Open up demon hunters

I’m thinking it’s time to open demon hunters to all the races like they did for the Death Knight. Also I’m itching to make a gnome demon hunter since they came out that or a gnome Druid.


Yeah I’m waiting to make a Tauren DH. Want to try the class but being forced to be an icky Belf kills it for me.


I thought this was about dissecting Demon Hunters.

I am disappointed :frowning:

So will be Mortis :frowning:



I’d like to play a gnome or fox DH.

BREAKING NEWS: Local zombie can’t stop thinking about ripping people open. Townspeople express severe concern.


I think this is counter to the current storyline and would require an expansion where it would make sense to do so. Though, I would hate to see such a thing. But lore is bad now anyway.

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Having faction/race/class distinctions adds complexity, variety and flavor to the game. Please stop trying to make the game even more simplistic and flat.


We will join all the threads, so that Blizzard hears us and in some patch or expansion we will have the opportunity to see more versatility in races for the Demons hunters in Azeroth.

Only if they provide a new starting zone and new lore to facilitate an explanation as to why those other races became demon hunters. You know - like how they did for death knights.


I’m not opposed to at least some more races getting access to Demon Hunters, but that sort of thing would require a new expansion. It’s too big a story point. The problem is, the sort of story needed to expand Demon Hunter ranks would require some sort of intergalactic level threat again, like some sort of new Burning Legion, and to be quite honest, I’m tired. I’m tired of saving the universe. I’d like a low key expac where we just explore Azeroth. There can be intrigue and conflict, but we don’t always have to be fighting to defend all of creation, you know? I mean, we’ve been to multiple other worlds, we’ve been to the land of the dead, and we’ve even saved Azeroth itself a few times, and we still don’t even know what’s on the other side.

Agree. My level of disappointment is pretty high now.

I’m more worried about the blind people that are driving a giant legion ship with a lazer beam.

They should just open up everything at this point, people would play more because it’s all about fun and restrictions aren’t fun!

I’d play a demon hunter if it could be any race other race besides elves.

If they opened DH to two more races, which alliance race would work? I assume it would need to be 2 of the original races, so Orc for Horde might work. But on the Alliance end, would it even make sense to have, say, the Draenei as Demon Hunters?

Sure, give NEs access to paladins and BE access to some class they are missing and we can wrap this up!

I had the transmorpher guy turn my DH into Millificent Manastorm, and it was pretty rad.

Please, no.
Illidan trained blood and night elves exclusively. Not even gonna mention the method required to make DHs.
Bolvar gave the option for people to join because its far less horrific.
I’d compare it to getting set on fire to literally a quick death and getting shoved back into your body.


I’m all for cutting open demon hunters, let’s-

Oh, not what you want, fine, I guess that’s cool too.

They would have to do a metamorphosis version of any additional races aside from Void Elves and Nightborne.

That takes time and money. And Blizzard doesn’t spend those things. It’s not going to happen.