Additional Mythic+ Adjustments - March 12

With hotfixes that are now live on all realms, we’ve made the following adjustments to Mythic+ dungeon encounters:


Cinderbrew Meadery

  • Benk Buzzbee’s Honey Marinade area denial damage reduced by 33%.


  • Azerokk adds’ Azerite Aftershock initial damage reduced by 23%.
  • Azerokk adds’ Azerite Aftershock periodic damage reduced by 43%.

The Rookery

  • Voidstone Monstrosity add Voidstone Awakened’s Corruption Overload increased damage inflicted per stack reduced by 50%.

Operation: Floodgate

  • Big Momma Maximum Distortion cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 3), and Maximum Distortion duration reduced to 12 seconds (was 14).
  • Swampface chains targeting updated to prefer non-healers.

These will be included in our next hotfixes update.


And that’s it? Cinderbrew Meadery, Operation: Floodgate and Priory of the Sacred Flame needs massive nerfs…


Blizz nerfing mythic+ is one of the most standard, clockwork, changes every season.

Ah, biscuits…

Yeah… nice, ya’ll reverting some of the Tank Brann changes anytime soon?


I mean, good?

please nerf the blades that pop out of the ground on Floodgate

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Do you think raids don’t get nerfed? LOL

Just mosey on over with your 18% buff

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How is the Swampface change supposed to work? Is it gonna target the tank instead? I assume if there was one less chain you’d have mentioned that, but with 2 chains and 5 players it has to hit either the tank or healer assuming everyone is alive.

Not having Sir Braunpyke on here is kind of crazy.

He’s the most overtuned enemy in all of M+ and it’s not even remotely close.

wierd how the can churn out nerfs to classes… dungeons are another story i guess…

Hey that’s cool you updated mythic again. How about pvp? Could use some attention please. Maybe update the npc and vehicle health. Player power creep is to strong, thanks.

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Buff arcane :two_hearts: lol

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I think the preferred setup will be melee+tank, and other 2 DPS

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Undermine is looking like SotFO 2.0.

Meanwhile the easiest end game pillar in the game continues to eat repeated nerfs lol.

It’s just comical because it’s so expected.

Uh oh, key runs are barely above the Dragonflight meme season 4, better nerf them again lol.


I can ask the question: where are the nerfs on Priory??? You can’t allow Sharpshooters and Sir Braunpyke to last this week without nerfs. Priory will farm a lot of groups and Priory is ‘lol don’t do that dungeon’ key at the moment.

Delves got more nerfs?

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I think you gotta nerf the strongest boss in Priory imho…

… Argent Paladin.

the chain only targets two duos so now the healer can opt out if everyone else stacks

edit: more so than before.