what he’s doing there: https://i.imgur.com/D2jZAOL.png
completely average (which is fine) gameplay with keyboard turning (incredibly funny for your ego that’s oddly not tremendously flaunted this thread - yet) while mashing a mass guild invite macro
You took the name Varsinax on Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord, to prevent me from being able to use it.
I’ll accept that, though, because you’re like a fan who wants a piece of a celebrity. I get that. I have to accept it.
Another thing you do is, you’ll criticize me on the forum, but hide under fake names in the realm. That’s too bad really. You seem like a tough guy, here, but in the realm you must be so afraid of facing me.
I’ve never seen you reveal yourself to me in the game world.
I don’t know anything about you, at all.
The entire focus whenever you talk to me here… is me. How convenient. Like you must be perfect of something, no flaws, would never need to be forgiven for anything because never makes mistakes. Doesn’t need to learn because already knows everything. That’s you right?
zandrae’s a dude but can you explain how zandrae is the bully if you impersonated zandrae and tried to make people think he was saying weird/offensive stuff
I remember last time you came here I linked one of your videos on your previous youtube channel and you immediately got spooked and proceeded to delete your character and your youtube among other things.
It was funny cause that was when Liotuse nabbed Varsinax on WrA after you deleted him.
No. You’re perfect. You’re smarter than me. That’s why you get to take my character name and holding it, because you’re superior and as my superior it’s your job to teach me a lesson about life, right?
So you’re just going to hold my character name, so I can’t use it, because you’re right and I’m bad, and you gotta teach me that I need to learn my place and I’m not welcome here.
Liotuse has Varsinax on Moon Guard AND Wyrmrest Accord.
He’s going to hold them to punish me, and to hopefully drive me into qutting WoW.
He’s superior. I should know my place and surrender and quit WoW. He has to keep punishing me, so to do this, he has to keep holding onto my character name… on the two realms I like to play WoW on.
Surely I’ll learn, eventually. I mean, he’s smarter than I am. I just need to take his punishment like a man and try to learn from it.