
edit: Just handed in Voice of the gods though for 3500, huzzah!


Still bugged for me. Only getting 150 rep per quest. I really want that mage class armor transmog, and ill be very disappointed if I can’t get it because of a glitch

Where is Agent Malley? I just completed the story and exalted but Malley seems to be missing

Are you attempting it on a new toon or someone who started the chain prior to them fixing it? The reputation isn’t retroactive - it’s way easier to do the chain on someone who hasn’t started it yet - you’ll get all of the rep you need to get to the next step from the intro quest alone, and every subsequent campaign quest will give you enough rep to keep going up to the next step.

The longest part of the chain for me was the constant flying between Krasarang and Kun’Lai (you have to take the slow flight path up to Kun’Lai too).

Those who are stuck because of the rep lock cannot even proceed without the rep bonus being retroactive.

The dailies are not getting us near enough to progress to the next stage of the Landfall questline.

This is not a fix, make the rep bonus retroactive for those it bugged for.


Exlated achievement fixed too. Thank’s.

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Still getting 150 reputation (Edit: 300 from dailies) on all the characters I’ve tried it on.

Two of them just started, so it’s past the “fix” date.

Edit 2: The storyline quest gave me 3k, but dailies and quests are only giving 300. What I read on the internet was that it used to be 1.5k or so per daily prior to the pre-patch. If this is wrong, then please discard.