Open Season on Legitimate Multiboxing

It does make the game less fun for everyone else though. If you were doing this and it didn’t have any bearing on the rest of us, I’d be A-okay. But these are individuals essentially controlling bunches of players. What should be a bunch of individuals with their own unique ways of playing are just…technically one, incredibly buffed, super powerful character.

It is cheating, whatever blizzard says. This is increasing player power to an extreme, and you can bet your butt I’ll gank them as much as I can when I see’em.

It’s not cheating if the creator of the game says it’s not


You aren’t the one that decides that, Blizzard is.


You already know the answer to the questions you’re asking

Not to drag this out too far, but I appreciate all of the perspectives people have offered. @Willowbloom I understand your discontents, but the reason I started using the software in the first place was because I missed a chance to /roll on the Infinite Timereaver. My friend got it instead after I jumped out of the dungeon too fast. So I installed, learned enough, and did a dungeon grind that week (301 bosses killed, for 1505 loot attempts in all). And, on the last night, I got the mount.

During lockdown, my focus with the 3rd party software shifted to raising an army of toons. A literal army, with the goal in mind of 5-manning the Crown Chemical Co. many times to get that Love Rocket. No queue waiting, and no demands that one or two other players who happen to join me put up with a multiboxer (I think the majority are fine, and see it as a curiosity, but a significant minority do not like finding themselves in a dungeon in that situation). To keep that problem at bay, I geared up all of the toons to what is now i100 or so, with good development in their Hearts of Azeroth for all those bonuses. I raised toons that can qualify as healers as well as tanks, and I have a giant spreadsheet to tell me which teams to put together, one after another, every night for two weeks. Most of these toons will just sit at level 50 through at least February, perhaps February 2022, fingers crossed that they are still eligible for a Heart Shaped Box but if past is prologue that will work.

Now, that was the majority of what I did with the software. Of course I made some gold along the way, but if I were to have just set out to make gold with an optimal number of characters (which is about five double gatherers, maybe ten others in various crafting professions), I estimate the opportunity cost of each of these teams at about 2 million apiece. I could have had tens of millions more gold by this time, but I chose to build an army for farming mounts. The existence of toons geared to a moderate degree, which I did not gear by AFKing LFR or Darkshore, doesn’t have any negative impact on the gameplay of others that I can tell. I will admit, in a couple of situations (like the Lich King Timewalking encounter a year ago), I went where I should not have, but I generally stayed away from queues unless I was confident that I could pull my weight.

Along the way, I farmed all of the Pandaria world boss mounts, as well as Ruhkmar’s Solar Spirehawk. The majority of them came rather quickly relative to reported drop rates, but I probably hit Oondasta at least 2k times and Nalak almost 7k times (including coin rolls) before I finally got him to give up the goods. It took more than a year, and by the time I got it I was hitting him on 125 toons a week (plus bonus rolls on all). A few weeks later, Nalak’s mount appeared on my home realm’s BMAH, and sold for just over a million. Coulda had it that way, but I did it with brute force.

In the meantime, there are some things I can do with the alts, like farming Rebuilt Mechanical Spiders and Gorillas, or Eyes of Observation, and I am basically setting the market on a number of the big realms. I may get back into Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlings, too, which is a mostly serial farming process (finding a wild golden lotus is a multiboxed activity, but after that it’s done one toon at a time). Even still, the impact of this is distributed. If you or anyone else want to compete in these markets I’m only reposting about once per day and the markets are not large so your chances of being in front are decent. I do intend to do some herbalism and mining at the outset of Shadowlands, but again the proceeds will be divided across two or three pretty big realms anyway.

As for Crown, I will need to rethink my approach without broadcasting, but I think my toons are geared enough that I can give each team one solid, agile DPS and let the rest soak the bosses’ random attacks (it’s not exactly a fight you tank). We’ll see, but I’ve got 150 shots per day to give it. And while I’m doing that, I certainly won’t be messing with the herbs market very much.

Take care, and happy hunting.


This is why warden is utilized. When reports come in warden can be used to verify them. If the reports are false they have no affect on you other than someone was checking up on you.

Haters, no matter their stripe, are gonna hate. That’s why any sensible company has a “trust but verify” attitude with player reports.

There has been a certain amount of hay made about Blizzard’s automated system being abused to silence people that have not truly done anything wrong. This is why JAB specified their deep learning software has been used more and more to handle reports in WOW. As time goes by and more and more data is accumulated into that software’s algorithms invalid silences will (and IMHO have already) started to lessen. At the same time the sneaky sneaks will be caught more and more despite their misdirections. A win win for the overall player base.

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It would be clear that once the characters are separated the logs would show.

I suggest that you obs your gameplay and even if you never upload, it will be enough to show what you were doing at that moment to regroup. the main window character on obs would be standing still while your mouse was fixing the other screens.

Keeping that file should help support your case.

@Iceacid thanks for the suggestion. I will look into obs.

When it records your screen you can’t trick it, as it is recording your screen. In fact you can setup all screens to appear on the same video so that it would give solid proof that the person is not using input broadcasting software such as ISBoxer.
Then if or when you are being questioned, you can play to recording and cut the part just where the event happened to save on the upload size if needed

You seem like a reasonable fellow based on how you’ve responded in this thread. I’ve always been pretty indifferent about multiboxers but there are a lot of people who play this game that simply oppose the concept of multiboxing in any way shape or form as a matter of principle.

You might not have carried out any kind of harassment in PvP with multiboxing but unfortunately many people will lump you in with the one man raids and gold farming swarms because to them, you are simply a cheater. Some players might not empathise with the frustrations you’ve mentioned because they feel that these simply would not be frustrations at all if you played like everyone else. The fact that you have issues now means that you benefitted from a situation before in which your multiboxing gave you an unfair advantage most players would otherwise not have had access to.

I don’t have anything against multiboxers. I do arenas primarily and multiboxing in arenas is a meme. World pvpers are usually annoying cowards and never fight fair anyway and the only difference between a multiboxer and them is the fact that the MB is one annoying player camping people whereas your typical WPvP raid is fifty annoying players camping people. Of course, there are exceptions in that regard.

The point is that some people don’t even think to ask those questions.

With all due respect, to act like Multi-boxers gathering is a minor issue, is disingenuous.
For PVE raiders, it is the MAIN issue. The primary cost to our raid team is the materials for flasks, potions, cauldrons, and food. We schedule group herb and food collection parties and work as a team to cover our needs. It sucks to find no herbs, and then see a 5 man party of multi-boxed druids taking all the herbs and leaving no nodes. That’s one greedy person wasting the time of 5 or more others who are doing it the legitimate way.
It also sucks as an alchemist to not be able to make any profit for my profession because Multi-boxers flood the AH.
Multi-box software should absolutely be banned

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The accusations are irrelevant; if they report you, and you’re not input broadcasting, you won’t be banned. Evidently you haven’t been since you’re still posting here.

As for the camping, turn off warmode, done.

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I wanted to drop in here and say a couple of things.

  1. People are constantly relating Multiboxers (using broadcasting software) to Botting when the two things are absolutely and completely different. Most of the people in the Multibox community hate Botters just as much as everyone else. the software used to Multibox is not botting software, acts nothing like botting software and has 0 functionality that would be useful to bots. Bots have their own software to automate gameplay. Multibox software simply sends the same key press to multiple windows.
  2. There seems to be this idea that movement with a multibox team is easy and that life is easy for them. Stop and consider how they have to move for a second. There is a leader (driver) and the rest follow that leader (using the in game follow command which places them a few steps behind the leader). It is possible to send movement keys to all windows but nobody in their right mind does this for more than a second because when you move in game you move in the direction your camera is pointed and it is impossible to ever have them all facing/standing in exactly the same place/direction (even the difference in lag affects them) Turn this on and you have toons running in all separate directions in a few seconds. You remeber scrubbing your friend off on a fence post because he put you on follow to go grab a slice real quiick?? imagine that x however many toons you have to keep track of.
  3. People crying about Multiboxers in World PvP (retail) have no idea what they are dealing with. Unless the Boxer gets the drop on you and fires all toons at you with basically a 1 shot (in that case…sure complain) but after that all bets are off. Remember how they have to move (see #2) yeah…Blizzard disables the follow function the second you are flagged for PvP which makes it impossible to have your team do anything but stand there looking stupid in a world PvP situation (Arena and BG as well but because of this no Multiboxer in their right mind would step foot into those environments). As a side note I absolutely 100% support this feature for a couple of reasons: a. I think it is a clear advantage to control multiple characters in PvP and completely unfair (they should have done this in Classic as well as it would not have altered the spirit of the original game in any way). b. It all but killed the Bot trains in BG’s which were completely out of control. (Bots don’t use the same software but they used to use the follow function in BG’s as it was easier to follow real players to combat areas of the map than to try to build some sort of logic into them).
  4. I’m assuming the thing that escalated the situation to the point that Blizzard acted on it is a few things (just my speculation).
    a. The huge teams of Boomkins sitting in a hyper spawn location and just grinding it 24/7 without ever moving. While these teams are formed using Multiboxing tools they are also taking advantage of a couple of other things that are the actual problem here: in game targeting and attack macros and a key repeater function on their mouse or keyboard which allows them to repeat the in game macros and get up and go about their business while their “not a Bot” bit churns out gold… Oh yeah and the final piece that allows the whole thing to work in the first place provided by Blizzard themselves…The Lootarang because there is no way to make them loot or work otherwise without actually being a Bot.
    b. The mass resource farmers crashing the AH economy. Once again we have Blizzard to thank for this, not the Multibox community. Remeber when nodes were not shared and had a respawn timer? when that went away it opened the door for exploiters. put a CD on the nodes (even if it is like 5 seconds or something) and this problem goes away overnight.

Flame away…

p.s. the ironic part to this is that those acts carried out by the exploiters that really annoyed people and set Blizzard on this course are still going to be there doing the exact same thing because those farmers just build the loss of accounts into the price of doing business and expect to loose them in a matter of weeks. They give 0 cares about the policies, the same as real life criminals have 0 respect for the laws. The only people that this hurts/affects are Hobbyists like me that do it (did it, now retired) for fun and the challenge of setting the thing up and making it work.

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No, you’re supposed to play like everybody else, or face the consequences that comes with your play style, I fail to see why you think you’re better than others and deserve the extra rewards multiboxing was providing you with, while having no drawbacks for those rewards.

There are several threads and youtube videos with the title 'multiboxing banned" or something similar.

People simply didn’t read blizzard’s post, or they didn’t understand it. Maybe they should be posting something to clarify the rule to the masses, because there are a ton of people who don’t understand how multiboxing works.

I think creating a character and messaging the guy is out of line. It’s Harrassment and should be actionable.

Wow this post is unbelievably disgusting. It boils down to, because I didn’t get a mount I wanted, I resorted to using a third party program. But somehow, in the eyes of the WoW community this is seen as okay? Nice you farmed all the mounts you could have ever wanted because you were borderline botting. But its justified and fair, because you put in the hard work(having things be accelerated for you by an ridiculous amount) Not mention casually stating yeah I obtained millions of gold, but I could have gotten more if I wasn’t inefficient. I’m going back to League of Legends, at least they give a sht about their own game and the community doesn’t condone cheating. WoW is clearly not for me, its apparently just full of old people who borderline bot all day to ruin the integrity of the game because blizzard said it was ok 16 years ago before softwaring was a thing.

So… PvP happened? Which is the entire purpose of war mode? You did this to yourself?

It’s kind of amazing how unsophisticated people who are opposed to multiboxing are, thinking that tabbing in and out with all your apps full screen is somehow not a year 2k thing to do.