Opening Lockboxes

I don’t wanna be a rogue

I don’t wanna create another character

I don’t wanna depend on other players to open these lockboxes

I know Blacksmithing can do it. My class is Hunter. Is my only option Blacksmithing?

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yes, I believe those are the only 2 options

You believe?

I want to know. For sure.

shout in trade for a rogue to open it? be sure to tip em

Options are available to you. If you choose not to use them then just vendor the boxes.

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If you don’t want to create another character, and you don’t want to buy whatever the current “open locks” item is off the AH or trade chat, then yes, your only option is to take up the profession that has the current “open locks” item and make it yourself.

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I heard the contents are worth less than the tips.

vendor it without opening it then i guess.

a blacksmith’s keys will prolly be worth more than the lockbox as well then

Is blacksmithing the only profession that can open lockboxes?

yep, but i can’t say for certain if SL has keys, I know BFA and previous did. I have not done BS in SL.

think inscription can make something?


Engineering used to be able open lockboxes with explosives but I think that might have been removed.

I really haven’t paid much attention to Professions since Legion.


Mechagnomes can also open them because they are Swiss army knives.

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There is a Jeweled Lockpick, too, from Jewelcrafting. (Legion and below, though)

Necrolord has a lockpicking soulbind on a CD.
Mechagnome has a lockpicking racial.


Sounds like OP has a few options. :grin:

I’ll take a look at the inscription profession. Thank you.


Thank you, everyone!

Find a rogue in your guild and ask if they will do it. I have guildmates mail lock boxes all the time. I unlock them and mail it back to them without opening the box.

Some include a tip and some dont. I dont mind. I have enough gold to meet my needs.

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they need to make the ‘keys’ usable by any class/profession. just like any regular key in RL. blacksmiths can make them and then sell them to us. everyone wins except rogues who often hate to be bothered anyway.


Unlocking isn’t a problem, it’s opening them that is. While leveling my inscriptionist (also being under 60) I could unlock any chest but I couldn’t open level 60 chests. lol. Don’t understand that Bliz logic there since the item inside can only be equipped by a L60.

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