OOTL - Why are people hating on Covenants?

Point being, if you define Legendaries as borrowed power. As you did in the post which I was responding to. Then every version of WoW had borrowed power. So I guess I just don’t see what the big deal is.

It’s basically the restrictions with being able to switch them.

Those restrictions make it feel like we should have 4 characters of the same class in order to play around with and experiment all of the covenants.

A lot of casuals will end up getting hit hard because they just want to play around in a game and use what they earn - not have punitive measures and time-gates get in their way.

Otherwise they’d be fine.

sub 1% is not equivalent to in some cases 40% also it’s the level 60 talent row just give us a new freaking talent row we haven’t had one in multiple expansions stop ripping away everything at the end of an expansion.

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Because they are an advanced form of reputation unlocks - with a LOCK to cosmetic rewards and forcing you to make options! What if I wanna use a venthyr’s cloak daggers back but Im in bastion? Its ok to give player choice and have things behind it, but this is too far.

What if I wanna use darkflight but I’m a blood elf?

I don’t really remember many people running around with thunderfury in TBC.

They had to nerf TF at least once, if not multiple times, before top-end people with it quit using it in BC because it was a constant attack speed slow debuff without having to use TClap. It was rare because the binding drops needed to make it are ridiculously low droprate items.


That doesn’t affect you cosmetic wise, and you have mounts for that. You also have the option to roll a worgen.

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Bingo. Correct.

Ah, but still not by design. Rather a unforseen thing in the system which they fixed. Still “borrowed” power because it went away.

Gear is not borrowed power. Borrowed power is something that literally changes the function/play of the class. A better example would be tier sets but those had planned obsolescence until forging and were changed each tier outside rare example like the mage t5 two piece. They also had you play a different playstyle for a bit they weren’t something you built up throughout an expac.

There were some really cool legendaries that literally changed your rotation that were just ripped away at the end of legion along with some honestly awesome gold traits and on use artifact abilities. I just want some permanent power gain which we used to get via new talents rows and we just don’t anymore.


I can’t conceive of a situation in which Stoneform, Escape Artist, Every Man for Himself, Shadowmeld, Light of the Naaru, or Spatial Rift is going to be better for my ability to deal damage in PvE than Darkflight. The Lightforged one might be situationally better in some edge cases, but even in those cases the increased movement speed isn’t useless.

Flayed Shot is fantastic in situations with a high health mob where the DoT can tick for it’s full duration, and much less useful otherwise.

Picking a generic racial when there are two game-enhancing ones right beside it is a bit of a leap of logic, especially when you consider that the Covenant abilities read more like talents, not racials.

Some of us just prefer rotation feel > aesthetics > maximizing damage, instead of putting aesthetics before all. I can tell you now that, as much as I want to play Night Fae on my druid, their ability is seriously making me reconsider picking them in the first place because I prioritize how a class feels before how a class looks.


Not with covenants, unless you roll 4 same classes and raid with all of them. This also hurts players who have a “main” and doesn’t like alts much.

That is to combat ability bloat. So they don’t have to do a bunch of pruning which people don’t respond well to.


If you can’t, I guess you’re not following your philosophy of paying attention to what is truly best. If that philosophy is being contradicted, you are not being genuine.

However if you have the opinion that some stats are inconsequential, you should have no problem accepting the current system. If you do, you want to play your best at every level, so I expect you to be the right race for the right dungeon.

Adding a single freaking talent row isn’t going to cause ability bloat I can already play half the classes with zero modifiers to at least a 90 percentile level.

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No, but adding one every expansion would. You have to look at it threw the long game. Occasionally yes maybe they could add a permanent ability. But mostly the borrowed powered system is so they can add abilities every expansion without it bloating.

No it wouldn’t that’s 3 abilities and you could easily reshuffle one into a passive in the next expansion.

The entire concept of borrowed power is trash because they refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Well folks are allowed to have their concerns OP and folks do want to min/max and not deal with a tedious hurdle to swap covenants.

I’m not worried about it, but I get why folks don’t like the system.

If they was to take away your talents and turn them into a passive the following expansion that would then create a issue with power creep. Squishes would have to then happen more often.

I understand why you don’t like borrowed power but they chose that system for a reason. These are the things they have to consider at the design level. Then choose a method of how to handle those problems. Sometimes it’s just a matter of choosing the lesser evil.

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