Love it.
So the Incarnate knew Sarcareth was watching them/wanted the power of Abberus. Interesting.
I guess Fyrakk will be the next Incarnate to go, I wonder how much development he will receive before that.
Right now it feels this is the same style of storytelling from Shadowlands, where the villain is after something and it won’t be revealed until they are about to die.
Centaur should’ve been less of a two-foot, might’ve stood a chance.
I thought the cinematic was pretty interesting. My favorite part was when Fyrrak transformed into his dragon form and basically became a giant meteor as he dove towards Errebus
The slow progress of breadcrumbs seasoned with “wait and see!”
I don’t know if it was so much that they knew the Sundered Flame was watching them, or more that the Dracythr are very curious about their past, especially the Sundered Flame. They have eyes and ears all over the dragon isles.
What I want to know is just how bad are things going to get down there. They made it sound like whatever secrets Deathwing’s secret man cave holds is pretty messed up and was specifically eager to see the dracthyr discover what it is.
EEEEK! So exited!
Fyrakk is giving off so many simple-minded zero-sympathy first to die bad guy death flags that I almost pity him.
I mean, technically he would be the second to die, but Raz didn’t have the other Incarnates to bounce off of.
Vyranoth makes it blatantly clear she is Void Corrupted. Seems Blizzard has decided there is no point in hiding it from us.
Sarkareth is the one dying in the Raid while Fyrakk gets out of the Patch alive and well despite being Void Corrupted.
Sarkareth being killed off to reveal the Aspects’ worst nightmares is unsurprising since the battleground matches the description of the pool of the Drowned God watched over by the Black Goat.
Iridikron seems to treat the Dracthyr’s actions as claiming their birthright while Vyranoth knows exactly what they are going to find. It pretty much seems as if Iridikron is merely humoring Vyranoth so that he can get to work without her nagging him.
Iridikron wants Dragon Supremacy(to the point where he’d strike bargains with anyone), Fyrakk wants Raszageth’s death avenged, Vyranoth wants to ensure Void Supremacy and Raszageth wants Elemental Supremacy.
It’s interesting how distinct each of the Primal Incarnates are.
Fyrakk just wants to have fun and be a fireball and I’ll activate Combustion in his honor.
We know what they’re after. The fire that powers abberus.
Deathwing was the one who started the pineapple-on-pizza trend.
We know what Fyrakk is after but not for certain what Vyranoth wants Sarkareth to release though we will know when Sarkareth is dead.
Judging from the battle arena I’m going to say the nightmares that Vyranoth wants released will be the Black Goat with Seven Eyes(probably a resurrected Y’Shaarj) and the Drowned God.
Vyranoth is quite suspicious in how she knows a lot about Neltharion’s secrets to the point where she can even name Aberrus where everyone else can’t.
Vyranoth is clearly the mastermind of the Void shenanigans while Iridikron is solely in it for the supremacy of Dragonkind.
Add his hunger and the fact that according to Nozdormu none of the Primal Incarnates know the depths of his depravity and you get someone who will eat even the ressurected Y’Shaarj to win.
In otherwords the mad cultists Vyranoth and Y’Shaarj individually are more evil than the Sympathetic Dupe Fyrakk and the Sympathetic Idealist Raszageth and yet no where near as evil as the selfish glutton Iridikron who seeks to rule for himself and his ilk.
Iridikron is not that different from Sarkareth just more competent which makes him all the more deadly.
Fear the cunning opportunist over the incompetent one for they derail the schemes of the schemers for their own personal gratification.
Hmm. I have a crazy plot.
What if opening the door to darkness to whisper corruption to the Dracthyr and void afflicted dragons is meant to sow inner chaos against the Aspects?
Iridikron would see it like that.
Furthermore the moment it seems Y’Shaarj is about to lose Iridikron will eat him.
Opportunists like Iridikron are always a spanner in the works for Chessmasters who don’t plan to get rid of them ASAP in a way that aids the planner’s goal.
Vyranoth so far has only planned for Sarkareth’s demise and has no plan for Iridikron’s which is her first mistake. Her boss(provided Vyranoth is the Harbinger) Azshara on the other hand has plans for every one of her allies’ demises which is why she lasted this long.
I had been thinking that Vyranoth might turn on the others eventually and join Team Aspects, but… listening to her talk here that feels much more remote a possibility she isn’t on board with Iridikron’s secret messed up plots.
Turns out they are all just equally screwed up in their own special ways.