Opening mail causes crash

Error code for having tried to open mail. 2D906557-5CC6-44AD-8C9E-24476A811BF5

No addons used.

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Having this issue as well, but so far with only one of my characters. (F93A2DB7-D127-49E3-B265-13F4932F437F)

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Same, for one character so far. Narrowed it down last night to one mail in particular that crashed my game upon opening it.

This morning however, I’m unable to open my mailbox at all. :[

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I am experiencing the same issue on my one character as well. It is when opening my mail as well. (FF27710C-5611-46A3-A9B3-BAB0A5E914E6)

I’ve collected all threads regarding this issue and created a bug report here :

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Having same ACCESS_VIOLATION error when opening mail on one character so far.

Same issue with me. One piece of mail on one character. Zero addons installed. Did some suggested trouble shooting that didn’t work, submitted a ticket, got what felt like an automated response as it talked plenty about addons, which I already mentioned in my ticket, I don’t have installed to begin with. But I attempted the suggested complete UI reset, still having the same error (although the error code changed this time… may change every time for all I know, only bothered to copy it down twice now).

I at least feel better that I’m not the only one with this issue. My thanks to Bugreporter for making the mega-thread which has a blue post I need to go check out. Hopefully the team can resolve this issue soon… as it sounds like it’s more wide-spread and effecting more than just mailboxes! Yikes.

SOLUTION FOUND! Thanks to this post…

The final line was the solution that worked for me. “managed to clear the mail by opening all, instead of shift clicking mail by mail”

Not sure if this will solve EVERYONE’S mail error crash issues, but I can CONFIRM that it did work in my case. Was as simple as just clicking “open all” - of course, the one thing I didn’t try, assuming it wouldn’t make any difference as it was the only mail I had in the box.


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This worked for me as well. If you can’t even open your mailbox sometimes without it crashing, try going to to your WOW folder and renaming the “Interface” folder to “Interface.old”, do the same with the “Cache” folder and the “WTF” Folder. Restart the game, and go right to the mailbox, and do the “OPEN ALL” trick.

This is what solved it for me.

Edit: In case you don’t know, once you are done you can close the game, go back to your WOW folder, delete the freshly created INTERFACE WTF and CACHE folders, and rename the .OLD ones back to the original names to regain all your addons/settings.

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