OOTL - Why are people hating on Covenants?

All raiders will do it, when you cannot progess content without doing it.

You wont see it in Normal no, in Herioc you will.

Not even a “Family Guild” is going to sit there being 4/12 Herioc because half the raid team has a bad Covenant.

People think that Icy Viens and the like are for Mythic Raiders, its not. The Mythic guys dont need a site to tell them. The Majority of this community Uses Icy Viens, Wowhead, Streamer, Guides to play the game optimally.

The 1% is not doing that.

If you take a brief jump over to World of Wargraphs, and you can See that over 60% of the active max level toons are FOTM specs. An Extreme Minority is not FOTM. Non FOTM specs have like 1% or less representation, VS DH sitting at 8.4 and BM hunter 7.3 while Surv sits at .5%.

Its obvious to see who the minority is here, and its not the “Meta Slaves”. Its also obv to see this isnt a matter of “thats the spec they like” as when you flip that chart to PVP, it does a complete change, where BM Hunter is 1% and Surv is 2.2%

That seems to be the ultimate issue. The “Casuals” which I use that word lightly, as they are not even that tbh. Actually lets call them the “Non Conformists” who think they are this HUGE portion of the player base, are actually a very very small portion of it.

We were pugging a 3s healer the other day, and someone slipped in as holy without us realizing it, we realized it when he was dead 2 secs into the fight. My buddy was Group lead, and I asked him, why didnt you check he was disc, and he said “Whens the last time a Holy Priest has even bothered Qing, I forgot Holy existed”. He is right, because 99.999% of the time when you get a healing priest its Disc. Because using the completely broken worthless spec, is not commonplace.

To be clear thats not to say there is not some high rated Holy priests. There is some people that play holy, and always have, and do so at a exceptional high skill level, where their skill carries the bad spec. However, they are VERY few and Far between. Those people are TRULY, the 1%. Maybe that holy was one, however after watching him die in 2 secs into the match, and us losing rating for it, we dropped him like a bad habit.


Pissing of a majority of the forum users vs majority of the actual WoW players are two completely different things. I agree the forums are ablaze with people angry about the current covenant design. I am not sure what the actual WoW player base thinks though. Roughly 1-2% of all WoW players visit these forums. That is not a good enough sample size to determine how the majority feel about the covenant system as it currently exists (not even talking numbers or values).

Your right, so lets look at what I linked above your very post.

Over 60% of the population min maxes. So obviously that VERY large % is going to care, but lets take it further.

Asmongold made a straw poll thats been circulating.

The most voted Option?
“The ones top raiders tell me to go”
With 12k votes 58% of the poll.

strawpoll me/20539850/r, I cant post links.

Thats not even about the ability to swicth, thats just stating they will go the best covenant from a Min-Max Standpoint. Which pretty much falls in line, with being able to swicth. Likely half of the ones that have one in mind no matter what, dont care if people switch.

95% of the WOW community, either wants to be able to switch or doesn’t care. Yes thats a made up number, but does it seem outrageous? Do you really think the majority care if someone else can switch if they dont care about switching?

The people that want no switching are doing so with the belief that because everyone else will have to make a Aesthetic choice, people will be lenient. That will not happen as is evidenced by that strawpoll.

Even people who don’t min max are going to be pissed they can’t do more than a 1/4 of the content they will have access too without losing their favorite xmog mounts and abilities.

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I would say a large % do not care you are right. A small fraction truly care (maybe 5-10% of the players). You can split that any way you want (ex. 3-6% want the freedom to switch and 2-4% want it locked in). A very large portion do not care at all (would be fine with either outcome). They will copy what the raiders do that is a no brainer. The raiders not being able to switch though does not do anything to these people doing their usual copying strategy. If the few % that do truly care want to quit over this that is fine. The majority will just copy the raiders that stay and be content. A vast majority do not care what happens with covenants thus why Blizzard is going forward with their design philosophy.

Once again, I have linked you the Data of over 60% of the wow Community following meta.

I have linked you a 15k voters poll, of 60% saying they will pick the best covenant for End Game.

5-10% is YOUR IMAGINATION, and its WRONG. 5-10% is an accurate number for People that dont want Covenants to be changeable.

30% is a good number for people that dont care that awful much, but most of which will conform when it means being denied.

60% is the realistic number for people who will choose the Optimal Covenant, a vast majority of which will want this to be changeable. This number is backed up with 2 different statistical sources, not just Imagined speculation.

Azmongold is hardly a credible source. The drones see things however he sees them. I agree that 60% or more will choose whatever the icy veins guide says is the best. Of those 60% I would argue very few actually care if they are locked. Forums are a very very small minority and we are split here. Many people probably have no info on the covenants at all yet because they are waiting to play the release to even get informed. Now once the game is live and we have massive imbalance issues I think your numbers could be accurate. But right now? Not very many care.

Man it’s crazy that you’re still parrotting this line when so many people have said otherwise

Ya but when the game comes out, and it will be inbalanced and it will be a mess. People wont come here and complain, they will just leave.

“iTs oNLy bEtA”

ALWAYS leads to sub losses.

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No idea but then again I haven’t read anything about SL on purpose. Rather just see how it is when it gets here.

That’s what they said about Gear in BC.
That’s what they said about LFG in Wrath.
That’s what they said about talent tiers in Cata.
That’s what they said about Pandas in MoP.
That’s what they said about Flying in WoD.
That’s what they said about Artifact Power in Legion,
That’s what they said about Azerite in BFA.

Anyone will find an excuse to justify leaving. Anyone who leaves will be included into the drama of the moment.

Fifteen years.

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Funny, 13m subs to 1.7m, Hmmmmm sounds like those were not empty threats huh?

Except the people threatening to leave never do. Hm.

13m subs to 1.7m.

Yes, yes they do.

Ohhh and


Because you’ve interviewed them all during their exit survey.

#PullTheRipcord ?

Numbers change for many reasons. Look at how much the MMO genre has changed. As for active subs WoW still ranks near or at the top of MMOs. It very well could be due to many of the changes over the years or it could just be because life changes and the current MMO market wants something more akin to mobile games.

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LOL, Okay.


Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on your view) they will not be ‘pulling the ripcord’ until 9.2 or even more likely 9.3. This version is going to launch and we will have multiple patches of balances on covenants with them switching places with each other until Blizzard finally gives up. You guys are right and I do not see this ending well in its current form. I still support them moving forward with this and looking forward to how it plays out.

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The game wont make it to 9.3 lol.
