How can you even see the trash? The color palette for that place background characters on background images.
The hell you’re not. I was tethered on my 6 last week so unless they changed it recently…
Yeah stuff is hard to see in there for sure. Another thing I can’t stand is that transition between the ledge and the water part. It’s an LoS nightmare and someone most likely is going to die right there.
Priory is similar. I had someone standing on the top of the stairs earlier, couldn’t heal them, made my Atonements fall off and made me die. LoSing Disc Priest is really bad.
I still have PTSD from Hakkar
Don’t you know that LoSing the healer is part of the PuG training manual?!
Lol that was what I gathered. The whole post was to humble brag.
It might help if we stopped considering trash as trash, and actually viewed them as the challenges theyre intended to be.
Priory and Cinderbrew are much worse in this respect. Floodgate is one of the better ones because you can choose a route where you don’t have to pull nearly everything.
Challenges that reward no loot, just get inbetween me and the loot. AKA annoying obstacles when overdone.
Yes, it was changed recently. Last round of M+ tuning changes.
Anyway, Floodgate doesn’t seem too bad to me, although my experience with the season’s dungeons has been extremely limited so far.
Priory is like the easiest dungeon in the pool. The only reason people think it’s bad is because they have terminal brain rot along with tanks and think you need to pull 50 packs at once per second, otherwise your PC implodes.
You can pull it safe and still time the key, it’s not impossible.
If you pull only what you need for count and go pack by pack, the Priory timer is very tight. Same with Cinderbrew.
Tight, but not impossible. I’ve timed it. You need people to be doing prio damage and not padding AOE the entire time.
Right, so maybe that mentality is part of the problem.
Lol okay so next time you have something to complain about with the game, just remember that maybe it’s your mentality that’s the problem.
Priory scales with key level more than any other dungeon. It is very simple which you mistake for easy but the damage ramps up and the constant miniboss health sponges early on eat a huge amount of time.
Meanwhile cleft and rookery feels like you can be done with 15 minutes to spare easily.
About 50% it is.