Open Season on Legitimate Multiboxing

The insane pricing on the BMAH is to still keep it somewhat a rare luxury. Multi-boxing your way to get it just devalues the mount as a whole and feels bad to own. Its the same scenario as the Brutosaur. It lost all meaning because everyone multiboxed to get it due to the removal announcement.




My suggestion is to work more irl and buy it with tokens :+1:

But @Femtop what does it matter where the gold came from? It’s a mount I just want as a collectible. Is it any better if I just fork over hundreds of dollars on tokens? I like to use game gold for game gold.

easy fix

tab out and tab back in. Fix’d. Move on. I dont understand why you need to cheat with softwares.

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You’re using one (rather suspect) anecdote to try and make a sweeping claim about everyone who doesn’t like multiboxing. God you sound insufferable.

Yes? Its unfairly earned. That’s basically saying if I buy a ton of gold from a 3rd party source for a mount i want it doesn’t really devalue the mount. People would be more okay with tokens because its morally right within the game. Its a service offered by Blizzard, not a silly unfair way to play the game.

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Multiboxing is allowed by Blizzard though?

lol it was always rng and if you played the right class you could solo ZG every 3 days in WOTLK.

nothing to be proud of.

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muh pvp… muh pvp, meh pvp… thats all i read in this… turn of any pve bonus to being flagged for pvp… all the i got killed by 6 dk’s the first time i stepped out of Stormwind people wont have to worry about it anymore… if you cant beat a muti-boxer… get a friend… if you cant beat them with a friend… turn off war mode.

In all my years I’ve ran into one multiboxer that was being a jerk in PvP.

We ended up killing him and his 8 boomkins too. It was fun.

Half the folks in this thread are silly–as are those mentioned in OP’s post.

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What happens when you eventually find yourself in a setting where you are the unpopular one that any given group finds toxic? Should majority opinion rule everything in life? You’ve got to put up with a certain amount of rudeness if you don’t want to spend you’re entire life fighting.

I got my butt kicked trying to solo ZG in wrath :rofl: I think I did it eventually and was like :v: forever

At least they’re earning their gold instead of just giving Blizzard extra money. :man_shrugging:

It’s as legitimate a way to get it as any other.


Not according to Blizzard and the majority.

agreed. it’s just people with a personal emotionally-charged vendetta against multiboxers, rather than looking at the facts of the situation.


Blizzard didn’t ban multiboxing. They’re banning software that can be used for botting which so happens to affect multiboxers.

You literally compared someone actually working for their gold (though at an accelerated rate) to someone buying gold from a third party. It’s not even close to the same thing. :laughing:

Some of you people are unbelievable.

Exactly. It’s laughable and a bit sad, really.

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I never said Multiboxing is banned. However, the program which promotes this gameplay you say is legitimate(accelerated gold) is now banned. If this ban was irrelevant to the community, we wouldn’t be seeing the crying multiboxers now would we? Multibox defenders don’t seem to understand what people are actually complaining about, but at this point its deliberate trolling.

Well, we are going off topic here. My points from the beginning: I was playing in a way that Blizzard permits. Some peeps who have decided they didn’t like it decided to report me and made accusations that I was breaking rules I was not. However, it is extremely hard for me to prove I was NOT doing such things, just as it’s hard to prove any negative. If I’m supposed to buy gold with $$$ and then buy BMAH items, I’ll need Blizzard to clarify their stance on it. Otherwise, I am just buying game time with $$$ and turning that into gold as I enjoy my farming activities. There is little difference, and no reason that anyone else cannot do the same things.

But my basic point: Blizzard has handed a cudgel to a subset of players who have very strong feelings about multiboxers–with no assurance that they have a way to sort out the results.

@Vadimier many thanks for your clarity on this.

This isn’t defending for what you believe is right, this is kicking somebody while they’re down.