Open Season on Legitimate Multiboxing

did you read the thread? op was reported over and over again for using software he wasn’t using and now people are going to slam blizz with tons of false reports of things they cannot prove and waste the time of GMs that could be banning bots.

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Farming it the right way. He’s just being the fox that totally doesn’t want those delicious grapes just out of reach.

As if I needed more proof of my point, the OP has now been “flagged by the community” as offensive content. Apparently some are even determined to attack my freedom of speech.

Let me reiterate: I do not attest that all multiboxers are angels, nor that the impact on the game is entirely benign. There are legitimate complaints as to the effect on materials prices, but even within this discussion those gripes are being conflated with common in-game woes that have nothing to do with multiboxers. Case in point, @Azhurea complaining about her raid group being able to find no herbs because of multibox gatherers. If you can’t find any herbs, it’s because you are herbing during a high-traffic time. A multibox gatherer is moving at perhaps 80% of the speed of a typical player gathering–we just can’t make sure all of our toons got the node as quickly as if we only had one toon to manage. But in that sense a multiboxer is taking fewer herbs, and getting much more proceeds out of the ones we do find, than a single player cruising all over the place. Herb prices go down because of multiboxing? Undoubtedly, although, the effect is probably more in the range of 10-15% at most given what a small percentage of the community we are. The effect on meats may be more substantial, because a broadcasting multiboxer is able to kill mobs much more effectively, increasing respawn rates while still getting 5-8x the loot. But, I haven’t seen anyone complaining about the prices of Stringy Loins or Rubbery Flanks. It seems to be more a matter of “gee, I’m having a hard time gathering just before my raid. I’m sure it’s because there’s a multiboxer here somewhere.” No, it’s because everyone is trying to do that.

The other thing that multiboxers are being conflated with is bots. While I don’t doubt that a botter could use broadcasting software to his or her advantage, I doubt that it’s the same programs multiboxers were using. If your character is an actual bot, in fact, it’s perfectly possible to run multiple processes of the bot in different zones, which would mean multiboxer techniques are getting banned but actual bots aren’t. That said, I have seen the druid farms in a couple of spots in Nazmir and northern Zuldazar that never reply to you. It’s inconvenient when you’re trying to do a world quest there, but otherwise I didn’t sweat having to spend an extra 30 seconds to get the quest done. I’d support banning them, but it doesn’t have to be because they’re using keystroke broadcasting, there’s clearly no human being driving the thing.

Back to my original point, though: Blizz is now handing a cudgel to people who complain vociferously about multiboxers. While those complaints have a grain of truth, they are wildly overstated, and this will generate a wave of grief reporting that will lead to legitimate players getting banned. It will not have much of an effect on the actual bots. On another line, this software ban will have the effect of forcing legitimate multiboxers back into hum-drum farming activities as it takes away our ability to run current dungeon content or previous raid tiers with our teams, things that the community seldom, if ever, complains about.


Good riddance.

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This thread, like many others, is just people screeching about people playing in a way they don’t like.
The posts about “legit” zulian tiger are a great example of that.
Yeah I’m sure you worked real hard soloing that during WotLK and that makes you better than someone using the BMAH…

All this screeching from jealous people is getting old, and I pity their next target once the anti-MB rhetoric slows down.


Does anyone remember when you had to write out lines in detention and that you taped 4x pens together?

How can you just casually state this ban wont affect many of the botters? I get you are trying to play the victim or whatever but, Blizzard banning the program itself argues against this. Unless of course, this ban is also targeted at a certain suspicious player base. If you expect sympathy while casually gloating about things you’ve earned by potentially suspicious gameplay that is now a bannable offense in the eyes of Blizzard(I am referring to multiple keycloning) you are quite off your rocker. If you are a legitimate multiboxer, its best to just live with the burden of false reports and keep quiet or stop doing it. This ban by Blizzard openly enforces false reporting and the like because of how vague it was. Not everyone reads into the forums, they see their favorite streamer say multiboxing is now banned, and will report it. Nothing you can really do about it, to many this player base has a natural negative stigma attached to it. People want to report them.

I would not be surprised if hardware transmission also generates the same warnings from Blizzard as software ones.

As they will have 2 methods of detection

  1. Warden for known programs (this wont flag hardware boxing)
  2. Logging of server requests for individuals and groups on the same IP (will see hardware boxing and unknown software boxing as the same behaviour model, 1 IP generating multiple requests simultaneously to multiple characters).

And I was hardware boxing is unlikely to get your warning/suspension overturned, so I would strongly recommend against anything that looks like software transmission

If you are innocent you will not get banned. Or are you talking about the small lockout that happens if too many reports are done at once? Because that isn’t a ban.

I would since they said there’s been no changes in regards to their policy involving hardware

justice is alive and well.

Stopped reading when you brought up War Mode and getting camped.

Them’s the breaks for turning on War Mode to farm. Laughs in PvP