Open World content has grown stale imo

Let me start off by saying DF is the best expansion I have yet played and mythic+ and raiding feels amazing this season. I had so much fun pushing KSH and normal raiding all in pugs. The new dungeon isn’t puggable atm but I love what I’ve seen so far. That is wow’s best strength still to this day. PvP is a different issue lol.

After hitting my goals this season, all I have left are more ‘casual’ pursuits. Problem is, the renown grind is simply not fun. After finishing all the quests, 90% of renown gain is completing extremely repetitive world quests or community events with little to no variation. One might say, “Mythic+ is repetitive, how is that fun?”. Because there is an actual challenge and a possibility of failure. You actually have to pay attention and use your class properly at any key level, no matter how over-geared you are. Community events and world quests are completely devoid of any risk of failure. These are literally designed so that you cannot fail. The mobs in the open world pose zero threat to you no matter how bad you are at the game. I don’t believe everything needs to be dark-souls difficulty, but when the starting area of classic wow has more threatening mobs than anything in the open world, I feel there’s no challenge whatsoever and frankly it’s not worth playing. The renown grind becomes a list of chores rather than actual gameplay. Even diablo 4 understands this better. At world tier 3, you can die super easily in the open world if you’re not paying attention.


I gained all my renown passively. It hasn’t been a big deal.

I didn’t even have to do much to get my renown to max.

I find Mythic+ to be nothing more than DIII rifts. And I hate how keys work. Different strokes and all that.

Because they are supposed to be accessible to everyone in the playerbase. Stick to instances for challenge.

Diablo 4 helltides are not hard either, and are also repetitive. Most rpg games are.


I dont play this game for challenge.
I play this game because its fun to just relax and earn rep, collect your rewards, and see your character grow.
I had fun getting my renown up. I enjoyed the world quests. I enjoy the events.


Is there any casual content?

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All of the casual content in this expansion feels the same. Everything is just like a pre-patch event where you group up into a raid and kill mobs.

Pre-patch, dragonbane keep, storms, time rifts… all the same content.

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I hated it and its one of the reasons I’m unsure this account will ever get DF.

I hated renown in SL as well. Rep grinds, however you put them, blow.

That’s exactly it. It all feels so samey. It is simply a variation of people grouping up to kill something or click something. And if you do somehow die you can respawn in a matter of seconds and you won’t lose anything for it.

For me, the casual content was stale after the second time I did an event, or whatever and the renown stuff is a pointless battle pass. They heard it isn’t rewarding so in SL they went brr with renown and doubled down on it in DF.


Just because something isn’t required or easy doesn’t make the gameplay loop fun. And as for accessibility, classic wow is more challenging than current open world content. Doesn’t that say something about the complete lack of risk vs. reward? It doesn’t have to be combat related either. Dragonriding races are a fantastic world quest design because it is so engaging. It’s easy sure, but it is fun, quick, and there are a ton of different courses. Take mario for example, the game is easy and accessible for 99% of people who pick up the game. But Mario’s freeform acrobatics and platforming allow older players to get super creative with traversal. It’s kinda like that with dragon racing and trying to beat your own time or reverse course. The more bland world quests are simply point and clicks or kill x pushover mobs. No room for more challenging options.

I think there’s a lot of great casual content, I think there’s too much of it that requires grouping.


Depends on ones definition of casual content.

I’ve always enjoyed a random battleground or two.

The latest rep hub for weak catchup gear? Ehh, no.

This is how you give constructive feedback.

First begin with constructive compliments/praises…then proceed with your complaints.

Well done OP.

Thanks! I think you were being sincere

I was. I see way too many whiney threads that love to complain using hyperbole and nothing but negativity.

It’s always good to start on a good foot, give praises where they are due, and then proceed with your feedback.

It’s just part of being a decent human being.


Yeah this could use some improvement. Worst case they should at least supplement the chores with a tabard you can gain rep on while doing the raid and M+ content that’s actually fun.

Best case… idk. World tiers might be a good starting point. Make world tiers that scale to +20 and mythic raid difficulty, why not. Would be goated if that included old zones that scale to current content level and rewards.

Yeah, the renown is gonna be a pain if you’re starting later on in the expansion. They need to figure out what to do about that before the new expansion hits in a year or so.

I don’t enjoy the Caverns so those Mole people are sitting at 10/20 renown. Such a pain the caverns are.

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So…it sounds like you’re not a fan of casual grindy PvE content overall.

A lot of us very much are, and we’d appreciate it if Blizzard geared that content towards our preferences rather than the people who fundamentally don’t like it, but still want something to do once they’ve topped out on their usual raiding and M+ stuff.

Unfortunately, it seems like that’s exactly what they’re trying to do - and failing, apparently - by making the current content loops for PvE grinds dependent on large groups.

It might make people like you even less happy with the “casual” content, and some people might unsubscribe once they’re “done” with a season, but it doesn’t sound like things being the way they are are keeping you anyway so might as well make the actual casuals happy with the casual content again.


I guess I should be more specific. CURRENT open-world events and activities. Time rifts, fyrrak assaults, world quests, soup pot, etc.

I have max renown with all the initial factions and the niffen on 3 different toons. I got 90% of the renown passively on my main and then once i hit max i mailed each alt the different rep tokens (Dragon Isle Artifacts, the Skulls from the hunts, the isskar totems, etc ) and the clickable renown tokens I got from just playing the game and they got triple renown up to level 20 because the main is max. The alts then got to max renown again just from playing the game. No grinding needed. This is the easiest reputation has been to get ever.

My point wasn’t to discredit people’s preferences for certain content and difficulty levels in the game. I recognize there is a market for that content. My issue is, is that the content is so easy that people sit and afk for 12+ hours near the soup pot while others do the work because that is more rewarding and less risky than actually pressing buttons. And if you want casual grindy PvE content, there are nearly twenty years of old content to grind out at your leisure. The current content requires group effort which is way too easy while simultaneously being un-soloable. Rendering these events only possible for a few weeks before people get bored and stop doing them.