Open more race / class combos and transmog options

Please openlre race / class combos

Dracthyr and Humans Druids, or NE Paladin, etc. and one or two for Horde whatever their wish list is.

Also, please remove some transmog restrictions like can we please mog any 1h to another 1h like daggers to swords? Mages can wear swords for example but spell blades seem to have disappeared at max level or be very rare. But my mage looks sick af with plenty of different spell swords on his hip but you can’t mog a dagger into a 1h sword which is super disappointing

In 2025 there not much reason we shouldn’t be able to mog daggers into 1h swords or 1h swords into daggers etc.

2h into 1h would also be appreciated, I get not wanting to trick people with 1h into 2h by making yourself look like a 2h wielder but there’s little reason to not allow 2h into 1h since those are less assuming anyway.

Tldr; any 1h or main hand items should be able to be mogged into any other 1h and any 2h into any other 2h and also into any 1h (except maybe 2h into daggers or offhand items)


yep. i would love that. fist weapon too.

and im raising the bet.

cloth-leather-mail-plate distinction must be removed.(except class sets)

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Omg, this so much!

Casters are really awful in that department. They already can use a very small variety of weapon transmogs and on top of that you’re still stuck without some freedom within those.

The whole “weapon animation argument” I used to see in the past falls flat when nowadays you can override ANY weapon with your artifact set.


What we should have this now:

  • Humans (Stormwind): Druid (Worgen and Kul Tiran are humans too)
  • Dwarves: Druid (Wildhammer Dwarves)
  • Night Elves: Paladin (they could use the light of Elune) and Shaman (it should be a thing now since the primalists have Night Elves in their ranks)
  • Kul Tiran: Paladin (Kul Tiran are humans like Humans from Stormwind and Worgen)
  • Blood Elves: Shaman (it should be a thing now since the primalists have Blood Elves in their ranks and Blood Elves are a part of the Horde since a long time now)
  • Highmountain Tauren: Paladin (Tauren have sunwalkers so why not sunwalkers for Highmountain Tauren too)
  • Pandaren: Druid (maybe with the august celestials, we couls get something for pandaren druids)
  • Drathyr: Druid (it could be a part of the Drathyrs mainly using the power of the green dragonflight)
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I would also put the case of Blood Elf druids. Not for that single outlier that is the BC botanist dungeon boss, but because Midnight presents a really strong argument for the inception of the combo.

We are revisiting Quel’thalas. It makes perfect sense for a group of Blood Elves (likely Farstriders) to plead tutelage with the Cenarion Circle to learn the ways of Druidism, so they can finally heal the waste that the Scourge left on the land. It’s been too long since that has gone unaddressed.

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Druids will be one of the last things they ever do.

(post deleted by author)

Show your support for Vulpera Druids here too!

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Indeed… Druids are the “hardest” combo to implement, because you need to create the exclusive shapeshift forms.

Shaman is the other class that also need special assets as in the totems, but they usually have just the same model in different colors and with different effects - I think Goblins, Pandaren and Trolls are the only ones with model distinction between them.