Open world/solo should reward scaled mystic ilvl raid



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I don’t think they forgot. I think it is a new policy.

World quests in the four base zones still only award up to 213 iLvl gear, which hasn’t changed since Season 2. Contrast this with Legion and BfA, where world quest rewards in the base zones were fully updated with each season, in addition to completely new sources of gear being added for open world players.

WoW devs are probably trying to push more open world players into LFR. Even the new Season 4 world quests require you to kill three raid bosses!!!

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In Season 3, World quests in Zareth Mortis award up to 252 gear once you level up Procopoc research. And you can get 252 from the elites in Zareth Mortis and even from chests.

Plus ZM has a vendor that sells 246 gear.

Bottom line: Blizzard DID add upgraded casual gear in Season 3. It’s just Season 4 which has absolutely nothing for casuals.

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Fact check:
World quests in the base four zones of Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth are still awarding a maximum of 213 iLvl gear. They were not updated a full 26 iLvl for Season 2, and were not updated at all for Season 3 or Season 4.

Fact check:
World quests only award 236 iLvl trinkets (independent of Cypher research) but can warforge to 242 if you are lucky. 252 Cypher gear for all other slots can be obtained through various methods in the zones, including world quests.

Fact check:
Chests can drop 252 gear once the Cypher console is fully upgraded, but rares drop a maximum of 246 gear.

Fact check:
In Season 2, open world players could obtain a full set of 233 (upper Normal raid) gear from Korthia. Moving into Season 3, these players could find “upgrades” in ZM, but the Cypher system itself was a downgrade if you do a season-to-season comparison because ZM gear did not offer 259 in every slot; it was a mix of 246 and 252.

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Frankly, the only reason I’m doing M+ right now is to gear up for higher levels of Torghast. The Tower Power talent tree maxes out pretty quick in terms of actual potential power available, even if you haven’t capped everything (a major reason I slowed down getting tower power, doesn’t really matter to me).

But I would like to do the last Gauntlet and higher levels of Torghast, and I can’t do that IN Torghast.

So, M+ it is.


i forgot to consider activities like Torghast actually. I think you have a point here - but tbh, if an open world player wants to do elite level content (for example, like a high lvl achievement in Torghast wings…all 16’s or something)…then you will def need some gear.

The tier will let you progress in torghast, but i think for the highest levels of the tower, you do actually need some ilvl breakpoints. I agree that with design like that - gear should be dropping from torghast’s lower levels to help a player progress in the higher ones…

for now, i’d say m+ is probably the best gearing route, up from Open world content. you’ll get access to better gear via vault as well. :revolving_hearts:


Ummm, can I tell you a secret?

Some specs are going to have trouble clearing the higher layers of Jailer’s Gauntlet even in 300+ iLvl due to not having enough sheer burst damage or not being able to CC multiple bosses at once.

But there is a class that can solo even Layer 8 of Jailer’s Gaunlet solo in ZM gear, if you fish for the right 3 anima powers before starting. (Hint: H-nt-r)

I only say this because the devs obviously don’t read their own forums and don’t seem to want to spare even a second of development time on Torghast any more. But just to be safe, I would do this before pre-patch launches, because Evokers are getting anima powers and who knows what other stealth changes might be made to anima powers.

Bro u can get a full 268 set JUST from honor. 275 from conquest.

Can prob get to 280 ilvl without ever stepping foot in a group setting. No, just no OP.

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pvp, i talked about that in op

what do u think pvp is

Queuing for a random bg is basically playing solo. You don’t have to adhere to any demands. Just play your class.

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Yes, it wasn’t perfect. There were gaps where every slot couldn’t be upgraded via casual gameplay.

However, it is clear that Seasons 1, 2 and 3 all had mechanisms by which casual players not interested in raiding, pvp or dungeons could increase the power of their characters.

  • Season 1 had world quest loot up to 213.
  • Season 2 had Korthia loot up to 233
  • Season 3 had procopoc research loot up to 252 for most slots, plus 236 and 246 for the remaining slots.
  • Season 4 has … nothing at all for casuals.

This is where Blizzard messed up. They should have added some mechanism by which casual players who don’t raid, pvp or mythic+ could continue to upgrade the power of their characters.

Basically, Season 4 tells casuals “there’s nothing for you here. Season 4 isn’t for you. Go play another game.”

That’s not good game design.


There are those who say that all queued content is solo content, and players who do that content aren’t playing the game, because playing it that way doesn’t count. Therefore they deserve no rewards of any sort. Those who say that think that spamming dungeons, LFR, or bgs is no different in any way than logging in and being afk the entire session.

Are you one of those people who believe that?

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I can not agree, because i am a solo player. We nee a way to get time gated gear that at least is normal raid ilvl, It should take longer, but not so long that it is not useless by the time you get it. I have zero problem grinding, but it has to be worth the grind!

If by the time you get it, it is useless, then it is not even close to being worth it. Only way it would be worth iit is if it is normal raid ilvl with open world bonuses added to it. Might be to much to ask, but we can only hope!

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You’re joking right?
Like at launch there was one per zone for elite 5 player world quests and world bosses
In Korthia there was one for the World boss and in Zereth Mortis there’s yet another one with that desert area with mobs that can instantly knock you out of the sky, huge and dangerous elites, large packs of ads and extremely deadly Rares like have you even been playing WoW at all lately


Except for world bosses and the odd rare elite, nothing in the world is a threat. You do not need mythic level gear.
As for PvP
A) Turn off war mode
B) Scale down high end gear to 252 for PvP

Exactly how? Without doing pvp/raid/ or M+? theres no way, even gated, that a solo player can do that. Bad enough Zm gear is 33+ ilvls LOWER than what we had in KorthiA!

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Who ever said mythic ilvl gear? Surly not i!

But nobody asked for mythic gear. People in this thread are asking for normal raid gear. Ralph’s a troll, you didn’t know?

In any case, I would like mystic gear for casuals. It sounds like it would make our characters more spiritual.

Nope. We don’t need that gear for the outside world. And I would rather they not scale the outside world to necessitate needing M+ gear. Sounds more like you just want to be able to stomp around showing off a high ilvl.

Just do the M+.

What part of world solo player do you not get?