OOTL - Why are people hating on Covenants?

Only if you’re a clown who thinks they can get into a meta group with an off meta build.

Be meta if you want to group meta for Your chosen content, and group off meta if you’re gonna be off meta. You can even use raiderio screen the bads. Easy dude.

Builds were substantially more permanent in the days of WoW’s height. People built for their chosen content, and did ok in the other content, even without being meta. It wasn’t until Pandaland that everyone picked up the clown mentality that they had to adjust for every encounter for every minute advantage.

Borrowed power, stupid anima system, restricting player choice for fake “Meaningful choices”, a clearly imbalanced system that is just going to lead to misery for players not on the up and up.

There’s a ton of reason to not like covenants. That’s not even counting RP reasons.

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OP here’s what happened, a couple streamers started crying about how difficult covenants will make their stream content so they can’t milk easy content for money. Because of this their small vocal communities flooded the forums making it seem like a bigger deal than it really is so you can safely ignore all the hater trolls and simply trust in Blizzard to deliver you a great product.

Not really, as you can see I play a classic character, I switch all my skills for PVE vs for PVP.

Back in the older days, alot of the time I actually had to flat out swicth specs. I have always mained Aff for PVP, but had to flop Destro/Demo for raiding at times.

Right here, Im sick of shooting laser beams out of my necklace…Im a hunter. Artifact weapons were far from perfect but at least I was shooting things out of my bow

I’d kick any Goblin that is using rocket jump! OGM!!11! ANy Goblin worth their salt would be using the rocket barrage on that GC!!!11wwe!Q

The big one is the player power being tied to covenants. Many issues are spawned by this. You have things like “I want this covenant for theme, but conflicting theme covenant is bis”. Then you have issues of covenant abilities being impossible to balance because they are built for conflicting purposes. Things like covenant A is generally awesome most of the time because its a generally useful ability, covenant B is for big aoe only, covenant C would be good for pvp if it wasn’t dispellable, and covenant D is lul. And finally you have issues like covenant abilities that fit in one spec but not another like being able to use execute twice as much and ignore armor while doing it as arms fury…and prot, or being able to get free strength from death and decay which is a core button for unholy aoe a proc for blood and now just worth pressing even though it wasn’t before for frost, and so on.