This has to be my biggest pet peeve about Blizzard. I don’t understand the absolute insistence in creating these unenjoyably long dungeon experiences that almost feel claustrophobic with how packed to the brim with enemies they are. I don’t know what the timer is for floodgate on mythic but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was 3 hours (hyperbole).
For reference I just did it on Heroic via random queue on my 592 alt, fresh 80, fury warrior. There was a 615 fury warrior in the group who could never beat my DPS for some reason.
If a dungeon takes more than 30 minutes, it’s too long. I wasn’t watching the clock but it felt like more than that. Mobs just took forever to defeat. And then there was another pack. And then another. And then another. And then… another.
The entire dungeon can be double or triple pulled because of the low unavoidable aoe damage.
Maybe we need to bring back De Other Side which was 46 minutes for us to appreciate a 30 minute or under dungeon.
As a healer all I want is for them do get rid of Swampface
I’ve only done Floodgate a handful of times, and maybe I am in the minority, but it didn’t feel like more than maybe 15 minutes for me (I have only done heroic, so maybe Mythic is way worse?). It might have just been the group you were running with? I know my first run through it was kind of slow because I had a group of people who had never done the content before. The subsequent times though, if I had to take a guess at the time, it was less than 20 minutes?
Hope your times improve though! I’ve definitely had my slow groups, and running M+ boy can they be slow!
That last hallway not only has too much trash, but it is one of the most obnoxious, screen-filling moments of CONSTANT spam and flashing … it has to be changed. It’s utterly ridiculous.
There are so many spells you need to interrupt, I normally have “must kick” bound with the air-horn sound, I had to change it because it was blowing my ears apart because it was a CONSTANT sound. I changed it to the more subtle “guitar strum” sound, and now it sounds like a Norwegian speed metal band on acoustic. To say nothing of all the flashing to turn any person into an epileptic. It’s insane.
After playing it twice last night, and then going through Dark Cleft (with pretty much all the same issues), I was like “WHO FINDS THIS FUN???”
edit: the comments so far are about the TIME. I don’t remember thinking it was too long. That’s not the problem. There is just too much schtuff going on at the same time. There are 15 spells going off at once… and they ENDLESSLY chain spam it. It never stops. You run out of interrupts after the 7th or 8th interrupt and … they keep going. Maybe this isn’t an issue on a 2, but we were running 8s and … it’s just stupid.
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Glad to see people agree. I kinda thought I was gonna get flamed heh
Floodgate is probably one the more enjoyable dungeons and has pretty well laid out trash mobs, if anything i end up needing an extra pack at the end.
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It’s fine. You can pull more than you think.
Good news you’re not tethered as a healer any more (unless someone dies)
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It doesnt even take 30 minutes to complete on a 10.
Swampface isn’t that hard just have whole group move left of his frontal so no worries of being yanked back into it.
So, this entire post was made to dunk on some 615 fury warrior or humble brag? No one does all the mobs in the zone.
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This is a problem with many newer dungeons the past few years. The trash is over the top and the bosses are mediocre. I attempted to get back into Mplus but after my heroic world tour NOPE sticking to Delves until I hit the wall then unsubbing until next time.
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Yea the dungeon has a lot of trash, however, it is pretty easy to avoid a lot of that trash too. On M+ I’ve never had an issue with extra trash being pulled. On mythic 0 it was the same. Cleared small areas needed for room and called it good.
Swampface is funny because you can instantly tell who doesn’t know the fight before it even starts based on where they’re standing.
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The only changes Floodgate needs imo is a nerf to the jumpstarters’ damage and swampface’s unavoidable damage.
Stack front, rotate left.
Swampface is a very slow bullet h3ll boss.
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Don’t pull everything then
With a massive unavoidable dot that requires movement. Unavoidable healing checks paired with movement needs to die in a fire.
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