have a better youtube channel, play world of warcraft better, stop mass-inviting people to your fleecing guilds, and acknowledge your 4+ year cycle of behaviour as being absolute rubbish while promising - then HOLDING TO THAT PROMISE - to do better as a human being to other human beings

no you don’t the name’s taken lol


< Sairelle points at a butterfly >



I can’t believe this varsinax impersonator keeps trying to come here just to pretend to be him isn’t that like, against the tos?


What do I win?

speaking of impersonations, amirite

Since when is it okay to make topics mocking somebody’s guild?

Apparently it’s okay here.

It’s okay to mock people and try to demoralize and dehumanize them, to make them feel ashamed and urge them to run away and hide?

Then when people leave, you wonder why they left. You just blame it all on them. Meanwhile, maybe that person was being harassed by a toxic community.

None of you have ever tried to reach out and talk with me.

That says a lot about how uncaring this community is towards people.

Major lack of empathy. You act like I’m not even a person.

pot is on the verge of making a breakthrough about them and kettle


Zandrae isn’t a victim.

She’s a bully.

varsinax you posted cringe you are going to lose subscriber


I have no subscribers.

I post whatever I want.

don’t worry friend i fixed that (:

i hope you wind up posting half-decent content though, so far this stuff won’t do at all no sir

“Show me proof”

Points to specific proof

“N-no not that one! That doesn’t count!”

“It’s cancel culture! It’s a conspiracy! Everyone is out to get innocent me even though I have a heavily documented history of consistent poor behavior going back over a decade spanning across multiple sites and games that people are having a bad reaction to! How could this happen?”

Come on dude.


repeat ad nauseum for 4+ years

i didn’t know brick walls could play World of Warcraft, let alone post on the realm forums


I hope this topic stays open.

It’s awesome.

the weirdest part about Varsinax’s uber 1337 haxx0r gameplay videos is that he turns in such a weird way that it KINDA looks like mouse turning but it’s too smooth and there’s no vertical sway even a little bit

plus the stationary mouse cursor on screen lmao

EDIT: well, stationary until it mouses over the garbage mass-invite button from the trash addon

You don’t even know what you’re watching.

ay babe this u?

how about this one lol

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Any time I played a character, then deleted it, and the guild… it marked a time I wasn’t really feeling it, which might have been tipped off by harassment, such as things like this topic. Also, just thoughts of harassment could have caused me to delete an alt. I would think, this isn’t good enough, I should start over again.

The truth is, as hard as the public is on me… I am still my own toughest critic, and I just need to relax a bit. Plus nothing’s perfect. Nobody’s perfect.

Some people watch youtube videos with headphones on. A lot of people don’t.

i’m not feeling ur youtube channel dog

unsubbed already, sorry

please come back with less keyboard turning, better audio output channels, and less having a mass guild invite addon installed

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Good. Now I know you’re not watching what I’m doing there. Excellent.