Opening Lockboxes

If you are necro lord you pretty well have unlimited lockbox openings.

I just bought blacksmithing keys off the auction house at 5g per key.

Then I learned Shadowlands Blacksmithing, so I could actually use the keys.

This seemed like a pretty good solution.


Necrolords can open lockbox every like 4-6m

There’s no I in MMORPG.

Scribes. They’re called Scribes.

Not only is it shorter, it’s also the correct word.


The Necrolord covenant has a soulbind passive that lets you pop a box of any level ever 4 full channels of Fleshcraft. Other covenants might have something similar. But even if you don’t want to go Necrolord or Blacksmith you can always just ask in Trade Chat for someone to help you out. Plenty of rogues out there, especially if you offer to tip people.

Does a cross-realm player have to trade the box to the rogue in order for the rogue to be able to open it?

I picked to wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

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You can’t open lockboxes. Just like the other 10 classes. So?