Dear Blizzard,
The cry for Vulpera druids is strong and frankly its very surprising we don’t have them by now, but maybe this is falling on deaf ears to you because most players dont use or avoid the forums. Please make this a priority for upcoming class additions.
Also, another thing people have been asking for for many years. Horde have no equivalent to Shadowmeld. Did you consider that Vulpera are also the perfect canidates for such an ability? And you don’t have to just copy it, they already love to dig…give them a move called “burrow” that makes them pop into the ground until they move. Or any sort of similar ability, and if you really want to keep it simple, you could just even relabel it “hide” and its still thematic for their lore.
These two things would immediately give the horde an equal footing to, and a balanced answer to Night Elf Druids. It would also be hugely popular - and the part you care about most - would lead to more subs as well as race-swap and character boost purchases. These changes would be a perfect add-in for the upcoming mid expansion major patch and would boost the player base and your profits during a time when they usually see a dip. It’s a win win for the players and your bottom line with minimal effort compared to the payout on your part.
Also consider, that one of the biggest reasons horde is under-represented right now is because they don’t have options like this. This would go a long way helping that and balancing que times for everyone!
Thanks for your consideration!